UN Global Compact  |  CEO Water Mandate

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Area: 5888268 km2
Brazil; Peru; Suriname; France; Colombia; Guyana; Bolivia; Venezuela; Ecuador
Santa Cruz; Manaus; La Paz
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Total Organizations: 94
Total Projects: 51
Priority SDGs: --
Priority Industries: --
Profile Completion: 50%

Water Challenges

As reported by organizations on the Hub.

Access to Water Supply and Water Services
Local Water Resource Governance
Physical water supply
Water Demand and Competition among Users
Compliance with Local Regulations and Widely-Accepted Standards
Land Use Issues
Upstream Water Issues
Socioeconomic and Reputation
Water Pricing

Region Overview

Organizations in Amazonas

Criada em 2010, Aegea é uma das maiores empresa de saneamento do segmento privado no país. Em cada município onde atua, leva mais saúde e qualidade de vida para a população, respeitando sempre o meio ambiente e a cultura local. … Learn More

Transformar la gestión del riego y el cuidado del agua a través de soluciones tecnológicas integrales. Nos enfocamos en tres pilares fundamentales: 1) maximizar la eficiencia hídrica en la agricultura sostenible, 2) facilitar la compra de créditos de compensación de … Learn More

Asegurar el acceso al agua de forma sostenible para el desarrollo humano, económico y ambiental, es nuestro propósito. Nuestra misión es desarrollar proyectos sustentables de agua para empresas, que generen impacto positivo en el negocio, en la eficiencia del recurso … Learn More

Alegria activity S.L. produces special purpose mobile units. These mobile units are special purpose vehicles used to deploy any kind of service directly and easily to any location and social community in order to conduct turn-key campaigns in HEALTH, EDUCATION, … Learn More

The Alliance for Water Stewardship (AWS) (www.a4ws.org) is a global membership-based network of businesses, civil society organisations and the public sector dedicated to promoting the responsible use of freshwater. AWS Members contribute to the sustainability of shared water resources through … Learn More

ÁLON connects people and resources to raise awareness, converge best practice and collaboration, to support the transition of industries, leaders &amp; lifestyles dependent on water – towards minimizing our water footprints. “We aim to shape consensus among pioneering Water Ambassadors … Learn More

Antea Group is an international engineering and environmental consulting firm with access to more than 3,000 consultants in over 100 offices around the world. Our Sustainability Practice brings together management consultants and technical experts offering solutions from strategy through implementation … Learn More

The company was founded for this moment, on a combined conviction in the power of human ingenuity and the potential of practical action to solve the problems of the decisive decade, and make sustainability happen. We believe that productivity and … Learn More

A Tanzania consulting firm on development issues including water, sanitation, energy and climate change. Learn More

Production of chemicals and equipment for potable water treatment and industrial water preparing. Learn More

To generate maximum value for our customers, associates, communities and stockholders, satisfying our consumers’ expectations at all times with the highest quality products and services. Learn More

ASMAN Software Solutions Private Limited is a provider of cutting edge software consultancy, design and development services with headquarters in Hyderabad, India. The company made its inception into the IT arena in 2011 and offers a comprehensive range of Software … Learn More

Atmocean's arrays of seawater pumps send pressurized seawater into our zero-electricity reverse/osmosis (ZER/O) module, where the fresh water output is used by drip irrigation pipe networks to grow crops in coastal deserts, adding to global food supply and drawing down … Learn More

International management of water at Titicaca lake Learn More

La Autoridad Nacional del Agua (ANA), de acuerdo a la Ley No 29338 - Ley de Recursos Hídricos, es el ente rector y máxima autoridad técnico - normativa del Sistema Nacional de Gestión de los Recursos Hídricos, el cual es … Learn More

Banco do Brasil forged a partnership with the National Water Agency (ANA), Banco do Brasil Foundation and the WWF-Brasil to develop the Agua Brasil programme. The programme’s objectives include: a) Promote societal awareness and attitudinal change with respect to environmentally … Learn More

El grupo Biosfera, es un think tank en investigacion de futuros sustentables. (BIOSFERA, INVESTIGACIÓN DE FUTUROS) es un equipo de análisis cuyo core business es la investigación prospectiva para la construcción de futuros deseables (futurables), asociados a la sustentabilidad (planeamiento … Learn More

Blue Planet Network provides a technology platform for funders to easily select, monitor, and manage WASH projects that have been peer reviewed and vetted for quality and sustainability. Each member project must pass a rigorous peer review and planning process … Learn More

The Centre for Advanced Research &amp; Development (CARD) is a non-government agency established, in India, with its Head quarters in Bhopal in Madhya Pradesh established in 1992. The CARD has been established to promote advanced research and to apply its … Learn More

Independent advisory company seeking to catalyse environmental investments Main focus areas within water issues: water and irrigation, water and sanitation, water and business risk Learn More

Clearford is a new kind of water management company. Operating approximately 200 water and wastewater treatment plants throughout Ontario and 10 sites in India, we deliver unified water infrastructure solutions with sector-leading efficiency. Our comprehensive offering combines innovative water and … Learn More

The Climate Connected Benefit Society is an industrial and provident society for the benefit of the community – a very simple funding vehicle, which allows ordinary, socially aware investors in the UK to put their capital to work in a … Learn More

A truck-and-shovel mining operation dedicated to extract copper, Zinc, Moly and Silver minerals and produce concentrates through a flotation concentration circuit. The mine site is located at 4300 masl with Ancash Region, Peru. Its concentrates are transported by 304Km pipeline … Learn More

Lima based NGO with activity all over the Tropical Andes. Focused on Sustainable Mountain DEvelopment from the thematic perspective of Biodiversity, Water and Livelihoods. Andean focal point for global networks and projects like the Mountain Forum, Challenge Programme for Water … Learn More

Ingenieria y Consultoría Ambiental. Learn More

Continental develops pioneering technologies and services for sustainable and connected mobility of people and their goods. Learn More

The Corporate Eco Forum (CEF) is an invitation-only membership organization for large companies that demonstrate a serious commitment to environment as a business strategy issue. CEF’s mission is to help accelerate sustainable business innovation by creating the best neutral space … Learn More

Main focus is SUDS retrofit to tackle flooding and water quality problems in the City of Coventry, UK, and to provide biodiversity and amenity benefits to wildlife and citizens. Coventry has Living Lab Status and the group includes Coventry University … Learn More

To create and implement innovative, environmentally friendly wastewater treatment and reuse solutions for any situation anywhere in the world. System O)) are various certified wastewater treatment solutions in terms of performance by the United States, Canada, Europe, and many others. … Learn More

Deltares is an independent, institute for applied research in the field of water, subsurface and infrastructure. Throughout the world, we work on smart solutions, innovations and applications for people, environment and society. Our main focus is on deltas, coastal regions … Learn More

“IC Medicals” and “ The Emission” are two genetically integrated global internet projects about informational copies of substances and biological objects. DST Foundation initiated the integration of these phenomenal projects in August 2009 as they both are based on usage … Learn More

Earthwatch is an International NGO which focusses on scientific research and education about environmental issues. Earthwatch run FreshWater Watch, an employee engagement programme which raises awareness of fresh water issues through hands-on Citizen Science Leader training days. In addition to … Learn More

About Us EcoDecision is an enterprise dedicated to developing new ways to fund biodiversity conservation and sustainable rural livelihoods. EcoDecision is a pioneer in developing financing mechanisms for ecosystem services including climate change mitigation, water source protection and biodiversity conservation. … Learn More

EPMAPS is the municipal unit in charge of water management in the metropolitan district o Quito, from the capture in the sources to the management of urban wastewater through the process of conduction, purification, distribution, and collection of wastewater. Learn More

Developing European Environmental Policy The European Commission develops and implements EU policies by proposing laws to the European Parliament and Council of the European Union helping EU countries implement EU legislation managing the EU's budget and allocating funding ensuring that … Learn More

FONAPA water fund works to conserve Paute watershed in southern Ecuador. Created in October 2008, the fund finances conservation of the Paute watershed, which supplies water to more than 500,000 Cuenca residents and 300,000 Azogues residents with drinking water and … Learn More

Mision: Realizar Actividades que Incentiven y Fortalezcan todos aquellos Planes, Programas, Proyectos y Políticas de Desarrollo Social, Cultural, Económico y Ambiental con Enfoque de Derechos Humanos, Derechos laborales, Cuidado Ambiental y Anticorrupción para alcanzar elevados niveles de Sustentabilidad Learn More

Future 500 is a non-profit consultancy that builds trust between companies, advocates, investors, and philanthropists to advance business as a force for good. Our organization formed in 1995 as a venue for corporations and environmental NGOs to debate the systemic … Learn More

Gaia Environmental Services is a company committed to the environment and sustainable development. Its mission is to provide environmental services to a high technical standard supported by extensively trained and develop products that achieve a positive impact on the environment. … Learn More

Global Compact Local Network Learn More

Welcome to Gravity Skills - the center that imparts knowledge and skills. Knowledge holds the key to success and skills enable you to do a task with precision and perfection. Gravity Skills delivers quality training in health, safety, environmental issues, … Learn More

Since its foundation in May 2007, HYTECON has generated an established market position within the field of consulting services for water and technical hygiene related aspects, focussing especially on innovative and customer-oriented solutions. A highly experienced team of microbiologists and … Learn More

Purpose of the organization is to promote socio, economic and cultural advancement of weaker sections by education, training, research and field action programs. Specific focus is to promote awareness on water sanitation among rural poor communities and help them to … Learn More

Sensitize, raise awareness and engage the diverse sectors of society in the preservation of water and the rational use, using communication actions; To collaborate with the formation of socioenvironmental awareness of children and adolescents through pedagogical projects in partnership with … Learn More

Carry out and promote scientific knowledge in the northern region of Brazil, in support of local and regional sustainable development practices. Learn More

INDESCO es una institución privada de desarrollo sin fines de lucro, que lidera con participación inclusiva, transparencia y ética, el desarrollo sostenible de Huancavelica - Peru, con un plantel administrativo destacado logrando aportes concretos para mejorar el desarrollo rural local, … Learn More

Currently celebrating its 42nd year, ICCR is the pioneer coalition of active shareholders who view the management of their investments as a catalyst for change. Its 300 member organizations with over $100 billion in AUM have an enduring record of … Learn More

IWMI is one of 15 international research centers supported by the network of 60 governments, private foundations and international and regional organizations collectively known as CGIAR. It is a non-profit organization with a staff of 350 and offices in over … Learn More

BETTER public private partnership, with partner company John Todd Ecological Design, involved in sustainable water and wastewater and waste to food design and project development worldwide. See www.betterp3.com and www.toddecological.com Learn More

For as long as nearly 70 years since its founding in 1949, Kurita Water Industries has been consistently operating in two areas of "water and the environment." To cater to diverse customer needs, the Kurita Group provides comprehensive solutions by … Learn More

A world leader in building materials, Lafarge employs 65,000 people in 64 countries, and posted sales of €15.8 billion in 2012. As a top-ranking player in its Cement, Aggregates and Concrete businesses, it contributes to the construction of cities around … Learn More

LAQI is an organization comprised of the leading companies and institutions of Latin America, rating them on issues of Quality and Sustainable Development. LAQI is based and run on the 40+10 actions and directives, and it respects the limits of … Learn More

As we share our water with the entire planet, we feel that it is a precious resource. We monitor how we use water at our factories and are constantly working on ways to reduce our consumption of fresh water resources. … Learn More

El MINAM es el ente rector del Sector Ambiente y la autoridad competente para formular la Política Nacional del Ambiente aplicable a los tres niveles de gobierno, conforme a lo dispuesto en el Decreto Legislativo N° 1013,que aprueba su creación, … Learn More

NAQWA is a Russian company that develops and makes nano drinking water recoverers. Our product NAQWA SPRING Drinking Water Recoverer (NAQWA SWR, www.naqwa.com ) created and manufactured in Russia is intended to provide sustainable drinking water solutions first of all … Learn More

Sunass regulates water and sewage companies, oversees quality of service standards, settles customer complaints and sets regulated prices. Learn More

• Nestlé’s ambition is to enhance people’s lives through nutrition, health and wellness. We offer healthier and tastier food and beverage choices at all stages of life and at all times of the day. Based on science and Research and … Learn More

A pioneer and the world-leading provider of Drip Irrigation solutions, Netafim is the largest player in the global irrigation industry. With 14 manufacturing facilities in 11 countries, 27 subsidiaries, and a strong global distribution network across 110-plus countries, Netafim combines … Learn More

Alexandra Akira is the CEO of Next Level Productions (NLP). She is an Executive Producer, Humanitarian, and Philanthropist. NLP develops and produces creative outlets that engage citizens globally on social, humanitarian, and environmental issues. Over the last thirty years, she … Learn More

NVH's mission is to provide low cost, low energy solutions for sanitation and ground water pollution. NVH partners with the Indian Ministry of Defence Research Laboratory to commercialise for global use an effective biological process creating potable water as only … Learn More

MISIÓN: contribuir al desarrollo institucional del Sector de los Servicios Sanitarios trabajando sinérgicamente con los todos los actores que lo integran desde un enfoque de Gobernanza del Agua y bajo la guía de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible. En particular … Learn More

We focus on helping brands and agencies engage with the inner circle of influencers so that through their networks they can help you more effectively influence your end target audience. We have identified the most influential individuals and brands on … Learn More

Use of desert aquifers to supply needs of ecovillage project in Peruvian Coastal Desert Learn More

Plan Sierra is a non-profit organization that works in the central mountains of the Dominican Republic. Its mission is to promote the sustainable management of water, soil, forests and biodiversity resources in La Sierra region in order to produce clean … Learn More

Environmental Service Company Consulting, Engineering, Digitalization, Management, Integration Learn More

We develop agroforestry projects within the supply chains of companies (Insetting) and value water benefits, among others. We develop as well a Trees4Water valuation tool that we would like to share with your platform. WE REGENERATE ECOSYSTEMS TO IMPROVE LIVELIHOODS … Learn More

SABMiller is one of the world’s largest brewers, with more than 200 beer brands and some 70,000 employees in over 75 countries. We are also one of the world’s largest bottlers of Coca-Cola products. We’ve become a global leader by … Learn More

Promover acciones para la transición hacia una economía baja en carbono y resiliente al cambio climático en todos los niveles: países, ciudades, instituciones, empresas y ciudadanos. Learn More

OUR GROUP PROFILE SGS is the world’s leading inspection, verification, testing and certification company. We are recognized as the global benchmark for quality and integrity. With more than 89,000 employees, we operate a network of more than 2,600 offices and … Learn More

Auditing and Training in Water Stewardship and Water Footprint Learn More

The Sindh Irrigation and Drainage Authority (SIDA) is an autonomous organization, taking over the Sindh irrigation and drainage system from the Sindh Irrigation and Power Department. It was established in 1997, an innovative act to devolve power in the water … Learn More

We are Ukrainian company SOUZ-CONTINENT. Our company has advanced innovative, high-tech development projects to work with the water is getting the alternate energy and water purification. Very interested in mutually beneficial cooperation for the prosperity of the world community. Learn More

Sunass regulates water and sewage companies, oversees quality of service standards, settles customer complaints and sets regulated prices. Learn More

CAWST, the Centre for Affordable Water and Sanitation Technology, is a non-profit organization that provides training and consulting to organizations that work directly with populations in developing countries who lack access to clean water and basic sanitation. CAWST "walks beside" … Learn More

Christopher Gleadle brings Sustainability, and the Green Economy• to life and shows you how to capture, create and deliver more value: serve customers better, reduce costs and mitigate conspiring environmental and social risk to see opportunity for greater profit. His … Learn More

The Coca-ColaCompany is the world's largest beverage company. The purpose of company is to refresh the world and make a difference. Our vision is to craft the brands and choice of drinks that people love, to refresh them in body … Learn More

The mission of The Nature Conservancy is to conserve the lands and waters on which all life depends. We acheive this through the dedicated efforts of our diverse staff, including more than 550 scientists, located in all 50 U.S. states … Learn More

The Overbrook Foundation was established in New York in 1948 by Helen and Frank Altschul. The Foundation currently advances its mission through two programs: Environment and Human Rights. Both programs support organizations in the United States and Latin America. ENVIRONMENT … Learn More

Trucost provides data and insight to help its clients understand the economic consequences of natural capital dependency. Our clients include companies and their advisors, the investment community, governments, academics and thought leaders. Learn More

UNDP partners with people at all levels of society to help build nations that can withstand crisis, and drive and sustain the kind of growth that improves the quality of life for everyone. On the ground in more than 170 … Learn More

La Universidad de Cuenca fue creada por Decreto Legislativo expedido por el Senado y la Cámara de Diputados del Ecuador, reunidos en Congreso el 15 de octubre de 1867, y sancionado por el Presidente de la República el 18 del … Learn More

Public peruvian University dedicated to form profetionals hom manage and study natural resources and their transformations. Learn More

Universidad dedicada a la formación profesional cuenta con diez carreras profesionales entre ellas: Agronomía e Ingeniería Ambiental y Recursos Naturales, Enfermeria, así como Derecho, entre otras. Tiene 35 años y se encuentra en la región andina del Perú.A 16 horas … Learn More

Research Learn More

VILLAGES UNIS est une ONG Suisse, reconnue d’utilité publique au N° 080.913007 date de la décision 18/12/2013 et basée dans la république et Canton de Genève Elle est active dans les domaines de la coopération au développement, à l'aide humanitaire … Learn More

Wastewater Exchange is the designer and the implementer of the Ethical Water Exchange (all rights reserved) transforming wastewater into commoditised treated wastewater for the good sake of our health, planet, economy &amp; water resources as common good. Learn More

Water Canada is an influencer, a networker, and a newsmaker. Our editors and researchers know the industry and the people implementing plans and projects on the frontlines. Thousands of readers turn to us for exclusive, insightful content that speaks to … Learn More

Water For People exists to promote the development of high-quality drinking water and sanitation services, accessible to all, and sustained by strong communities, businesses, and governments. OUR VISION A world where every person has access to reliable and safe water … Learn More

Water Initiatives Nigeria (WIN) is a non-governmental, non profit organization. As a registered non profit organization in Nigeria, WIN works to provide access to safe drinking water and proper sanitation and to assist in providing sustainable solutions to water problems … Learn More

WaterStep responds to critical needs for safe water by evaluating and implementing solutions and teaching people to use those tools. WaterStep saves lives with safe water by empowering communities to take care of their own long-term water needs. We believe … Learn More

Water Technologies International (GR8 Water) is engaged in the manufacture and distribution of technologically advanced Atmospheric Water Generators (AWG). These unique devices utilize a patent pending air purification input system to produce clean, great-tasting, safe water from the humidity in … Learn More

Wello is a social venture with a bold mission: to deliver clean water to a thirsty world. By reframing the water crisis as an opportunity, Wello has reinvented the wheel and developed an innovative and sustainable business model. THE WATERWHEEL … Learn More

Whirlpool Corporation is fiercely committed to helping our consumers improve their lives at home through the use of our products. We design our products with our consumers in mind—including innovative features that save time, reduce costs and lower their environmental … Learn More

Promoting the use of innovative water-from-air tech for evaporation and condensate recapture &amp; reuse by communities and businesses resiliently adapting to global warming and responding to disasters. In arid and drying regions lacking or losing surface and groundwaters, atmospheric (clean) … Learn More

Projects in Amazonas

El Objetivo General del Proyecto es la implementación de Generadores Atmosféricos de Agua en diferentes comunidades españolas y así erradicar la problemática del abastecimiento de agua potable que se presenta cada año por las sequías, construyendo modelos técnicos de fácil … Learn More

Lançado em 2017, o Água + Acesso é uma aliança de impacto coletivo formada por empresas e organizações da sociedade civil que atuam e cooperam para ampliar o acesso à água segura e de forma sustentável em comunidades rurais de … Learn More

A pioneering reforestation and agroforestry project developed in partnership with Acopagro small-scale cocoa farmers cooperative, certified organic and fair trade. This project was created in 2008, with following objectives: Protect ecosystems by developing agroforestry to ensure long-term sustainability of cocoa … Learn More

In Bolivia, a fourth part of the country's population (approximately, 2.7 million inhabitants) lack a safe and permanent access to water, which negatively impacts their life quality. Therefore, supporting the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6 (Ensure access to water and … Learn More

Conserving the Amanzonian forest through payment for maintenance of environmental services, this program aims to curb deforestation and improve the quality of life for the local population. Specifically, this program finances incentives which allow for the education of the local … Learn More

This project focusses on the protection of accessible and inaccessible forest areas. This will allow for the forest to re-grow. Surveillance teams keep the area under rigorous monitoring to prevent illegal logging and squatters from claiming lands. To achieve permanent … Learn More

La Central Termoeléctrica de Aguaytía de la empresa Orazul Energy cuenta con dos turbinas a gas (modelo GT11NMC XL/LP) de 88.441 MW y 86.964 MW que tras la actualización y mejora de los compresores de las turbo-gas, se logró el … Learn More

Through the Center for Environmental Leadership in Business (CELB), CI works in partnership with leaders in key industries to: reduce companies’ ecological footprint, harness the power of supply chains to drive the widespread adoption of good practices, invest strategically in … Learn More

The Aguaytía Thermoelectric Power Plant of Orazul Energy company has two gas turbines (model GT11NMC XL/LP) of 88,441 MW and 86,964 MW. After updating and improving the compressors of the turbo-gas, the power generation increased its capacity in 9 MW … Learn More

Conserve Natural Forests (CNF) is a non-profit NGO operating primarily in Mae Hong Son and Chiang Mai Provinces of Northern Thailand. Our mission is to restore natural forest landscapes throughout Thailand to optimal structure, functionality, and resiliency in ways that … Learn More

Together with local partners, the Siemens Stiftung has developed a project to improve the drinking water situation in Achocalla, Bolivia. There are two parts to this cooperation project: First, a small enterprise is established to manufacture inexpensive drinking water filters … Learn More

Project completed Peru: course conducted on the 'Community-Based Risk Screening Tool; Adaptation and Livelihoods' (CRiSTAL) with the key stakeholders in the Nor Yauyos-Cochas Landscape Reserve (the city of Lima's water catchment area), in order to assess the social dimensions of … Learn More

Aegea Sanitation, a private sector sanitation company in Brazil serving over 21 million people, has contributed its efforts to the COVID-19 response by disinfecting commonly used public areas and roads and by donating hygiene products to vulnerable population in the … Learn More

El principal soporte de la Asociación UNACEM es el fortalecimiento a los funcionarios de la Municipalidad y al personal de salud de los EE.SS. para el trabajo de fortalecimiento comunitario, el fortalecimiento del tejido social entre instituciones públicas y entre … Learn More

La falta de proyectos orientados al desarrollo de la piscicultura está ocasionando el desabastecimiento de pescado y problemas de salud principalmente en la población infantil y madres gestantes que requieren de esta fuente de proteinas. El problema principal origina efectos … Learn More

The project involves the replacement of 12 toilet’s water discharge system in all areas of the Aguaytía Thermoelectric Plant (camps, operations, contractors and administrative areas) with dual type discharge systems, which leads to savings of 30 liters per day.Project ResultsReduction … Learn More

UNACEM, aware that the highest direct consumption of water from its Atocongo plant came from the domestic use of the camps, decided in 2015 to initiate a project to reduce water losses in its supply system and thus improve its … Learn More

Despite increasing rates of access to improved water sources (68% in 1992-93 to 89.9% in 2015-16), India continues to face its worst water shortage in history. Approximately six hundred million people are affected by high to extreme water shortages, according … Learn More

Gold Fields spent a total of US $16 million on water management and projects (including ARD management) during 2016. In addition, Gold Fields has implemented a number of shared value water projects at Cerro Corona. These involve building and maintaining … Learn More

Cerro Corona has proactive engagements with community organisations and local governments where it is a large supplier of potable water to the communities. During 2016 Cerro Corona invested over US$3m in developing and upgrading water systems for nearby communities. This … Learn More

Since its establishment in 2012, Forest Trends has partnered with the Ministry of Environment (MINAM) on the Incubator for Ecosystem Services Mechanisms, through our key regional partnership with EcoDecision and with the local technical support and coordination of CONDESAN. The … Learn More

De acuerdo al estudio de Huella Hídrica, el agua de lluvia que cae sobre los depósitos mineros en Tantahuatay debe ser tratada antes de su descarga en el cuerpo receptor, este volumen de agua implica consumo de energia y evaporación … Learn More

Development of projects for water reuse and pursue other sources for water withdrawal.The Sustainable Water Management Program(PGSA) aims to identify regions with water shortage risk, to promote direct actions and investments to increase water use efficiency. Project Results Learn More

A pioneering agroforestry and reforestation project in the Peruvian Amazon OBJECTIVES Half of the Lamas territory is still covered with primary rainforest. In order to preserve these forests and reduce the pressure on natural areas, the Oro Verde cooperative works … Learn More

•Apoyar el acceso al agua potable mediante una plataforma virtual que es operada por la Cruz Roja Colombiana, se usa para donar agua haciendo que la solidaridad de los colombianos sea altamente efectiva. Tenemos dos tipos de ayuda 1. En … Learn More

We supported UNICEF�s global response to the COVID-19 pandemic to expand efforts to keep children and their families safe from infection. Our donation of $450,000 and $55,000 in essential supplies, including water tanks and pipes manufactured by Orbia, helped address … Learn More

The responses for managing water risks include risk assessments; Environmental Management Systems; the use of predictive water balances; rainwater harvesting; storm water management and water re-use, recycling and conservation initiatives. During 2018 Gold Fields intends to set targets in line … Learn More

UNACEM, consciente de que el mayor consumo directo de agua de su planta Atocongo provenía del uso doméstico de los campamentos, decidió en el 2015 iniciar un proyecto para reducir pérdidas de agua en su sistema de abastecimiento y mejorar … Learn More

El proyecto consiste en instalar equipos de medición, mejoramiento de la red de agua de uso poblacional y difundir las medidas de uso eficiente de consumo de agua mediante la campaña "Cuidemos el agua" dirigida a los trabajdores de UNACEM … Learn More

The Natural Infrastructure for Water Security (NIWS) project enables the Government of Peru to improve its management of their natural resources to increase water security and provide a sustainable economic future for its citizens, while alo reducing migration and the … Learn More

JBS promotes good practices for a sustainable agricultural and livestock for farmers, through the New Field Program (Programa Novo Campo), aiming to increase farmers production through the conservation of soil and water. The associated risk with grain purchase (animal feed … Learn More

The Group is committed to the progressive reduction of its water needs in all of its production processes, where possible promoting its internal reuse. Among the optimization interventions realized, in some coal-fired power stations the blowdown from the closed-circuit cooling … Learn More

The Oxapampa Ash‡ninka Yaneshas (RBOAY) Biosphere Reserve is threatened by deforestation due to agrigulture, coca cultivation, timber, and cattle grazing. This negatively impacts the ecosystem, the capacity of the water systems, and rural populations. The project seeks to contribute to … Learn More

As part of the Water for the Future project, Arca Continental engages through the FONAPA Water Fund in protecting the micro watersheds, being able to replenish them with water, as well as ensuring that the program has socio-environmental benefits. Learn More

Within this program and in collaboration with Fondo de Páramos de Tungurahua y Lucha Contra la Pobreza, the Water for the Future Project is focused on protecting the micro watersheds, being able to replenish them with water, as well as … Learn More

Restoration of vegetation cover in areas the river shed of Ampiyacu River Learn More

The “People of the Forest” project is helping restore degraded areas in the Amazon, in partnership with native communities, such as the Ashaninka people. The Ashaninka communities depend on the forest for their livelihood. This reforestation project enables them to … Learn More

El estudio de Huella Hídrica contempla que los consumos de las áreas administrativas son de especial interés. En tal sentido, el proyecto contempla el reemplazo de 12 sistemas de descarga de agua de los inodoros en todas las áreas de … Learn More

In GB, together with The Rivers Trust we are working to implement a series of critical nature-based solutions, which will replenish water in some of the most water stressed areas. Funded by the Coca-Cola Foundation, the three-year programme will support … Learn More

Sodexo is implementing a project called "Smart Kitchen" in Brazil. A new approach to producing food, combining innovative equipment and simplified work methods and processes that improved safety compliance, resource efficiency including water, product performance, and reduced waste. Project Results … Learn More

Starbucks and Conservation International began an assessment of the water component of the Coffee and Farmer Equity (C.A.F.E.) Practices program in 2008, focused on 2 stages in the coffee value chain: cultivating, growing and harvesting coffee using methods that avoid … Learn More

The project aimed at developing the capacity of the national environmental authorities and local farmers in the Amazonian regions of Peru and Colombia to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and advance efforts to adapt to the impacts of climate change. To … Learn More

Suzano, world leader in market eucalyptus pulp, has an innovative Restoration Program, which seeks to restore degraded habitat and promote environmental conservation of ecosystems in four out of the six Brazilian biomes (Amazon Rainforest, Atlantic Forest, Cerrado and Caatinga). In … Learn More

The Amazon basin stretches over 8 million square kilometers. Inaccessibility provides effective protection for invaluable habitats for animals and plants. Madre de Dios province in the East of Peru is a prime example of this remoteness. Scientists estimate that 10% … Learn More

Water is key to life. In Bolivia, the second poorest country in South America, only 80% of people in rural areas have access to basic water service. To combat this, Water For People implements piped water supply systems, supports the … Learn More

While 81% of rural Peruvians have access to basic and safely managed water service, these figures do not reflect access to clean water critical for handwashing to prevent the spread of diseases like COVID-19. Water For People works in two … Learn More

The project goal is to support the strengthening of long-term conservation mechanisms (Water Funds) in 11 basins of 6 countries in Latin America, implementing actions in the field, investing in more than 5,000 hectares in priority areas of watersheds key … Learn More

Bahia, Minas Gerais, Santa Catarina, Ceará, Maranhão, Paraíba, Pernambuco, Rio Grande do Sul, Piauí, Rio Grande do Norte, Paraná, Pará, Tocantins, Alagoas, Sergipe, Acre, Sao Paolo Reach up to 500,000 people per year with lasting access to safe water and … Learn More

Water.org Peru 2022 -2024: Lima, Piura, La Libertad, Lambayeque, Arequipa, Puno, Cajamarca, Junín, Ica, Ancash, Cusco, Callao, Moquegua, Tacna, Tumbes, Huánuco, Ayacucho, Ucayali, Amazonas, San Martín, Pasco, Lima Province, Loreto, Huancavelica, Apurímac, Madre De Dios. Reach up to 200,000 people … Learn More

In 2020, the Global Power Generation launched the WaVE (Water Value Enhancement) project with the aim of mapping needs and water withdrawal sources in all of its thermal and renewables production sites in order to set new objectives to reduce … Learn More

Bangladesh is experiencing one of the worst humanitarian crises in history. Since August 2017, Bangladesh has seen an unprecedented influx of Rohingya refugees fleeing violence in MyanmarÕs Rakhine State. Among the nearly 1 million Rohingya refugees now residing in the … Learn More

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