UN Global Compact  |  CEO Water Mandate

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Area: 5888268 km2
Brazil; Peru; Suriname; France; Colombia; Guyana; Bolivia; Venezuela; Ecuador
Santa Cruz; Manaus; La Paz
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Quick Info

Total Organizations: 23
Total Projects: 31
Priority SDGs: --
Priority Industries: --
Profile Completion: 50%

Water Challenges

As reported by organizations on the Hub.

Local Water Resource Governance
Upstream Water Issues
Access to Water Supply and Water Services
Physical water supply
Water Demand and Competition among Users
Compliance with Local Regulations and Widely-Accepted Standards

Region Overview


Organizations in Zambezi

Akros establishes data-driven systems that improve the health and well-being of disadvantaged communities. Akros is a cutting edge organization that establishes data-driven systems to improve the health and well-being of disadvantaged communities. We pride ourselves in our ground-level knowledge of … Learn More

Akros is a cutting edge organization that establishes data-driven and technologically appropriate systems to improve the health and well-being of disadvantaged communities. We pride ourselves in our ground-level knowledge of the service delivery systems where we work, and our ability … Learn More

We form part of the Barnes Group of Companies. We leverage our ability off owning our own steel manufacturing mill, which then supplies into our wholly owned primary manufacturing companies, who then produce standard and customer specific products which are … Learn More

Chipembere Community Development Organization is a registered Malawian Youth-led Organization that exists to promote interventions that build the well-being of under-privileged women, children youth elderly,and disabled to have quality hygiene and sanitation Background The organization was formed against the background … Learn More

Development of technologies for sustainable solutions for parts and monitoring of water supplies and support of maintenance. Learn More

Easing the burden on safe water through partnerships and climate smart technologies. Learn More

Finfoot Consulting GmbH is a German water resource and efficiency consulting company with an established presence in Zimbabwe. Water service providers, the agricultural sector as well as private businesses and individuals are our clients. As professional consultants we provide comprehensive … Learn More

Global Empowers is a purpose-driven social enterprise that exists to Uplift And Free People To Empower Each Other. Our Water Does Matter project aims to improve rural communities' health and living standards in Zambia and across Sub-Saharan Africa by providing … Learn More

HYDROC is an association of independent consultants, -scientists and -engineers, providing water-related services through a network of national and international experts. Our concept uses the synergies of our combined expertise for the successful implementation of a variety of projects. Our … Learn More

We make it easy for underserved communities to access natural resources essential to life. We do this by providing access to clean water, sanitation, and hygiene in underserved and impoverished communities to reduce poverty and promote gender equity. Learn More

· Climate change impact risk assessments, strategy, adaptation and proofing · Resilient cities / business · Water resources yield and supply assurance · Hydrology, specialising in Forest Hydrology (Professionally registered) · Flood modelling · Conceptual water supply planning · GIS … Learn More

NatuReS’ Vision: Preserving Natural Resources The Natural Resources Stewardship Programme (NatuReS) enables private-public-civil society partnerships to manage the natural resources they need for sustainable growth and better livelihoods. The programme’s vision is a world where all stakeholders collaborate to sustainably … Learn More

To assist competitive management consultancies in the areas of (i) Business Management, (ii) SMEs Development, (iii) Agribusiness Management, (iv)Financial Management and economic processes, (v) International Trade competitiveness, (vi) Marketing Facilitations, (vii) Quality Standards and Certifications, (viii) Project Development and Management … Learn More

Our focus is on designing, manufacturing and supplying sanitation solutions that impact positively on the enviornment and thereby contributing to SDG 6 directly, but indirectly on SDG 3. Our toilet products are designed to operate without water for flushing, and … Learn More

Vision: Provide sustainable livelihoods for the resource poor Mission: To empower resource poor and vulnerable families through interventions targetting poverty reduction, food and nutrition security, and environmental sustainability Goal: To contribute to socio-economic empowerment of resource poor and vulnerable families … Learn More

The mission of SSLLP is empowering resource poor and vulnerable families, through interventions targeting poverty reduction, food and nutrition security, and environmental sustainability. SSLLP works in 6 priority areas of institutional development, sustainable agriculture, climate change adaptation, WASH, financial services … Learn More

Realizing the economic potentials the community has and manipulating them into wealth. Learn More

To reach every child, especially girls and women in the communities with empowerment programs that help them realize their potential and capacities that recognise their special needs, based on well-researched information. Learn More

Water For People exists to promote the development of high-quality drinking water and sanitation services, accessible to all, and sustained by strong communities, businesses, and governments. OUR VISION A world where every person has access to reliable and safe water … Learn More

WaterStep responds to critical needs for safe water by evaluating and implementing solutions and teaching people to use those tools. WaterStep saves lives with safe water by empowering communities to take care of their own long-term water needs. We believe … Learn More

A research and advocacy charity working for equitable and sustainable water resource management. We work with all water users to support objective understanding of opportunities and barriers to progress, and to galvanise action based on reliable evidence, transperancy and accountability. Learn More

To Enhance Youth Participation in Climate Action and Environmental Protection, in a collaborative and problem solving manner while striking a balance where human and Nature can thrive. Learn More

Train agricultural extension workers and/or agricultural supervisors as well as agricultural field facilitators and technical officers who in turn are recruited mostly by gorvernment departments to go flat out to train small scale farmers in various agricultural activities. The mission … Learn More

Projects in Zambezi

Since 2016 the Toilet Board Coalition’s accelerator program has been supporting entrepreneurs with bespoke mentorship, partnership and the visibility to scale their sanitation economy businesses. More than toilets alone, we look for commercially viable businesses across the sanitation economies – … Learn More

California is facing a water crisis. The state has one of the most engineered and over-subscribed water systems in the world, meaning significantly more water is promised to users than is actually available. And climate change is making the swings … Learn More

The need for improved farming techniques among smallholder farmers has been aggravated by the growing world population and changing climatic conditions. This is especially true in Sub-Saharan Africa where agriculture is the main economic activity in many countries and most … Learn More

CPWF (challenge programme for water and food) is an international, multi-institutional research initiative with a strong emphasis on north-south and south-south partnerships. The initiative brings together research scientists, development specialists, and river basin communities in Africa, Asia and Latin America … Learn More

We have invested in building dams (rainwater catchments) in Tanzania and Malawi to help communities better adapt to climate change and provide water for longer periods during the dry season. Project Results (Incomplete) Learn More

A comprehensive water study has been commissioned to determine short and medium-term expected water inflows into the mine. Given the study recommendations, Lubambe is investing in additional dewatering capacity. A dam has also been built to allow the temporary system … Learn More

The construction of a borehole for St. Teresa's Orphanage will provide clean and safe water for the local community and orphans.Project ResultsThree hundred fifty people, including 146 orphans and 204 community members, around the borehole. Learn More

In Malawi, WaterAid is contributing to the development of a national-level WASH cluster preparedness and response plan to guide the COVID-19 response of government, NGOs, and other organizations. In addition, it is supporting a COVID-19 awareness and hygiene behaviour change … Learn More

In Zambia, WaterAid is working with the Ministry of Health on COVID-19 preparedness. It has developing social distancing stickers for supermarkets, banks and other frequently used places, provided mobile phones to the official COVID-19 call center, and supplied hands-free washing … Learn More

Addressing critical market barriers in accelerating private sector climate investments to help four southern African nations achieve their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). The southern African region faces significant climate mitigation and adaptation challenges, including high vulnerability to extreme climate and … Learn More

Greenpop aims to create collaborative public art which educates communities about local environmental and conservation issues and empowers people to take positive action. Our Programme Outcomes To paint conservation-themed murals in public and community spaces To include local communities in … Learn More

The main objective of the partnership is to ensure the social, economic and environmental sustainability of the Itawa Springs and their benefits. The main strategy of the project thus was to safeguard the spring’s integrity and lifespan by helping the … Learn More

The Karonga District Safe Water for Women and their Rural Communities Project aims at addressing water challenges faced by women and young girls at household and primary healthcare levels in four villages of Katili, Mwenitanga, Mwangwebo and Mwakabanga within Traditional … Learn More

This project will contribute to reducing poverty and enhancing food, health and nutritional security in the Limpopo River Basin by analysing the status of agricultural water use, access and productivity, and identifying opportunities for improved agricultural water management. Project Results … Learn More

The WSAIP is a highly participatory stakeholder empowerment process delivering a multi-stakeholder owned plan to improve Lusaka’s water security, with the commitment of stakeholders to implement that plan. The plan cuts across water supply and sanitation services, water resources management … Learn More

To strengthen multi-stakeholder collaboration to safeguard Lusaka's water resources while enhancing the sustainable and timely access to water and sanitation for all." Cooperation is crucial if the complex issue of water security is to be addressed sustainably. Water security is … Learn More

The objective of this partnership is to protect LWSC wellfields at Shaft 5 and Mass Media, in an environmentally, socially, and financially sustainable manner securing groundwater supply for Lusaka’s residents and businesses. Between March and December 2016, the International Water … Learn More

The project aims to disseminate over 8,000 improved energy efficient cookstoves to homes in Malawi. The stoves are more efficient and use less wood for household cooking and heating than traditional stoves.Malawi is classed by the United Nations as a … Learn More

RAIN supported sustainable water resources management and increased water supply access in and around the Mt. Mulanje protected area - of national economic importance and global environmental significance for its rich biodiversity. Mt. Mulanje produces abundant water resources that are … Learn More

In Dowa and Kasungu Districts, around half of rural communities live without safe water. This situation is exacerbated by the fact that around one third of existing boreholes are broken or no longer functional. These two districts remain among the … Learn More

The project aimed to build awareness and capacity for environmental flows assessment in the basin and identify institutional and legal mechanisms for mainstreaming environmental flows. Interest in environmental flows in the region had been promoted by the South African Water … Learn More

Project WET is currently active in more than 75 countries around the world through a network of partner organizations that range from small NGOs to major international corporations and organizations. We only go where we’re invited! We work with our … Learn More

Los Bronces continues to mitigate water supply challenges by implementing technical solutions that promote water efficiency and water resilience. Water is transported to the operation via a 56-kilometre pipeline from the Las Tórtolas tailings dam using a special water-recycling system. … Learn More

The project provided safe water by constructing 30 improved traditional wells to 4 villages in Songea district where over 3,000 people benefited from the project. These villages include the Mkuzo, Mhumbezi, Chandarua, and Mitendewawa villages. In the long term it … Learn More

Starbucks and Conservation International began an assessment of the water component of the Coffee and Farmer Equity (C.A.F.E.) Practices program in 2008, focused on 2 stages in the coffee value chain: cultivating, growing and harvesting coffee using methods that avoid … Learn More

Programme Vision In spite of the present critical role of tea in Malawian livelihoods, the future viability of this crop is not guaranteed. Based on previous assessments, including a climate mapping assessment by the International Centre for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), … Learn More

Two villages in Bembeke region will be provided with two waterpumps and 50 latrines. They will receive training and education on water, hygiene and maintenance of the facilities. This will lead to a significant improvement of the health situation and … Learn More

In Malawi, one of the world’s poorest countries, 86% of people in urban areas and 65% of people in rural areas have access to basic water sources. Access to basic sanitation facilities is much lower, with only 34% of urban … Learn More

The Itawa springs and its supporting ecosystem is an important water resource supplying water for domestic and industrial purposes to the city of Ndola in the Copperbelt. In recent years, the physical integrity of the spring and surrounding riparian environment … Learn More

This project aims to provide safe drinking water for almost 1000 children and teachers at the fast growing rural Nyanje basic and secondary school in Zambia. It provides training/education on maintenance & hygiene. Learn More

This project aims to provide safe drinking water for almost 3000 children and teachers at the fast growing Yeta Community School in Mongu district, Zambia. The project will provide training/education on maintenance &amp; hygiene. The community will have actual clean … Learn More

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