UN Global Compact  |  CEO Water Mandate

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Area: 5888268 km2
Brazil; Peru; Suriname; France; Colombia; Guyana; Bolivia; Venezuela; Ecuador
Santa Cruz; Manaus; La Paz
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Quick Info

2.68 out of 5
WWF Country Risk Score
97 out of 248 Countries
WWF Country Rank
Total Organizations: 51
Total Projects: 84
Priority SDGs: Sustainable Agriculture (SDG 2.4)
Increase Access to Water, Sanitation, Hygiene (SDG 6.1 & 6.2)
Water Quality (SDG 6.3)
Water Use Efficiency (SDG 6.4)
Integrated Water Resource Management (SDG 6.5)
Protect and Restore Ecosystems (SDG 6.6)
International Cooperation and Capacity Building (SDG 6.a)
Stakeholder Participation (SDG 6.b)
Water-Related Disaster Management (SDG 11.5)
Sustainable Production (SDG 12.4)
Climate Resilience and Adaptation (SDG 13.1)
Priority Regions: --
Priority Industries: Biotech, health care & pharma
Food, beverage & agriculture
Organization Types:
NGO / Civil Society
Bilateral and / or Intergovernmental Agency
Utility / Water Service Provider
International Organization
Water Fund
Profile Completion: 73%

Water-Related Challenge Costs

Total annual estimated cost to address all water-related challenges: $7,202,785,998.00

Share of total annual estimated cost to address each individual challenge (2015 $USD):

  • Access to Drinking Water: $885,399,815.00 - [12%]
  • Access to Sanitation: $532,891,429.00 - [7%]
  • Industrial Pollution: $396,711,178.00 - [6%]
  • Agricultural Pollution: $1,790,912,179.00 - [25%]
  • Water Scarcity: $2,396,407,064.00 - [33%]
  • Water Management: $1,200,464,333.00 - [17%]

For more about this data, see information on WRI’s Achieving Abundance dataset here.

Water Challenges

As reported by organizations on the Hub.

Access to Water Supply and Water Services
Local Water Resource Governance
Compliance with Local Regulations and Widely-Accepted Standards
Physical water supply
Socioeconomic and Reputation
Upstream Water Issues
Water Demand and Competition among Users
Land Use Issues
Water Pricing

Country Overview

1.1.1.WATER RESOURCES Peru has a large amount of water resources, with 106 river basins and a per capita availability of 68,321m3 in 2006. According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) the long-run average annual rainfall is 1,738mm. There is significant seasonal variability in river runoffs, two-thirds of which occur between January and April. The Andes divide Peru into three natural drainage basins: Pacific basin (279,000km²), Atlantic basin (959,000km²) and Lake Titicaca basin (47,000km²). According to the National Water Authority (Autoridad Nacional del Agua – ANA), the Pacific basin has 53 rivers; the Atlantic basin has 44 rivers; and Lake Titicaca basin has 9 rivers. According to ANA , the dry Pacific basin, with 37.4km³ available per year, accounts for 1.8 per cent of Peru’s renewable water resources. Its 53 rivers, flowing west from the Andes, supply the bulk of the water to the coastal region. Of these rivers, only about 30 per cent are perennial. From 1984 to 2000, the average water availability decreased to 33km³ per year and from 2003 to 2004 to 20km³ per year. External resources of water enter Peru though tributaries of the Amazon, in the Atlantic river basin, supplying 125 billion cubic metres annually. The main rivers are Napo, Tigre, Pastaza, Santiago, Morona, Cenepa, and Chinchipe. ANA estimates the total amount of groundwater available on the coast to be between 35 and 40km³. There is specific data available only for eight valleys on the coast with 9.0km³ of groundwater available. Around 1.8km³ of water is actually extracted on the coast. Insufficient information is available regarding groundwater availability and withdrawal in the highland and Amazon regions.

1.1.2.WATER USE Agriculture accounts for the withdrawal of 14km³ per year (or 80 per cent of total water use) and domestic withdrawals account for 2km³ per year (12per cent of total water use). The Atlantic basin holds 97 per cent of all available water with nearly 2,000km³ available per year. Agriculture also accounts for 80 per cent of water use, while domestic use accounts for 14 per cent. The Lake Titicaca basin receives 10 billion cubic metres per year. In this basin, agriculture accounts for 66 per cent of total water use, while domestic use accounts for 30 per cent.

1.2.WATER QUALITY, ECOSYSTEMS AND HUMAN HEALTH Major environmental problems are deforestation (some the result of illegal logging); overgrazing of the slopes of the costal and mountain areas leading to soil erosion; desertification; air pollution in Lima; pollution of rivers and coastal waters from municipal and mining wastes. The gradual decrease in Peru’s water quality is due to the release of untreated effluents from mining, industries, municipalities, and agriculture. Of the 53 rivers in the coastal area, 16 are partly polluted by lead, manganese and iron, threatening irrigation and drinkable water supplies. In particular, the Ministry of Agriculture (MINAG) considers "alarming" the quality of the Moche, Santa, Mantaro, Chillon, Rimac, Tambo, and Chili Rivers Notably, the 18 mining facilities situated along the Mantaro River discharge untreated water into the mainstream, threatening the water supply also for the country’s largest hydroelectric facility. Ineffective irrigation has generated salinization and drainage problems in 3,000km² of the coastal valleys (of a total irrigated area of 7,360km²), jeopardizing land productivity and affecting the quality of Lima’s water supply. Drainage problems are also affecting 1,500km² in the Amazon region. In the highland and Amazon areas, excessive deforestation due to nomadic agriculture practices is causing erosion and soil degradation. In the Sierra 55-60 per cent of the land is affected, increasing the amount of soil transported downstream.

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Organizations in Peru

2030 WRG is an innovative public-private platform for collaboration to mobilize stakeholders from the public and private sector, civil society, centers of academic expertise and financing institutions to engage in fact-based, analytical approaches and coalition building initiatives that help governments … Learn More

Agrícola Chapi SA produces and distributes agricultural products. The company was founded in 1997 and is based in Ica, Peru. Learn More

Transformar la gestión del riego y el cuidado del agua a través de soluciones tecnológicas integrales. Nos enfocamos en tres pilares fundamentales: 1) maximizar la eficiencia hídrica en la agricultura sostenible, 2) facilitar la compra de créditos de compensación de … Learn More

Asegurar el acceso al agua de forma sostenible para el desarrollo humano, económico y ambiental, es nuestro propósito. Nuestra misión es desarrollar proyectos sustentables de agua para empresas, que generen impacto positivo en el negocio, en la eficiencia del recurso … Learn More

The Agua Somos Water Fund was created as a water conservation mechanism for Bogotá, with the objective of being an efficient financial tool to administer the necessary resources to implement conservation actions that will guarantee the maintenance and provision of … Learn More

Aguaconserve is a social company focused on the development of water stewardship in the private sector. With more than 6 years in Peru, we are pioneers in the implementation of water efficiency technologies, water footprint assessments, and shared value initiatives. … Learn More


Alegria activity S.L. produces special purpose mobile units. These mobile units are special purpose vehicles used to deploy any kind of service directly and easily to any location and social community in order to conduct turn-key campaigns in HEALTH, EDUCATION, … Learn More

The Alliance for Water Stewardship (AWS) (www.a4ws.org) is a global membership-based network of businesses, civil society organisations and the public sector dedicated to promoting the responsible use of freshwater. AWS Members contribute to the sustainability of shared water resources through … Learn More

La Autoridad Binacional Autónoma del Sistema Hídrico del Lago Titicaca, Río Desaguadero, Lago Poopó, Salar de Coipasa, que en adelante también podrá ser denominada como ALT; es una entidad de derecho público internacional. Misión: pormover, gestionar la protección, y buen … Learn More

Anheuser-Busch InBev is a publicly traded company (Euronext: ABI) based in Leuven, Belgium, with American Depositary Receipts on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: BUD). With a portfolio of well over 200 beer brands, it is the leading global brewer, … Learn More

To generate maximum value for our customers, associates, communities and stockholders, satisfying our consumers’ expectations at all times with the highest quality products and services. Learn More

ASMAN Software Solutions Private Limited is a provider of cutting edge software consultancy, design and development services with headquarters in Hyderabad, India. The company made its inception into the IT arena in 2011 and offers a comprehensive range of Software … Learn More

El Centro Global para el Desarrollo y la Democracia (CGDD) promueve democracias sostenibles y autosuficiencia económica en los países en desarrollo profundizando el conocimiento sobre la pobreza, la desigualdad social y la falta de equilibrio histórico en regiones excluidas. También … Learn More

Independent advisory company seeking to catalyse environmental investments Main focus areas within water issues: water and irrigation, water and sanitation, water and business risk Learn More

Clearford is a new kind of water management company. Operating approximately 200 water and wastewater treatment plants throughout Ontario and 10 sites in India, we deliver unified water infrastructure solutions with sector-leading efficiency. Our comprehensive offering combines innovative water and … Learn More

Lima based NGO with activity all over the Tropical Andes. Focused on Sustainable Mountain DEvelopment from the thematic perspective of Biodiversity, Water and Livelihoods. Andean focal point for global networks and projects like the Mountain Forum, Challenge Programme for Water … Learn More

To create and implement innovative, environmentally friendly wastewater treatment and reuse solutions for any situation anywhere in the world. System O)) are various certified wastewater treatment solutions in terms of performance by the United States, Canada, Europe, and many others. … Learn More

“IC Medicals” and “ The Emission” are two genetically integrated global internet projects about informational copies of substances and biological objects. DST Foundation initiated the integration of these phenomenal projects in August 2009 as they both are based on usage … Learn More

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH is a federally owned organisation. We work worldwide in the field of international cooperation for sustainable development. Our mandate is to support the German Government in achieving its development objectives. We provide viable, … Learn More

About Us EcoDecision is an enterprise dedicated to developing new ways to fund biodiversity conservation and sustainable rural livelihoods. EcoDecision is a pioneer in developing financing mechanisms for ecosystem services including climate change mitigation, water source protection and biodiversity conservation. … Learn More

Together with partners around the world, Forest Trends pioneers innovative finance for conservation - promoting healthy forests, sustainable agriculture, clean water, robust climate action, protected biodiversity, and strong communities. Our programs and initiatives publish timely research, bring together diverse actors, … Learn More

Haug cuenta con dos plantas ubicadas en los distritos de Callao y Lurín - Lima, Perú y se dedicada a la ingeniería, construcción y montaje. Tiene por misión: prestar servicios de su especialidad con los más altos niveles de calidad, … Learn More

INDESCO es una institución privada de desarrollo sin fines de lucro, que lidera con participación inclusiva, transparencia y ética, el desarrollo sostenible de Huancavelica - Peru, con un plantel administrativo destacado logrando aportes concretos para mejorar el desarrollo rural local, … Learn More

The National Water Authority (ANA) is the governing body and the highest technical and regulatory authority of the National Water Resources Management, and also a part of the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation specialized agency. Learn More

Our purpose is to provide Better Care for a Better World. People around the globe benefit from our products in their day-to-day lives, but we know that millions still lack access to basic products that could dramatically improve their quality … Learn More

LAQI is an organization comprised of the leading companies and institutions of Latin America, rating them on issues of Quality and Sustainable Development. LAQI is based and run on the 40+10 actions and directives, and it respects the limits of … Learn More

It is an articulation platform that mobilizes resources to conserve, protect and restore the watersheds of the Chillon, Rimac and Lurin rivers, and thus contribute to the continuous provision of quality water for the users of the basins and mainly … Learn More

Marcobre S.A.C es una empresa peruana titular del proyecto minero Mina Justa ubicado en la localidad de Marcona, provincia de Nazca en la región Ica. La empresa cuenta con el respaldo de BRECA Grupo Empresarial, el cual adquirió a través … Learn More

Dar apoyo a municipios pequeños en la región de Puno-Perú mediante asesoría científica y técnica, para conservar los recursos hídricos y hacer un usos sostenible de ellos. Learn More

Sunass regulates water and sewage companies, oversees quality of service standards, settles customer complaints and sets regulated prices. Learn More

• Nestlé’s ambition is to enhance people’s lives through nutrition, health and wellness. We offer healthier and tastier food and beverage choices at all stages of life and at all times of the day. Based on science and Research and … Learn More

We develop agroforestry projects within the supply chains of companies (Insetting) and value water benefits, among others. We develop as well a Trees4Water valuation tool that we would like to share with your platform. WE REGENERATE ECOSYSTEMS TO IMPROVE LIVELIHOODS … Learn More

Use of desert aquifers to supply needs of ecovillage project in Peruvian Coastal Desert Learn More

Water stewardship has long been one of PepsiCo’s top priorities, and it's an important part of building a Positive Value Chain. As one of the first companies of our size to acknowledge water as a human right, we have a … Learn More

PWI S.A.C. are an environmental consulting firm located in Peru, is the result of the NGO Healthy City (main and pioneer institution in creating healthy cities Peruvian). Learn More

The Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP, by its Spanish acronym) defines itself as a plural and tolerant academic community, based on ethical, democratic and Catholic principles. Our essential foundations are based on academic rigour, a plurality of scientific and … Learn More

A Peruvian NGO working for 28 years designing and implementing interventions to reduce child malnutrition acting on all factors, direct and indirect causes and determinants. PRISMA is part of the Initiative against child malnutrition in Peru working since 2006 with … Learn More

Auditing and Training in Water Stewardship and Water Footprint Learn More

Somos una asociación civil sin fines de lucro que Ðdesde su fundación en el año 1986Ð ha trabajado de manera ininterrumpida en la promoción de políticas y legislación ambiental y en el diseño e implementación de instrumentos que favorezcan el … Learn More

We are Ukrainian company SOUZ-CONTINENT. Our company has advanced innovative, high-tech development projects to work with the water is getting the alternate energy and water purification. Very interested in mutually beneficial cooperation for the prosperity of the world community. Learn More

Christopher Gleadle brings Sustainability, and the Green Economy• to life and shows you how to capture, create and deliver more value: serve customers better, reduce costs and mitigate conspiring environmental and social risk to see opportunity for greater profit. His … Learn More

The Clorox Company is a leading multinational manufacturer and marketer of consumer and professional products with approximately 8,000 employees and fiscal year 2016 revenues of $5.8 billion. Clorox markets some of the most trusted and recognized brand names, including its … Learn More

Trucost provides data and insight to help its clients understand the economic consequences of natural capital dependency. Our clients include companies and their advisors, the investment community, governments, academics and thought leaders. Learn More

Public peruvian University dedicated to form profetionals hom manage and study natural resources and their transformations. Learn More

VILLAGES UNIS est une ONG Suisse, reconnue d’utilité publique au N° 080.913007 date de la décision 18/12/2013 et basée dans la république et Canton de Genève Elle est active dans les domaines de la coopération au développement, à l'aide humanitaire … Learn More

Water For People exists to promote the development of high-quality drinking water and sanitation services, accessible to all, and sustained by strong communities, businesses, and governments. OUR VISION A world where every person has access to reliable and safe water … Learn More

Water Technologies International (GR8 Water) is engaged in the manufacture and distribution of technologically advanced Atmospheric Water Generators (AWG). These unique devices utilize a patent pending air purification input system to produce clean, great-tasting, safe water from the humidity in … Learn More

Whirlpool Corporation is fiercely committed to helping our consumers improve their lives at home through the use of our products. We design our products with our consumers in mind—including innovative features that save time, reduce costs and lower their environmental … Learn More

Promoting the use of innovative water-from-air tech for evaporation and condensate recapture &amp; reuse by communities and businesses resiliently adapting to global warming and responding to disasters. In arid and drying regions lacking or losing surface and groundwaters, atmospheric (clean) … Learn More

X-runner’s mission is to bring reliable and responsible sanitation to urban households that do not have a toilet. We improve their daily lives and create a cleaner, healthier environment for the entire family. Learn More

Projects in Peru

Since 2016 the Toilet Board Coalition’s accelerator program has been supporting entrepreneurs with bespoke mentorship, partnership and the visibility to scale their sanitation economy businesses. More than toilets alone, we look for commercially viable businesses across the sanitation economies – … Learn More

Nestlé tiene el convencimiento de que su futuro depende del uso responsable de los recursos naturales, prueba de ello es que en la fábrica de Lima tiene construida una planta de tratamiento de agua con el objetivo de verter aguas … Learn More

Incentivar y promover el uso eficiente del agua en los hogares de todos los trabajadores de la corporación Mexichem. Desarrollar un taller con expertos, de cultura y promoción del buen uso de agua. Donar a cada colaborador el incentivo “Ecobaño” … Learn More

Tras la medición de la huella hídrica de la planta del Agustino de la empresa Mexichem, se identificó que el mayor consumo de agua se realizaba en el uso doméstico de sus instalaciones. La planta del Agustino cuenta con 44 … Learn More

Incrementar la capacidad de almacenamiento de agua durante todo el año (verano e invierno), para asegurar el riego de los cultivos y fortalecer la organización productiva comunitaria. El distrito de Villa María del Triunfo tiene un alto estrés hídrico, árida … Learn More

A pioneering reforestation and agroforestry project developed in partnership with Acopagro small-scale cocoa farmers cooperative, certified organic and fair trade. This project was created in 2008, with following objectives: Protect ecosystems by developing agroforestry to ensure long-term sustainability of cocoa … Learn More

La Central Termoeléctrica de Aguaytía de la empresa Orazul Energy cuenta con dos turbinas a gas (modelo GT11NMC XL/LP) de 88.441 MW y 86.964 MW que tras la actualización y mejora de los compresores de las turbo-gas, se logró el … Learn More

The Aguaytía Thermoelectric Power Plant of Orazul Energy company has two gas turbines (model GT11NMC XL/LP) of 88,441 MW and 86,964 MW. After updating and improving the compressors of the turbo-gas, the power generation increased its capacity in 9 MW … Learn More

The Clorox Safe Water Project has been operating in the Northern Region of Peru since 2012 (Piura – Tambogrande), installing public bleach dispensers to disinfect microbiologically contaminated drinking water collected from community water sources, as well as providing health and … Learn More

Camposol noticed high consumption of water in cleaning and packing processes. It occurred because there were rugged cement floors which made more difficult the cleaning process, even it was necessary to use more water, disinfectants and man-hours to keep areas … Learn More

Encourage and promote the efficient use of water in the homes of all workers of the Mexichem corporation. Develop a workshop with experts, promoting culture and good use of water. Give each collaborator the "Ecobaño" device and teach its correct … Learn More

Conservación de especies nativas de la costa del Perú Valoración del patrimonio natural del país Sensibilización ambiental Project Results Se utilizan plantas nativas en reemplazo de especies introducidas en areas verdes en la comunidad Se da valor a las plantas … Learn More

Con el objetivo de reducir los consumos de agua para el riego de bosques y cercos vivos de la planta de empaque de espárrago, el proyecto plantea el diseño y construcción de un sistema de tratamiento de agua residual industrial. … Learn More

Project completed Peru: course conducted on the 'Community-Based Risk Screening Tool; Adaptation and Livelihoods' (CRiSTAL) with the key stakeholders in the Nor Yauyos-Cochas Landscape Reserve (the city of Lima's water catchment area), in order to assess the social dimensions of … Learn More

El principal soporte de la Asociación UNACEM es el fortalecimiento a los funcionarios de la Municipalidad y al personal de salud de los EE.SS. para el trabajo de fortalecimiento comunitario, el fortalecimiento del tejido social entre instituciones públicas y entre … Learn More

La falta de proyectos orientados al desarrollo de la piscicultura está ocasionando el desabastecimiento de pescado y problemas de salud principalmente en la población infantil y madres gestantes que requieren de esta fuente de proteinas. El problema principal origina efectos … Learn More

Water culture education for 7,529 children and implementation of the Hydros Project portal Hydros Project provides pedagogical material with educational activities to be used throughout the school year. The portal has access to additional material as videos and images. The … Learn More

Huertos orgánicos – generar una fuente de alimentos saludables en la comunidad educativa, elementos pedagógicos para mejorar la educación y conciencia ambiental Reciclaje – disminuir la generación de residuos solidos mediante el manejo productivo de residuos sólidos. Compostaje – disminución … Learn More

At the beginning of 2014, the wastewater treatment plant was at the limit of its capacity, due to increasing of production. In 2015, Camposol started to improve its wastewater treatment plant. The Project included the construction of a solid separation … Learn More

Install water and sewer connections to public services at the Nuevo Chao Health Center. Avoid wasting water. Replacement of toilets in poor condition and faucets that leak. Create awareness about the importance of having hygienic services in good condition, make … Learn More

The project involves the replacement of 12 toilet’s water discharge system in all areas of the Aguaytía Thermoelectric Plant (camps, operations, contractors and administrative areas) with dual type discharge systems, which leads to savings of 30 liters per day.Project ResultsReduction … Learn More

Mexichem used a water storage tank for domestic use (for administrative areas, toilets, dining room, dressing rooms, irrigation of green areas) and industrial use (for productive process and fire protection system). During maintenance days, this tank must be empty. In … Learn More

UNACEM, aware that the highest direct consumption of water from its Atocongo plant came from the domestic use of the camps, decided in 2015 to initiate a project to reduce water losses in its supply system and thus improve its … Learn More

Despite increasing rates of access to improved water sources (68% in 1992-93 to 89.9% in 2015-16), India continues to face its worst water shortage in history. Approximately six hundred million people are affected by high to extreme water shortages, according … Learn More

Gold Fields spent a total of US $16 million on water management and projects (including ARD management) during 2016. In addition, Gold Fields has implemented a number of shared value water projects at Cerro Corona. These involve building and maintaining … Learn More

Cerro Corona has proactive engagements with community organisations and local governments where it is a large supplier of potable water to the communities. During 2016 Cerro Corona invested over US$3m in developing and upgrading water systems for nearby communities. This … Learn More

Since its establishment in 2012, Forest Trends has partnered with the Ministry of Environment (MINAM) on the Incubator for Ecosystem Services Mechanisms, through our key regional partnership with EcoDecision and with the local technical support and coordination of CONDESAN. The … Learn More

De acuerdo al estudio de Huella Hídrica, el agua de lluvia que cae sobre los depósitos mineros en Tantahuatay debe ser tratada antes de su descarga en el cuerpo receptor, este volumen de agua implica consumo de energia y evaporación … Learn More

En el proceso de elaboración de helados D’onito, una de las fases es la pasteurización, procedimiento que consiste en someter la mezcla a una temperatura de 80°C durante un periodo de tiempo, enfriándolo después rápidamente, con el fin de eliminar … Learn More

One of the phases in the process of creating ice cream is the pasteurization. It consists in putting the blending through 80°C of temperature during a period of time, and then get the blender colder rapidly. It eliminates microorganisms without … Learn More

Introducing drip irrigation to agriculture and forestry in the Rimac basin area.Project ResultsSaving water, increasing yields, stopping soil runoff and erosion, using fewer fertilizers and reducing river and aquifer contamination. Learn More

Development of projects for water reuse and pursue other sources for water withdrawal.The Sustainable Water Management Program(PGSA) aims to identify regions with water shortage risk, to promote direct actions and investments to increase water use efficiency. Project Results Learn More

A pioneering agroforestry and reforestation project in the Peruvian Amazon OBJECTIVES Half of the Lamas territory is still covered with primary rainforest. In order to preserve these forests and reduce the pressure on natural areas, the Oro Verde cooperative works … Learn More

•Apoyar el acceso al agua potable mediante una plataforma virtual que es operada por la Cruz Roja Colombiana, se usa para donar agua haciendo que la solidaridad de los colombianos sea altamente efectiva. Tenemos dos tipos de ayuda 1. En … Learn More

We supported UNICEF�s global response to the COVID-19 pandemic to expand efforts to keep children and their families safe from infection. Our donation of $450,000 and $55,000 in essential supplies, including water tanks and pipes manufactured by Orbia, helped address … Learn More

The responses for managing water risks include risk assessments; Environmental Management Systems; the use of predictive water balances; rainwater harvesting; storm water management and water re-use, recycling and conservation initiatives. During 2018 Gold Fields intends to set targets in line … Learn More

Instalar las conexiones de agua y alcantarillado público en el Centro de Salud de Nuevo Chao, evitar el desperdicio de agua, reemplazar inodoros en mal estado y grifos que presentan fugas, crear conciencia acerca de la importancia de tener SSHH … Learn More

UNACEM, consciente de que el mayor consumo directo de agua de su planta Atocongo provenía del uso doméstico de los campamentos, decidió en el 2015 iniciar un proyecto para reducir pérdidas de agua en su sistema de abastecimiento y mejorar … Learn More

Mexichem venía utilizando un tanque de almacenamiento de agua para uso doméstico, áreas administrativas, servicios higiénicos, comedor, camerinos, riego de áreas verdes, e industrial, para los procesos productivos y el sistema contra incendios. Este tanque debía ser vaciado para su … Learn More

El centro educativo especial “Divino Tesoro” es un centro que alberga niños con condiciones especiales en sus talleres de desarrollo. Asimismo, el centro educativo inicial "Divino Pastor" alberga niños menores de 5 años. El proyecto tiene como objetivo crear condiciones … Learn More

A inicios del año 2014, la planta de tratamiento se encontraba al límite de su capacidad, debido al incremento de la producción. Es por ello que Camposol inició en el 2015 el mejoramiento de la Planta de Tratamiento de Aguas … Learn More

El proyecto consiste en instalar equipos de medición, mejoramiento de la red de agua de uso poblacional y difundir las medidas de uso eficiente de consumo de agua mediante la campaña "Cuidemos el agua" dirigida a los trabajdores de UNACEM … Learn More

El estudio de Huella Hídrca, contempla la instalación de equipos para el uso eficiente del agua en la generación del energía. Fénix Power utiliza el sistema de energía conocido como ciclo combinado. La planta utiliza gas natural en 2 turbinas … Learn More

El estudio de Huella Hídrica de la C.H. El Platanal muestra que el agua consumida en el proceso de generación eléctrica es de 2 273 696 m3/año. Este consumo se encuentra concentrado en la evaporación en los embalses (90% embalse … Learn More

The Natural Infrastructure for Water Security (NIWS) project enables the Government of Peru to improve its management of their natural resources to increase water security and provide a sustainable economic future for its citizens, while alo reducing migration and the … Learn More

El principal objetivo y compromiso asumido por ACP es contribuir al uso eficiente del recurso agua por parte de los agricultores que forman parte de la Comisión de Usuarios del Sub Sector Hidráulico Talambo (CUSSHT), quienes pertenecen al Valle Jequetepeque. … Learn More

Camposol tiene instalada una planta de tratamiento de agua residual industrial y doméstica, la misma que tiene una capacidad de tratamiento real de 40 m3/hr. La descarga de agua que se monitorea tiene como principales parámetros y concentraciones las siguientes: … Learn More

La Planta de Helados D’onofrio de Nestlé en Lima cuenta con 25 puntos de distribución de agua para la limpieza de máquinas de producción. Estos puntos disponen de mangueras para la entrega de agua, las mismas que no son las … Learn More

The Group is committed to the progressive reduction of its water needs in all of its production processes, where possible promoting its internal reuse. Among the optimization interventions realized, in some coal-fired power stations the blowdown from the closed-circuit cooling … Learn More

The Oxapampa Ash‡ninka Yaneshas (RBOAY) Biosphere Reserve is threatened by deforestation due to agrigulture, coca cultivation, timber, and cattle grazing. This negatively impacts the ecosystem, the capacity of the water systems, and rural populations. The project seeks to contribute to … Learn More

Al sur de Lima, en una de las zonas más áridas de la ciudad, se ubica la localidad de Las Salinas, parte del distrito de Chilca. Actualmente, esta población no cuenta con los servicios de agua y saneamiento. Para mitigar … Learn More

Restoration of vegetation cover in areas the river shed of Ampiyacu River Learn More

Indicadores de interés: 27 ideas de Proyecto de Inversión Pública (PIP) sobre infraestructura natural formulados. PEN 39,703,160.00 potencialmente movilizados con recursos del Estado. Fortalecimiento de la institucionalidad de 3 municipalidades en PIP de infraestructura natural. 89 comuneras y ciudadano/as con … Learn More

El proyecto de reducción de huella hídrica, consiste en el cambio de 30 inodoros tradicionales e instalación de 20 inodoros con fluxometros, ubicados dentro de los servicios higiénicos de las oficinas administrativas, almacenes y planta, reemplazando a inodoros ahorradores con … Learn More

El Proyecto Hydros cuenta con material pedagógico con actividades educativas para ser utilizadas durante todo el año escolar, adicional a esto el programa cuenta con videos e imágenes para la acción como complemento del programa. El proyecto busca concientizar y … Learn More

El acuifero de Ica se encuentra en deficit y es un riesgo para la continuidad de la economia de la provincia que se sustenta principalmente por la agroexportacion. Toda accion que ayude a reducir ese deficit es prioritaria. Se ha … Learn More

El estudio de Huella Hídrica contempla que los consumos de las áreas administrativas son de especial interés. En tal sentido, el proyecto contempla el reemplazo de 12 sistemas de descarga de agua de los inodoros en todas las áreas de … Learn More

Objetivos: Incrementar la disponibilidad del recurso hídrico, a través de la implementación de proyectos para la promoción de técnicas locales y ancestrales de almacenamiento de agua y de recarga hídrica. Contribuir al uso sostenible y eficiente del recurso hídrico, así … Learn More

This proposal outlines an intended partnership between Coca-Cola’s South Latin Business Unit and TNC, to contribute towards water security collaboratively by investing in watershed management activities and the development of collective action mechanisms in the source watersheds of four cities … Learn More

In GB, together with The Rivers Trust we are working to implement a series of critical nature-based solutions, which will replenish water in some of the most water stressed areas. Funded by the Coca-Cola Foundation, the three-year programme will support … Learn More

In the Nestlé ice cream production plant (D’onofrio), the washing process is constant in 40 maturation tanks and 11 lines of ice cream production with the Cleaning in Place (CIP) system. CIP consists in the circulation of washing liquids (water-acid … Learn More

El estudio de huella hídrica determinó que el volumen de agua consumida para la preparación de reactivos fue de 15 627 m3/año, este consumo de agua proviene de pozos y representa una oportunidad para reducir la extracción. El proyecto tiene … Learn More

Los sectores de riego en la cuenca media del río Cañete se encuentran agrupados en organizaciones de usuarios (Comunidades campesinas), ubicados en las provincias de Cañete y Yauyos. Estas asociaciones presentan una agricultura desarrollada en base a “cultivos en limpio”, … Learn More

Camposol identificó que utilizaba mucha agua en los procesos de limpieza en la planta de lavado y empaquetado de cultivos, esto ocurría porque los pisos de las áreas de producción estaban cubiertos con cemento, material que hacía difícil la limpieza … Learn More

Implementar un sistema de riego por goteo en biohuertos escolares, con un enfoque ambiental y una metodología que permita trabajar el biohuerto escolar como un eje transversal a todas las asignaturas escolares. Instalar sistemas de riego tecnificado por goteo y … Learn More

Elevar los ingresos de proveedores de leche fresca a través del incremento de la producción y del mejoramiento de la calidad de leche que proveen. Desarrollar infraestructura para mejorar el aprovechamiento de agua en el manejo de pastos. Fortalecer capacidades … Learn More

After assessing water footprint of the Agustino plant, Mexichem identified that the highest quantity of consumed water came from domestic use. The Agustino plant has 44 bathrooms, 20 with conventional tanks (10 lt) and 24 with fluxometers, which is a … Learn More

Coimolache ha identificado a las comunidades de Chencho y Ramirez ubicadas en el distrito de Chugur, provincia de Hualgayoc, estas comunidaes tienen como una de sus actividades principales a la ganadería. El recurso hídrico tiene vital importania en esta actividad … Learn More

Starbucks and Conservation International began an assessment of the water component of the Coffee and Farmer Equity (C.A.F.E.) Practices program in 2008, focused on 2 stages in the coffee value chain: cultivating, growing and harvesting coffee using methods that avoid … Learn More

The project aimed at developing the capacity of the national environmental authorities and local farmers in the Amazonian regions of Peru and Colombia to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and advance efforts to adapt to the impacts of climate change. To … Learn More

The 5 benefited educational institutions have school gardens and green areas as part of their pedagogical and recreational plan. These orchards and green areas did not have an efficient conduction system for irrigation, so they are commonly irrigated with water … Learn More

Increase the income of fresh milk suppliers through the increase of production and the improvement of the quality of milk they provide. The communities of Chonta Alta, Quinuayoc and Mahuaypampa in the district of San Esteban de Chetilla do not … Learn More

The Amazon basin stretches over 8 million square kilometers. Inaccessibility provides effective protection for invaluable habitats for animals and plants. Madre de Dios province in the East of Peru is a prime example of this remoteness. Scientists estimate that 10% … Learn More

The industrial services area of the D'Onofrio plant of Nestlé proposed a project to use water from an osmosis plant to supply the cooling system for ten evaporative condensers, which previously used water from well. In the cooling process, the … Learn More

Water.org’s primary solution is WaterCredit – small, affordable loans accessed by people at the base of the economic pyramid to install locally appropriate household water and sanitation solutions. Water.org partners with local financial institutions to implement water and sanitation lending … Learn More

While 81% of rural Peruvians have access to basic and safely managed water service, these figures do not reflect access to clean water critical for handwashing to prevent the spread of diseases like COVID-19. Water For People works in two … Learn More

In Peru, the Water Futures Partnership has developed a comprehensive program to increase the sustainability of groundwater use in Lima following assessments of the socio-economic and hydrological risks facing the Rimac River Basin. Backus (SABMiller’s subsidiary) and GIZ are working … Learn More

Water.org Peru 2022 -2024: Lima, Piura, La Libertad, Lambayeque, Arequipa, Puno, Cajamarca, Junín, Ica, Ancash, Cusco, Callao, Moquegua, Tacna, Tumbes, Huánuco, Ayacucho, Ucayali, Amazonas, San Martín, Pasco, Lima Province, Loreto, Huancavelica, Apurímac, Madre De Dios. Reach up to 200,000 people … Learn More

The district of Villa María del Triunfo has a high water stress, arid most of the year. It has rates of extreme poverty of 0.8% and extreme poverty of 20.3%. In winter, the hill Las Tunas is covered with mist. … Learn More

In 2020, the Global Power Generation launched the WaVE (Water Value Enhancement) project with the aim of mapping needs and water withdrawal sources in all of its thermal and renewables production sites in order to set new objectives to reduce … Learn More

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David Arturo Eche López

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