UN Global Compact  |  CEO Water Mandate

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Area: 5888268 km2
Brazil; Peru; Suriname; France; Colombia; Guyana; Bolivia; Venezuela; Ecuador
Santa Cruz; Manaus; La Paz
HydroBasin Level:
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Quick Info

Total Organizations: 14
Total Projects: 24
Priority SDGs: --
Priority Industries: --
Profile Completion: 70%

Water Challenges

As reported by organizations on the Hub.

Access to Water Supply and Water Services
Water Demand and Competition among Users
Compliance with Local Regulations and Widely-Accepted Standards
Physical water supply
Socioeconomic and Reputation
Water Pricing

Region Overview

Although Peru has enormous water wealth (71% of the world’s tropical glacier, 6% of its surface water, an extensive coastline and water availability of 70,000 cubic meters/person), it faces severe water stress that is exacerbated by high vulnerability to climate change. It has low-lying coastal areas, arid and semi-arid regions, areas vulnerable to flooding, drought, and desertification, and fragile mountainous ecosystems. Climate change has led to increasing glacial retreat and an increase in extreme weather events including droughts and floods. These vulnerabilities are further exacerbated by economic development policies and growth that are based upon unsustainable use of natural resources, particularly water. In addition, the coast, where the vast majority of Peru’s population lives and where one of Peru’s main economic drivers - agriculture, consumes 80% of available renewable freshwater- is also one of the most arid regions in the country (only 2% of total water available). Inadequate waste-water treatment is also threatening local water supply due to increased contamination. The Rimac is an important source of potable water for Lima, Peru, which receives 75% of its potable water from the watershed. A growing population and economic growth are putting stress on existing water systems. Studies by state-owned water company, Sedapal, have shown that around 60% of pollution in the Rimac is caused by mining activities, 25% due to household waste, and 15% due to industrial uses. Some key commodities and industry include: Agriculture: In the Tambo de Viso region - alfalfa, potatoes, cereals, tubers, and grains Mining: Casapalca region

Organizations in Rimac

Aguaconserve is a social company focused on the development of water stewardship in the private sector. With more than 6 years in Peru, we are pioneers in the implementation of water efficiency technologies, water footprint assessments, and shared value initiatives. … Learn More


El Centro Global para el Desarrollo y la Democracia (CGDD) promueve democracias sostenibles y autosuficiencia económica en los países en desarrollo profundizando el conocimiento sobre la pobreza, la desigualdad social y la falta de equilibrio histórico en regiones excluidas. También … Learn More

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH is a federally owned organisation. We work worldwide in the field of international cooperation for sustainable development. Our mandate is to support the German Government in achieving its development objectives. We provide viable, … Learn More

Together with partners around the world, Forest Trends pioneers innovative finance for conservation - promoting healthy forests, sustainable agriculture, clean water, robust climate action, protected biodiversity, and strong communities. Our programs and initiatives publish timely research, bring together diverse actors, … Learn More

Haug cuenta con dos plantas ubicadas en los distritos de Callao y Lurín - Lima, Perú y se dedicada a la ingeniería, construcción y montaje. Tiene por misión: prestar servicios de su especialidad con los más altos niveles de calidad, … Learn More

Our purpose is to provide Better Care for a Better World. People around the globe benefit from our products in their day-to-day lives, but we know that millions still lack access to basic products that could dramatically improve their quality … Learn More

It is an articulation platform that mobilizes resources to conserve, protect and restore the watersheds of the Chillon, Rimac and Lurin rivers, and thus contribute to the continuous provision of quality water for the users of the basins and mainly … Learn More

Marcobre S.A.C es una empresa peruana titular del proyecto minero Mina Justa ubicado en la localidad de Marcona, provincia de Nazca en la región Ica. La empresa cuenta con el respaldo de BRECA Grupo Empresarial, el cual adquirió a través … Learn More

Water stewardship has long been one of PepsiCo’s top priorities, and it's an important part of building a Positive Value Chain. As one of the first companies of our size to acknowledge water as a human right, we have a … Learn More

PWI S.A.C. are an environmental consulting firm located in Peru, is the result of the NGO Healthy City (main and pioneer institution in creating healthy cities Peruvian). Learn More

A Peruvian NGO working for 28 years designing and implementing interventions to reduce child malnutrition acting on all factors, direct and indirect causes and determinants. PRISMA is part of the Initiative against child malnutrition in Peru working since 2006 with … Learn More

Somos una asociación civil sin fines de lucro que Ðdesde su fundación en el año 1986Ð ha trabajado de manera ininterrumpida en la promoción de políticas y legislación ambiental y en el diseño e implementación de instrumentos que favorezcan el … Learn More

Whirlpool Corporation is fiercely committed to helping our consumers improve their lives at home through the use of our products. We design our products with our consumers in mind—including innovative features that save time, reduce costs and lower their environmental … Learn More

Projects in Rimac

Nestlé tiene el convencimiento de que su futuro depende del uso responsable de los recursos naturales, prueba de ello es que en la fábrica de Lima tiene construida una planta de tratamiento de agua con el objetivo de verter aguas … Learn More

Tras la medición de la huella hídrica de la planta del Agustino de la empresa Mexichem, se identificó que el mayor consumo de agua se realizaba en el uso doméstico de sus instalaciones. La planta del Agustino cuenta con 44 … Learn More

Water culture education for 7,529 children and implementation of the Hydros Project portal Hydros Project provides pedagogical material with educational activities to be used throughout the school year. The portal has access to additional material as videos and images. The … Learn More

Mexichem used a water storage tank for domestic use (for administrative areas, toilets, dining room, dressing rooms, irrigation of green areas) and industrial use (for productive process and fire protection system). During maintenance days, this tank must be empty. In … Learn More

En el proceso de elaboración de helados D’onito, una de las fases es la pasteurización, procedimiento que consiste en someter la mezcla a una temperatura de 80°C durante un periodo de tiempo, enfriándolo después rápidamente, con el fin de eliminar … Learn More

One of the phases in the process of creating ice cream is the pasteurization. It consists in putting the blending through 80°C of temperature during a period of time, and then get the blender colder rapidly. It eliminates microorganisms without … Learn More

Mexichem venía utilizando un tanque de almacenamiento de agua para uso doméstico, áreas administrativas, servicios higiénicos, comedor, camerinos, riego de áreas verdes, e industrial, para los procesos productivos y el sistema contra incendios. Este tanque debía ser vaciado para su … Learn More

El estudio de Huella Hídrica de la C.H. El Platanal muestra que el agua consumida en el proceso de generación eléctrica es de 2 273 696 m3/año. Este consumo se encuentra concentrado en la evaporación en los embalses (90% embalse … Learn More

La Planta de Helados D’onofrio de Nestlé en Lima cuenta con 25 puntos de distribución de agua para la limpieza de máquinas de producción. Estos puntos disponen de mangueras para la entrega de agua, las mismas que no son las … Learn More

Indicadores de interés: 27 ideas de Proyecto de Inversión Pública (PIP) sobre infraestructura natural formulados. PEN 39,703,160.00 potencialmente movilizados con recursos del Estado. Fortalecimiento de la institucionalidad de 3 municipalidades en PIP de infraestructura natural. 89 comuneras y ciudadano/as con … Learn More

El proyecto de reducción de huella hídrica, consiste en el cambio de 30 inodoros tradicionales e instalación de 20 inodoros con fluxometros, ubicados dentro de los servicios higiénicos de las oficinas administrativas, almacenes y planta, reemplazando a inodoros ahorradores con … Learn More

El Proyecto Hydros cuenta con material pedagógico con actividades educativas para ser utilizadas durante todo el año escolar, adicional a esto el programa cuenta con videos e imágenes para la acción como complemento del programa. El proyecto busca concientizar y … Learn More

Objetivos: Incrementar la disponibilidad del recurso hídrico, a través de la implementación de proyectos para la promoción de técnicas locales y ancestrales de almacenamiento de agua y de recarga hídrica. Contribuir al uso sostenible y eficiente del recurso hídrico, así … Learn More

This proposal outlines an intended partnership between Coca-Cola’s South Latin Business Unit and TNC, to contribute towards water security collaboratively by investing in watershed management activities and the development of collective action mechanisms in the source watersheds of four cities … Learn More

In the Nestlé ice cream production plant (D’onofrio), the washing process is constant in 40 maturation tanks and 11 lines of ice cream production with the Cleaning in Place (CIP) system. CIP consists in the circulation of washing liquids (water-acid … Learn More

After assessing water footprint of the Agustino plant, Mexichem identified that the highest quantity of consumed water came from domestic use. The Agustino plant has 44 bathrooms, 20 with conventional tanks (10 lt) and 24 with fluxometers, which is a … Learn More

The industrial services area of the D'Onofrio plant of Nestlé proposed a project to use water from an osmosis plant to supply the cooling system for ten evaporative condensers, which previously used water from well. In the cooling process, the … Learn More

Water.org’s primary solution is WaterCredit – small, affordable loans accessed by people at the base of the economic pyramid to install locally appropriate household water and sanitation solutions. Water.org partners with local financial institutions to implement water and sanitation lending … Learn More

In Peru, the Water Futures Partnership has developed a comprehensive program to increase the sustainability of groundwater use in Lima following assessments of the socio-economic and hydrological risks facing the Rimac River Basin. Backus (SABMiller’s subsidiary) and GIZ are working … Learn More

Water.org Peru 2022 -2024: Lima, Piura, La Libertad, Lambayeque, Arequipa, Puno, Cajamarca, Junín, Ica, Ancash, Cusco, Callao, Moquegua, Tacna, Tumbes, Huánuco, Ayacucho, Ucayali, Amazonas, San Martín, Pasco, Lima Province, Loreto, Huancavelica, Apurímac, Madre De Dios. Reach up to 200,000 people … Learn More

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