UN Global Compact  |  CEO Water Mandate

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Area: 5888268 km2
Brazil; Peru; Suriname; France; Colombia; Guyana; Bolivia; Venezuela; Ecuador
Santa Cruz; Manaus; La Paz
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Quick Info

2.83 out of 5
WWF Country Risk Score
74 out of 248 Countries
WWF Country Rank
Total Organizations: 88
Total Projects: 43
Priority SDGs: Sustainable Agriculture (SDG 2.4)
Increase Access to Water, Sanitation, Hygiene (SDG 6.1 & 6.2)
Water Quality (SDG 6.3)
Integrated Water Resource Management (SDG 6.5)
International Cooperation and Capacity Building (SDG 6.a)
Sustainable Production (SDG 12.4)
Climate Resilience and Adaptation (SDG 13.1)
Priority Regions: --
Priority Industries: Biotech, health care & pharma
Food, beverage & agriculture
Power generation
Organization Types:
NGO / Civil Society
International Organization
Utility / Water Service Provider
Bilateral and / or Intergovernmental Agency
Multi-stakeholder Organization
Profile Completion: 73%

Water-Related Challenge Costs

Total annual estimated cost to address all water-related challenges: $2,577,268,729.00

Share of total annual estimated cost to address each individual challenge (2015 $USD):

  • Access to Drinking Water: $1,041,513,495.00 - [40%]
  • Access to Sanitation: $1,013,404,694.00 - [39%]
  • Industrial Pollution: $74,392,959.00 - [3%]
  • Agricultural Pollution: $18,402,597.00 - [1%]
  • Water Scarcity: $10,196.00 - [0%]
  • Water Management: $429,544,788.00 - [17%]

For more about this data, see information on WRI’s Achieving Abundance dataset here.

Water Challenges

As reported by organizations on the Hub.

Access to Water Supply and Water Services
Physical water supply
Water Demand and Competition among Users
Land Use Issues
Local Water Resource Governance
Socioeconomic and Reputation
Upstream Water Issues
Water Pricing
Compliance with Local Regulations and Widely-Accepted Standards

Country Overview

1.1.1.WATER RESOURCES The Nile basin constitutes about 98 per cent of the total area of the country, while a fringe of about 4,500km2 along the country’s border with Kenya belongs to the Rift Valley basin. The Ugandan part of the Nile basin shares a large part of the extensive interconnected system of the Equatorial Lakes, which forms the upper part of the White Nile. Lake Victoria, which drains a total area of about 184,000km2 in Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania, Kenya and the entire southern part of Uganda, has its outlet at Jinja. Passing the Owen Falls Dam, the water flows through the Victoria Nile into Lake Kyoga and subsequently into the northern end of Lake Albert. The other branch of the lake system, i.e. Lake George and Lake Edward, is connected via the Semliki River, which flows into the southern end of Lake Albert. From Lake Albert, the Albert Nile flows northwards towards Sudan. Uganda’s wetlands are widespread and complex. About 10 per cent of the country, or approximately 24,000km2, is covered by wetlands (swamps), of which about one-third is permanently flooded. In the south and west of the country, they form an extensive low gradient drainage system in steep V-shaped valley bottoms with a permanent wetland core and relatively narrow seasonal wetland edges. In the north, they mainly consist of broad floodplains. In the east, they exist as a network of small, vegetated valley bottoms in a slightly undulating landscape. Wetlands may reduce the effects of both floods and droughts, provide fish resources and support cropping and grazing along their margins, and they are centres of high biodiversity and productivity as well as valuable refuges and sources of food for fish. Furthermore, they are active biological filters in the treatment of effluents, but because of this function they are also sensitive to the accumulation of pollution. Internal surface water resources are estimated to be 39km3/yr. Groundwater is believed to be around 29km3/yr, but all of this is considered to be overlap between surface water and groundwater, keeping the total internal renewable water resources (IRWR) at 39km3/yr. External resources of 27km3/yr comprise inflow from Lake Victoria (25km3/yr) as well as inflow via Lake Edward and Lake Albert from the Democratic Republic of Congo. The total renewable water resources of the country are estimated to be 66km3/yr. The potential yield from deep aquifers is above 3m3/hr in the southwest, southeast and northwest and along the eastern border of the country. In large areas of the central parts of the country potential yields are 2-3m3/hr, while in some areas it is below 1m3/hr.

1.1.2.WATER USE Uganda’s total water withdrawal was 300 million m3 in 2002, representing 0.4 per cent of total renewable water resources. The greatest water user was the municipal sector with 134 million m3, followed by irrigation and livestock with 120 million m3, and industry with 46 million m3. Groundwater represents the main source of municipal water supply for the rural population of Uganda. It is also important for livestock use, particularly in the drier regions. Groundwater extraction takes place from springs, boreholes and to a lesser extent from hand-dug wells. Surveys have identified some 12,000 springs in Uganda, of which more than 4,500 have been developed and protected for safe use. About 9,000 boreholes, typically drilled to a depth of 60-90m, are equipped with hand pumps. Rates of actual extraction are low and most hand pumps have capacities between 0.6 and 1.2m3/hr depending on the pumping head.

1.2.WATER QUALITY, ECOSYSTEMS AND HUMAN HEALTH Major environmental problems are draining of wetlands for agricultural use; deforestation; overgrazing; soil erosion; water hyacinth infestation in Lake Victoria; widespread poaching. Through the Environmental Impact Assessment, precautions are always taken to avoid pollution of lakes, rivers and streams in the event of developing irrigation schemes. Farmers are encouraged to leave a vegetative area around the water source, with a width of 50m for small streams or 100m for large rivers. Additionally, farmers are continuously educated on the use of agrochemicals in combination with water management. Partial and total sedimentation of dams and valley tanks has occurred in most structures from the 1960s (over 1,000) and it is a common phenomenon in the Karamoja area, where most of the soils are sandy/sandy loam in nature. This has substantially curtailed valley tank/dam construction in the area for livestock watering, and sedimentation would be one of the risks when the need arises for construction of irrigation structures. These structures are breeding grounds for mosquitoes, hence the prevalence of malaria among the surrounding communities. Bilharzia flourishes in streams or swamps with low water velocities and farmers are in constant contact with the water. Consequently, farmers in Kibimba, Doho and Olweny irrigation schemes have fallen prey to the disease. Incidences of river blindness have been reported in some parts of western Uganda.

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Organizations in Uganda

#ClearWaterInitiative is an extension of the Fish Foundation Global Nation Foundation's program known as “Transformation of Nations.” It's a clear precise mission and purpose through our unique structured water device providing healthy water that increases oxygen, decrease dehydration restores healthy … Learn More

AAR’s success has largely been driven by our people and their commitment to always offer high quality and affordable healthcare – by operating responsibly, executing with excellence, applying innovative technologies and capturing new opportunities for profitable growth. AAR Healthcare is … Learn More

To Strengthen the marginalised and needy among the community to come up with sustainable, low cost and gender responsive solutions to their problems Learn More

Community programming around Water harvesting techniques and rehabilitation of watch catchment areas all aimed at conserving the water resources. Learn More

Our Mission; -Fostering a holistic approach by empowering communities live to their full potential with due respect of their human dignity with increased income. Learn More

Alegria activity S.L. produces special purpose mobile units. These mobile units are special purpose vehicles used to deploy any kind of service directly and easily to any location and social community in order to conduct turn-key campaigns in HEALTH, EDUCATION, … Learn More

We believe all people should have access to the basic means of survival and well-being, and our mission is for all people to be free from extreme poverty. Specfically, we're looking to fund the most effective and sustainable projects that … Learn More

Amuria District Development Agency (ADDA) is an independent, non – profit local non-Governmental Organisation established in 2006. It’s committed to complement government efforts to rejuvenate socio-economic status of communities through community based interventions. ADDA is legally registered with NGO Board, … Learn More

Antea Group is an international engineering and environmental consulting firm with access to more than 3,000 consultants in over 100 offices around the world. Our Sustainability Practice brings together management consultants and technical experts offering solutions from strategy through implementation … Learn More

The company was founded for this moment, on a combined conviction in the power of human ingenuity and the potential of practical action to solve the problems of the decisive decade, and make sustainability happen. We believe that productivity and … Learn More

Vision: Socially and Economically, Just and Peaceful Society Mission: Offer communities and institutions, the art and set of options, for their development, empowerment, institutional strengthening and continuous learning within their framework to live with human dignity, social justice, peace, and … Learn More

Bashaamwe is a movement aiming at creating awareness of environmental pollution and creating ideas for environmental conservation. Learn More

El grupo Biosfera, es un think tank en investigacion de futuros sustentables. (BIOSFERA, INVESTIGACIÓN DE FUTUROS) es un equipo de análisis cuyo core business es la investigación prospectiva para la construcción de futuros deseables (futurables), asociados a la sustentabilidad (planeamiento … Learn More

"Develop women’s professional and leadership potential at all levels", with the determination that our effort will lead to "Equal Participation of Women and Men in Power and Decision-Making Roles". Main focus: Policy and legislation; participation of all stakeholders, especially women … Learn More

Our mission is to provide complete water development services and affordable products, creating access to clean water. This includes a wide assortment of essential, sustainable, life-enhancing products and services to benefit people living in crisis. Our clients are mostly NGO's … Learn More

To provide excellent and accessible services that improve the quality life of children, youth, women and elderly people. Learn More

To empowered underprivilaged children, Youths and Women through access to quality education, Suatainable Livelihoods and Water sanitation and hygiene Learn More

Independent advisory company seeking to catalyse environmental investments Main focus areas within water issues: water and irrigation, water and sanitation, water and business risk Learn More

Improvoving human health while creating better conditions for the sustainable development of our communities. Learn More

The Climate Connected Benefit Society is an industrial and provident society for the benefit of the community – a very simple funding vehicle, which allows ordinary, socially aware investors in the UK to put their capital to work in a … Learn More

Main focus is SUDS retrofit to tackle flooding and water quality problems in the City of Coventry, UK, and to provide biodiversity and amenity benefits to wildlife and citizens. Coventry has Living Lab Status and the group includes Coventry University … Learn More

“IC Medicals” and “ The Emission” are two genetically integrated global internet projects about informational copies of substances and biological objects. DST Foundation initiated the integration of these phenomenal projects in August 2009 as they both are based on usage … Learn More

Construction of civil and water works. Construction and rehabilitation of water sources Learn More

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH is a federally owned organisation. We work worldwide in the field of international cooperation for sustainable development. Our mandate is to support the German Government in achieving its development objectives. We provide viable, … Learn More

Diageo plc is a British multinational alcoholic beverages company, with its headquarters in London, England. Diageo is the world's largest producer of spirits and a key producer of beer. Diageo's commitment to water stewardship is outlined in its Blueprint Water … Learn More

Earthwatch is an International NGO which focusses on scientific research and education about environmental issues. Earthwatch run FreshWater Watch, an employee engagement programme which raises awareness of fresh water issues through hands-on Citizen Science Leader training days. In addition to … Learn More

To ensure equal access to clean, safe and sustainable water and sanitation facilities in Uganda. Learn More

First Climate is a globally leading provider of water project development and carbon offset services. We help our corporate clients across Europe, Asia-Pacific and the US to get engaged in water stewardship activities and manage and compensate their carbon emissions. … Learn More

To contribute to sustainable community transformation through sensitization, mobilization and empowerment of women, girls and other vulnerable people, foster sustainable development and environmental conservation. Learn More

GSMA Mobile for Development brings together our mobile operator members, the wider mobile industry and the development community to drive commercial mobile services for underserved people in emerging markets. We identify opportunities for social, economic and environmental impact and stimulate … Learn More

The mission of GATE Global Impact is to fulfill the increasing global demand for market infrastructure that enables capital to identify and transact in investments that provide a sustainable social and/or environmental benefit and financial return. Learn More

Global Compact Local Network Learn More

Global Wash Frontiers - GWFenvisions Healthy communities especially to the poor and marginalized with access to clean and safewater, good sanitation and good hygiene practices in Uganda. Provide drinking water, sanitation, and hygiene services to people in rural areas through … Learn More

The Global Water Partnership (GWP) is a global action network with over 3,000 Partner organisations in 179 countries. The network has 68 accredited Country Water Partnerships and 13 Regional Water Partnerships. The network is open to all organisations involved in … Learn More

To support communities through knowledge based environmental initiatives that advance sustainable development and livelihoods. Learn More

Driven to develop solutions for global sustainability with energy efficient pump solutions, Grundfos is one of the world's leading providers of pump solutions for water supply, industry, commercial buildings, and domestic buildings. Learn More

HYDROC is an association of independent consultants, -scientists and -engineers, providing water-related services through a network of national and international experts. Our concept uses the synergies of our combined expertise for the successful implementation of a variety of projects. Our … Learn More

We exist to promote a positive difference in people’s lives by working in partnership with beneficiaries and stakeholders to create and implement innovative solutions to critical socio-economic challenges facing humanitarian settings; we promote innovative and durable solutions and are advocates … Learn More

IFS aims to contribute towards strengthening the capacity of developing countries to conduct relevant and high quality research on the sustainable management of biological and water resources. This involves the study of physical, chemical, and biological processes, as well as … Learn More

IWMI is one of 15 international research centers supported by the network of 60 governments, private foundations and international and regional organizations collectively known as CGIAR. It is a non-profit organization with a staff of 350 and offices in over … Learn More

Our organisation mission has been put towards contributing to the promotion of socio-economic development through support to education and health initiatives, community empowerment and promotion of food security through sustainable farming practices that do not harm our environment. Learn More

Our mission is to create cycles within the targeted communities and these cycles consist of both basic utilities and long term utilities. These utilities include access to safe and affordable water, well equipped and affordable health care, food security, descent … Learn More

We support women in least developed countries by improving sanitation, upgrading infrastructure, providing vocational training support, improving their menstrual health, and defending their right to education. Learn More

About Mara Water River Users Association Mara Ecosystem: Significant Water Tower &amp; Home to World Famous Mara Game Reserve The Mara River Basin - An important source of water &amp; other natural resources Background Over the years, the quantity and … Learn More

Mbarara University of Science and Technology also known as MUST lies on the banks of the scenic meandering Rwizi River a tributary of Lake Victoria in Mbarara Municipality along the Kabale highway, 286 kilometers, southwest of Kampala, the capital city … Learn More

To promote human rights skills development for youth both boys and girls through Education, Sensitization on HIV-AIDS, Hygiene and Water Learn More

The mission is to provide sustainable water and sewerage services that exceeds customer needs. Vission for satisfaction to all customers in water and sewerage services. Learn More

Sunass regulates water and sewage companies, oversees quality of service standards, settles customer complaints and sets regulated prices. Learn More

NatuReS’ Vision: Preserving Natural Resources The Natural Resources Stewardship Programme (NatuReS) enables private-public-civil society partnerships to manage the natural resources they need for sustainable growth and better livelihoods. The programme’s vision is a world where all stakeholders collaborate to sustainably … Learn More

Of Owen Falls Dam. After several ownerships, SABMiller Plc, the world’s 2nd largest brewer in the world, acquired the company in 2001 from the Madhvani family. The combined capacity of Nile Breweries Limited with two plants in Jinja and Mbarara … Learn More

We will not stop until everyh Child has an education, clean water and enough to eat. Learn More

INTRODUCTION Orphans and Widows of AIDS Uganda is a charitable organisation founded in July 2000 by Kayongo Nsereko with other members as a nonprofit organization dedicated to assisting the most disadvantaged people in society. These people include most particularly the … Learn More

P2P Inc, people helping people, one village at a time. Villages in Africa frequently have no water, sanitation, malaria protection, nor prenatal services. Consequently, the people suffer constant illness and death. Rather than studying, working, and contributing to the world, … Learn More

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To achieve lasting improvement in the quality of life of the poor, marginalized and disadvantaged persons by enabling them, their families and communities to meet their basic needs and to increase their ability to participate in and benefit from their … Learn More

To achieve lasting improvement in the quality of life of the poor, marginalized and disadvantaged persons by enabling them, their families and communities to meet their basic needs and to increase their ability to participate in and benefit from their … Learn More

P4G – Partnering for Green Growth and the Global Goals 2030 – is a new initiative, commenced in 2018, with the ambition of becoming the world’s leading forum for developing concrete public-private partnerships at scale to deliver on the SDGs … Learn More

Last year I have been in Uganda with the „Shades of Grey Parrots“-Group – organized by Elaine Henley(animal behaviourist). The group wants to stop the poaching of African Grey Parrots, by helping to establish an ECO-Tourism in this beautiful country, … Learn More

Water Education Everywhere Finite but renewable, water is essential for life. We all use, need and impact water, so understanding how we can use water more sustainably is vital. Water literacy starts with effective education. Our mission is to provide … Learn More

Sufficient and safe water should be available to everyone. Unfortunately, many people don’t have access to safe water. How to change that? Harvest rainwater! Since its foundation in 2003, RAIN has been working with its partners to develop, spread and … Learn More

A mission to support socio-economic communitie through health promotion, environmental management and education advocacy with measurable impacts. A vision of creating a healthy productive community in which every citizen attains possible health and sustainable environment. We are always at the … Learn More

To transform the lives of the community to provide a platform to build partnership among all sectors in the community through efficient and effective service delivery Learn More

To develop and provide innovative solutions, training and consultancy services with applied research in irrigation and water resources, greenhouse farming, sustainable agriculture practices, aquaculture, climate change mitigation and adaptation solutions. we seek to work with farmers, develop rural programs, youths, … Learn More

Our focus is on designing, manufacturing and supplying sanitation solutions that impact positively on the enviornment and thereby contributing to SDG 6 directly, but indirectly on SDG 3. Our toilet products are designed to operate without water for flushing, and … Learn More

Our organization is dedicated to Deliver High-Quality, Child-Centered Programs That Foster The Physical, Emotional, And Cognitive Development Of Vulnerable Children And Their Families, Provide safe clean water to prevent water born diseases and offer offer quality education for all. Learn More

To attain gender equality in a Ugandan local community through promoting the social, political, educational and economic participation of women and children in community development programs. SCOEN strives to create a future in which all Ugandan women will be viewed … Learn More

The Sindh Irrigation and Drainage Authority (SIDA) is an autonomous organization, taking over the Sindh irrigation and drainage system from the Sindh Irrigation and Power Department. It was established in 1997, an innovative act to devolve power in the water … Learn More

To empower and promote integrated development of general public health. Our Mission is to encourage a coherent, vibrant and informed citizenry towards national development. We work to rehabilitate and construct sources of water and sanitation such as bore holes, wells, … Learn More

We are Ukrainian company SOUZ-CONTINENT. Our company has advanced innovative, high-tech development projects to work with the water is getting the alternate energy and water purification. Very interested in mutually beneficial cooperation for the prosperity of the world community. Learn More

Ssamba Foundation is a community based development not-for-profit organization which was founded in 2006 by Isaac Ssamba. Ssamba Foundation provides long-term sustainable solutions to problems in rural Uganda which are mainly caused by poverty. Ssamba Foundation collaborates with local, national … Learn More

Integrated development through community initiatives Learn More

CAWST, the Centre for Affordable Water and Sanitation Technology, is a non-profit organization that provides training and consulting to organizations that work directly with populations in developing countries who lack access to clean water and basic sanitation. CAWST "walks beside" … Learn More

Trucost provides data and insight to help its clients understand the economic consequences of natural capital dependency. Our clients include companies and their advisors, the investment community, governments, academics and thought leaders. Learn More

Lake Victoria Water and Sanitation Program Phase II and Lake Tanganyika Water and Sanitation Program Phase I Learn More

The Mission of Union of Community Development Volunteers is to transform the lives of the extremely marginalised communities on a voluntary - led strategy. Learn More

Mission: Water for all. All for Water. Viva con Agua (VcA) Uganda is a National Non-Governmental Organization established and committed to increasing access to clean and safe drinking water, sanitation, and hygiene for all Ugandans. We are a local partner … Learn More

Mission: Involving community and other stakeholders to improve life standard in rural and urban areas to take active role in water, sanitation and environmental protection activities by raising awareness, capacity building, advocacy and lobbing in order to ensure sustainable water/sanitation … Learn More

Transforming the life of rural community with clean underground water Learn More

Water For People exists to promote the development of high-quality drinking water and sanitation services, accessible to all, and sustained by strong communities, businesses, and governments. OUR VISION A world where every person has access to reliable and safe water … Learn More

Water Technologies International (GR8 Water) is engaged in the manufacture and distribution of technologically advanced Atmospheric Water Generators (AWG). These unique devices utilize a patent pending air purification input system to produce clean, great-tasting, safe water from the humidity in … Learn More

Provide adequate and equitable access to safe and affordable water, sanitation and hygiene to people in developing countries. Learn More

WaterAid is an international NGO focused exclusively on ensuring equitable access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene education for the world’s poorest communities. Formed in 1981, we have been working in water, sanitation and hygiene for over 30 years. To … Learn More

WaterEmpowerment seeks to educate, build and sustain safe clean water projects within Zambia. This will be implemented through the Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) program model as a way of decreasing water borne disease, increasing life expectancy and improving overall … Learn More

WaterStep responds to critical needs for safe water by evaluating and implementing solutions and teaching people to use those tools. WaterStep saves lives with safe water by empowering communities to take care of their own long-term water needs. We believe … Learn More

To inspire people to live in harmony with nature for the benefit of our country and well-being of all Learn More

YAD MISSION To have a life changing through socio-economic activities Learn More

To transform communities by inspiring youth throughout the Teso region and Uganda as a whole to drive a new era of development, growth, and productivity. Learn More

ÁLON connects people and resources to raise awareness, converge best practice and collaboration, to support the transition of industries, leaders &amp; lifestyles dependent on water – towards minimizing our water footprints. “We aim to shape consensus among pioneering Water Ambassadors … Learn More

Projects in Uganda

Since 2016 the Toilet Board Coalition’s accelerator program has been supporting entrepreneurs with bespoke mentorship, partnership and the visibility to scale their sanitation economy businesses. More than toilets alone, we look for commercially viable businesses across the sanitation economies – … Learn More

The Borehole project is a micro project in Uganda, providing a source of clean drinking water to a local communityThe most basic requirement to sustain life is clean water. For many rural communities across Sub-Saharan Africa the struggle to find … Learn More

Access to safe water is the foundation to the development of all communities. Safe and reliable water restores hope and unlocks potential and opportunity. As the water crisis has grown to a global level leaving in its path a plethora … Learn More

We promote the conservation of upper river Mubuku water catchment area and put in place actions to increase awareness and education on environment issues Project Results Learn More

1 Vertical Shaft Brick Kiln (VSBK) technology was set up as a demonstration on low and efficient energy to produce high quality building bricks in Bubogo B Village,Namukesu Parish, Namungalwe Sub-County, Iganga District to mitigate environment damage arising from high … Learn More

This project is to provide drinking water and stop preventable diseases in a rural community of Uganda. The community we propose to help is Dula village in Kei sub-county, Yumbe District, Uganda. Dula has 380 households (roughly 2000 people). We … Learn More

Project completed Peru: course conducted on the 'Community-Based Risk Screening Tool; Adaptation and Livelihoods' (CRiSTAL) with the key stakeholders in the Nor Yauyos-Cochas Landscape Reserve (the city of Lima's water catchment area), in order to assess the social dimensions of … Learn More

Contribute to better management in Ugandan water sector in small towns for sustainable development and maintenance of water infrastructure. Learn More

There is a growing sense of urgency among countries, basin organisations and other end users such as utilities of the need to build resilience towards floods and droughts (F&amp;D) as an integral part of the management of water resources. The … Learn More

Ensure girl-children stay at school to complete education, access sanitary pads and information unconditionally and attain skills on proper menstrual sanitation and hygiene management. The project is necessary because it is designed to mitigate the specific problems faced by girls … Learn More

This project seeks to contribute to DWA effort to improve services in the WASH Sector through the FIETS approach. The project is implementing in Gulu, Kitguma, and Lamwo in both Urban and rural communities. The main strategy borders on a … Learn More

The International Water Stewardship Programme (IWaSP) seeks to initiate multi-stakeholder partnerships with the private sector, the public sector and the civil society in order to formulate and implement measures to improve water security for all parties. A partnership with Total … Learn More

The International Water Stewardship Programme (IWaSP) seeks to initiate multi-stakeholder partnerships with the private sector, the public sector and the civil society in order to formulate and implement measures to improve water security for all parties. A partnership with NWSC … Learn More

The International Water Stewardship Programme (IWaSP) seeks to initiate multi-stakeholder partnerships with the private sector, the public sector and the civil society in order to formulate and implement measures to improve water security for all parties. A partnership with CocaCola … Learn More

Under the SDG6 IWRM Support Programme (under the guidance of UNEP and coordinated by GWP in collaboration with UNEP-DHI Centre and UNDP Cap-Net), Kenya developed an IWRM Action Plan in 2019 including six priority actions. One of them focused on … Learn More

EA SusWatch implemented the LVEMP II Civil Society Watch Project that sought to lobby and advocate for realization of results-based performance from the Lake Victoria Environmental Management Project (LVEMP II) and implementation of the East African Climate Change Policy (EACCP, … Learn More

Namilanda is small town that is inhabitanted by gold miners , with a population of 20000 people the town has no piped water.The miners drink un-clean water and can not afford to bath after mining because there is hardly no … Learn More

Facilitating the implementation of climate-resilient and low-carbon development aligned with national and global goals The NDC Action Project supports 10 partner countries to translate their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) into concrete sector strategies and actions ready for financing and implementation, … Learn More

This project delivers reliable, low-cost water treatment technologies to public and private schools in developing countries and finances its operation through carbon emission reductions resulting from the displacement of boiling water. Our partner Impact Water is a global social enterprise … Learn More

Drilling 6 boreholes next to clinics maintained by MSH, providing water to the nearby community. H20+ unifies health, water, sanitation, and education activities at the community level for a maximum technical synergy and cost-effectiveness.Project ResultsImproved access to water and sanitation … Learn More

Project WET is currently active in more than 75 countries around the world through a network of partner organizations that range from small NGOs to major international corporations and organizations. We only go where we’re invited! We work with our … Learn More

Kyampisi Subcounty is situated in Mukono District just about 25 km north of Mukono town which lies at the main road from Mukono to Kayunga district. The Subcounty has app. 52,900 inhabitants who exclusively live on subsistence farming. Kyampisi can … Learn More

Improved access and utilization of rainwater for domestic water supply, production, and environment conservation in Uganda.Project ResultsWorking with the government of Uganda in the promotion of rainwater harvesting Built capacity of lower local governments and communities in the construction of … Learn More

The main objective to make sure that there is sustainable water supply from River Rwizi On top of that, the quality of the water should be improved The catchment areas around River Rwizi are to be protected The areas that … Learn More

The Rwenzori project aims to support small-scale farmers living in the Rwenzori region. Together with our partners, we work on developing agroforestry practices as well as training on sustainable agricultural practices, to secure, improve and diversify their production. OBJECTIVES The … Learn More

HEWASA and JESE will jointly implement this 3-years school WASH program in Kabarole district in the West of Uganda. Not only 24 schools will be supplied with WASH facilities (Rainwater Harvesting Tanks, Ecosan Latrines and Handwashing facilities) but 72 surrounding … Learn More

We have worked with The Nature Conservancy (TNC) for many years as a global partner in water. In July 2020, we expanded our work with TNC and launched a partnership in regenerative agriculture. Our agronomists and researchers from around the … Learn More

The work of WE Consult contributes to: Sustainable Water Supply Sustainable Groundwater Management Social Programmes and Environmental Protection Improved Access to Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Promotion The Dutch Young Expert will be involved in all stages of the different projects. Learn More

The aim of a water access, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) project is to reduce incidence of water-borne disease in order to bring better health, livelihood and educational opportunities to deprived communities. On the one hand, this means establishing local systems … Learn More

The purpose of the project is to encourage and support the dissemination of efficient cookstoves in Uganda. The cookstoves, which are specially designed for the project, are simple but durable and effective. In comparison to the traditional open fires, the … Learn More

The WAI stands for a shift from the dominant hardware-construction approach, often used by others, towards WASH sector development by working on three pillars: establishing a functioning market, strengthening the public sector, and empowering & organising citizens. Our innovative approach … Learn More

This NGO Network program will support the WASH Alliance in Uganda. It aims to enable policy makers and key actors to promote and enable sustainable realization of the right to water and sanitation through their policies, programmes and budget allocations … Learn More

This project aims to improve sanitation and hygiene in Kawempe division. The plan is to improve sanitation and hygiene practices, build a storm drainage channel for the division since It is a low lying area with poor drainage and consequently … Learn More

WaterAid is an international NGO focused exclusively on ensuring equitable access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene education (WASH) for the world’s poorest communities. Formed in 1981 we have been working in water, sanitation and hygiene for over 30 years. … Learn More

Our response strategy at this site has been to implement an overall water stewardship programme, including capital investment and targets, specific to water stressed sites. The timeframe for this response strategy is the period of 2007 through 2020 - specifically, … Learn More

While significant water infrastructure exists in Uganda with 75% of the urban population having access to at least basic water services, due to a lack of strong operation and maintenance mechanisms, many systems are broken and much of the infrastructure … Learn More

Improving on abasic need helping and extending clean water to avoid diseases in uganda Learn More

Water.org Uganda 2022 - 2024: Kampala, Wakiso, Gomba, Masaka, Mubende, Mukono, Buikwe, Kayunga, Luwero, Lwengo, Mityana, Kalangala, Mpigi, Bugolobi, Soroti, Jinja, Mbale, Kamuli, Kumi, Iganga, Busia, Bugiri, Kapchorwa, Pallisa, Tororo, Bukedea, Mayuge, Amolatar, Gulu, Lira, Arua, Kotido, Moroto, Mbarara, Kamwenge, … Learn More

Providing safe and clean drinking water through residential plumbing, drilling boreholes in rural areas, low income neighbourhoods, provision of cesspool emptier services and construction of pitlatrines and flashing toilets to prevent related disease transmission. Learn More

The AFSRT integrated WASH to FSNL project is being implemented in Alebtong District and is playing a major role in the post-conflict transition. It gives the rural communities an opportunity to analyze their changing situation in the areas of water, … Learn More

Bangladesh is experiencing one of the worst humanitarian crises in history. Since August 2017, Bangladesh has seen an unprecedented influx of Rohingya refugees fleeing violence in MyanmarÕs Rakhine State. Among the nearly 1 million Rohingya refugees now residing in the … Learn More

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Suzan Akwii
Adouabou Dieudonne
Magala Eddie
Gabriel Engole
Muhindo Geoffrey
John Mbabali
Racheal Namuganza

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