UN Global Compact  |  CEO Water Mandate

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Area: 5888268 km2
Brazil; Peru; Suriname; France; Colombia; Guyana; Bolivia; Venezuela; Ecuador
Santa Cruz; Manaus; La Paz
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Quick Info

2.89 out of 5
WWF Country Risk Score
63 out of 248 Countries
WWF Country Rank
Total Organizations: 63
Total Projects: 64
Priority SDGs: Sustainable Agriculture (SDG 2.4)
Increase Access to Water, Sanitation, Hygiene (SDG 6.1 & 6.2)
Water Quality (SDG 6.3)
Water Use Efficiency (SDG 6.4)
Integrated Water Resource Management (SDG 6.5)
Protect and Restore Ecosystems (SDG 6.6)
International Cooperation and Capacity Building (SDG 6.a)
Stakeholder Participation (SDG 6.b)
Water-Related Disaster Management (SDG 11.5)
Sustainable Production (SDG 12.4)
Climate Resilience and Adaptation (SDG 13.1)
Priority Regions: Galana
Tana (No, Fi)
Priority Industries: Apparel
Biotech, health care & pharma
Food, beverage & agriculture
Power generation
Organization Types:
NGO / Civil Society
Utility / Water Service Provider
Individual / Sole Proprietor
International Organization
Water Fund
Profile Completion: 82%

Water-Related Challenge Costs

Total annual estimated cost to address all water-related challenges: $3,243,306,884.00

Share of total annual estimated cost to address each individual challenge (2015 $USD):

  • Access to Drinking Water: $754,863,291.00 - [23%]
  • Access to Sanitation: $1,622,539,350.00 - [50%]
  • Industrial Pollution: $20,411,676.00 - [1%]
  • Agricultural Pollution: $259,041,795.00 - [8%]
  • Water Scarcity: $45,899,625.00 - [1%]
  • Water Management: $540,551,147.00 - [17%]

For more about this data, see information on WRI’s Achieving Abundance dataset here.

Water Challenges

As reported by organizations on the Hub.

Access to Water Supply and Water Services
Local Water Resource Governance
Physical water supply
Upstream Water Issues
Water Demand and Competition among Users
Compliance with Local Regulations and Widely-Accepted Standards
Land Use Issues
Water Pricing

Country Overview

1.1.1.WATER RESOURCES There are five main drainage areas in the country: -Lake Victoria, covering 8.0 per cent of the country; -Rift Valley and inland lakes, covering 22.5 per cent of the country; -Athi River and coast, covering 11.5 per cent of the country; -Tana River, covering 21.7 per cent of the country; -Ewaso Ng’iro, covering 36.3 per cent of the country. The water distribution in the drainage basins is both skewed and uneven with, for example, 282,600m3/km2 in the Lake Victoria basin and 21,300m3/km2 in the Athi and Coast catchments. There are six hydro-geological formations, which influence the distribution and availability of the groundwater resources: eastern quaternary sediment areas; bed rock areas; western quaternary areas; volcanic rock areas in the Rift Valley; volcanic areas outside the Rift Valley; older sedimentary areas. The internal renewable surface water resources are estimated at 20.2km3/year, while about 3.5km3 of groundwater is produced annually, of which the main part (3km3/year) is considered to overlap with the surface water resources. It is estimated that 10km3/year of water enters the country via transboundary rivers. The volcanic and quaternary geological formations are rich in groundwater. The annual safe abstraction yield of groundwater is estimated at 0.6km3, out of which 0.4km3 is the estimated yield from shallow wells while the remaining balance of 0.2km3 is estimated to come from boreholes. The total capacity of large and medium dams (> 15m) is about 4.1km3. In order to augment water supply, 1,782 small dams and 669 water pans have been constructed. There are nine lakes with a surface area of 10,747km2. Most of the lakes are saline with the exception of Victoria, Naivasha and Baringo. Lakes Nakuru and Naivasha have been declared Ramsar sites as wetlands of international importance for conservation of biodiversity. There is limited seawater desalinization, mainly for the hotels along the coast.

1.1.2.WATER USE The total water withdrawal is estimated to be over 2.7km3. The water demand is projected to increase to 5.8km3. Agriculture is the main user of water and currently consumes about 80 per cent, while municipal and commercial use accounts for the rest. There are a total of 1,800 municipal water supply schemes, out of which 700 are managed by the Ministry of Water Resource Management and Development while the communities manage the rest. There are 9,000 boreholes, most of which require rehabilitation. As a result of the skewed water distribution between the basins and within the basins, water use conflicts among irrigation, livestock, wildlife and environmental conservation is quite common in the Ewaso Ng’iro in the north, in the upper catchments of the Tana basin and the Athi basin.

1.2.WATER QUALITY, ECOSYSTEMS AND HUMAN HEALTH Major environmental problems are water pollution from urban and industrial wastes; degradation of water quality from increased use of pesticides and fertilizers; water hyacinth infestation in Lake Victoria; deforestation; soil erosion; desertification; and poaching. Water use and its effect on the environment is being taken into due consideration as 30 per cent of the flow at any point of abstraction has to be reserved for river maintenance and environment. Salinity as a result of irrigation is not widespread, except in the areas mentioned earlier where it is a result of already existing soil salinity. A case of environmental concern was experienced in the traditional irrigation area of Ngurumani, where waterlogging and swamp development was threatening the long-term sustainability of the irrigation in the area. An area of conflict exists between the wildlife and irrigation schemes, since the latter are situated in areas where there is a concentration of wildlife areas. The National Environmental Management and Coordinating Act (EMCA) No.8 of 1999 is in place to take care of the environmental impact of development and the government has established the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) to enforce it. The Act makes it mandatory to conduct an environmental impact assessment before the implementation of a project such as large-scale agriculture, use of pesticides, introduction of new animals and plants, use of fertilizers and irrigation development. Incidences of malaria and bilharzia are common in irrigated areas

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Organizations in Kenya

#ClearWaterInitiative is an extension of the Fish Foundation Global Nation Foundation's program known as “Transformation of Nations.” It's a clear precise mission and purpose through our unique structured water device providing healthy water that increases oxygen, decrease dehydration restores healthy … Learn More

AAR’s success has largely been driven by our people and their commitment to always offer high quality and affordable healthcare – by operating responsibly, executing with excellence, applying innovative technologies and capturing new opportunities for profitable growth. AAR Healthcare is … Learn More

Clean water and sanitation for all in Arid and Semi-arid areas of Kenya Learn More

To provide clean and quality water to drink Learn More

Aqua for All is a not-for-profit organisation operating in Africa and Asia. For almost two decades, we have worked towards catalysing an innovative, sustainable and inclusive water and sanitation economy worldwide. We believe that innovation, scalable solutions, and public and … Learn More

Vision: To be the leading company in facilitating access to East Africa Region Mission: To provide quality facilities &amp; related services so as to add value to the client and other stakeholder Motto: Water where you need it Learn More

Our mission is to provide complete water development services and affordable products, creating access to clean water. This includes a wide assortment of essential, sustainable, life-enhancing products and services to benefit people living in crisis. Our clients are mostly NGO's … Learn More

To make clean and safe water available to all people around my community Learn More

1. social education and mobilization on the importance of safe and clean water 2. Behavioural change to the marginalized communities in Laikipia West, East and North to use purified water using p&amp;g purifiers 3. To support economic welfare by ensuring … Learn More

CESPAD is a Kenyan NGO whose mission is to narrow the gap in accessing opportunities so that all people can enjoy a better life in a transformed society by stopping the degradation of the planet's environment and to build a … Learn More

Chemichemi Foundation exists to build capacity on coping mechanisms on effects of climate change. Our impact strategy is advocacy and economic empowerment. Learn More

Our organization's mission is to ensure "Prosperity in all for all" by providing holisting approaches to community based interventions. Among its initiatives is the Clean Water Initiative that drives interventions for water safety, access and protection and restoration of water … Learn More

To empower sustainable water management practices within the real estate industry and promote equitable access to clean water in the communities we develop. We achieve this by: Integrating water-saving technologies and exploring innovative solutions like rainwater harvesting and greywater recycling … Learn More

Desolenator is a transformative approach to water provisioning: Our world-first solar thermal desalination solution harnesses 4x more solar energy, to turn seawater or brackish water into high quality, pure water with zero harm to the planet. Protecting critical business assets … Learn More

Diageo plc is a British multinational alcoholic beverages company, with its headquarters in London, England. Diageo is the world's largest producer of spirits and a key producer of beer. Diageo's commitment to water stewardship is outlined in its Blueprint Water … Learn More

Clean drinking water, safe toilets and good hygiene are essential, and yet in rural Kenya, too many children and communities lack these services. Our mission is to change this. We use the 3Ts - Taps, Toilets and Training. Our Mission … Learn More

Easing the burden on safe water through partnerships and climate smart technologies. Learn More

Provide clean water, sanitation, hygiene and clean renewable energy from the human waste with the objective of creating a sewage free environment. Learn More

Provide clean, safe and sustainable water and sewerage service to residents of Elwak Municipality and its environs Learn More

Facilitating daily access to clean, and safe drinking water for Women and Children in the Horn of African Region. Learn More

Somos una organización social, ONGs, Fundación Privada, especializada en realización, diseño, planificación, ejecución, puesta en marcha y control de Proyectos Multivariable, Proyectos de Producción e Inversión social en las áreas de agro-desarrollos y comercialización de alimentos, trabajando esforzadamente para la … Learn More

HYDROC is an association of independent consultants, -scientists and -engineers, providing water-related services through a network of national and international experts. Our concept uses the synergies of our combined expertise for the successful implementation of a variety of projects. Our … Learn More

The mission and vision of IAF is “Peace, Development and Community Empowerment for All” amongst different communities in Kenya. We seek a Country of hope, tolerance and social justice, where poverty has been overcome and people live in dignity and … Learn More

International Transformation Foundation (ITF) is a youth-led non-profit organization providing youth educational and self-development programs encompassing leadership and entrepreneurship to harness creativity for a youth system that provide jobs, offers security, opens opportunities to grow and contributes to the development … Learn More

A better world Learn More

Japmor Kenya is a social venture that provides simple sustainable water solutions to the last mile. This we do through our six pillars in Learn More

Providing simple water filtration technologies Learn More

To create decent jobs through Agriculture and Rural development across Africa. Learn More

Positively harness the potential of Kenyan youth and transforming it for positive contribution in the Kenyan society with an aim to facilitate and promote knowledge creation, dissemination and nurturing progressive and value-driven leadership among marginalized communities across our social, cultural … Learn More

To efficiently provide quality, adequate, reliable and affordable water and sanitation services to our customers Learn More

To provide a platform for the underprivileged and marginalized people through mobilization, sensitization and utilization of the hidden resources, in order to meet their socio-economic needs in Kenya. Learn More

To manage water supply for Kwa Mukembi Village by making sure the Borehole is working and supplying adequate water all the time. Investigate other ways that water can be collected through earth dams along Kwa Mukembi River and the other … Learn More

Consulting Services in the Water Resources and Environmental Sectors Proactive Solutions for Water Resources and Environmental Challenges At MEK Earth &amp; Environmental Inc., we help clients in Canada and internationally to develop world-class, sustainable programs in the water resources and … Learn More

To create water for poor and needy people. Learn More

To empower the community in education, water, health and economically in the community so that we stop the cycle of poverty in the rural poor and marginalized communities in Kenya. Learn More

METRO is an established leading manufacturer, importer supplier of Pipes &amp; Fittings, Pumps, and allied items related to the Piping &amp; Water Industry. We commenced our operations in Dar es salaam, Tanzania in 2004 to provide dedicated and prompt service … Learn More

To drive innovation in water and create a world with equal water Access for all. We Focus on solving Africa's water Challenge through technology. Learn More

· Climate change impact risk assessments, strategy, adaptation and proofing · Resilient cities / business · Water resources yield and supply assurance · Hydrology, specialising in Forest Hydrology (Professionally registered) · Flood modelling · Conceptual water supply planning · GIS … Learn More

Our mission at Openpath Solutions is to empower communities worldwide by providing cutting-edge billing software solutions for community water projects. We strive to develop software that enables community members and project managers to easily manage billing operations related to water … Learn More

Improving life quality of local communities through sustainable local initiatives. Local grassroots SDG champions Education,health awareness advocacy,WASH,PCVE, conservation. Learn More

Increasing access to safe water and sanitation by connecting and mobilizing volunteer plumbers and plumbing industry leaders and resources to projects and organizations dedicated to safe water and sanitation. Learn More

We aim to lead a grassroots transformation enabling inclusive WASH access in rural communities of Africa. To foster a healthier Nigeria by ensuring access to safe and clean water, promoting proper sanitation, and encouraging effective hygiene practices with a focus … Learn More

About Us Welcome to Rural African Matters (RAM), where advocacy meets action for meaningful change. RAM is a grassroots organization dedicated to empowering youth, women, and people with disabilities across rural African communities. Our Mission At RAM, our mission is … Learn More

To develop and provide innovative solutions, training and consultancy services with applied research in irrigation and water resources, greenhouse farming, sustainable agriculture practices, aquaculture, climate change mitigation and adaptation solutions. we seek to work with farmers, develop rural programs, youths, … Learn More

Our focus is on designing, manufacturing and supplying sanitation solutions that impact positively on the enviornment and thereby contributing to SDG 6 directly, but indirectly on SDG 3. Our toilet products are designed to operate without water for flushing, and … Learn More

Help customer to become "Least Cost Producer" Learn More

TAM Ceramics water filter media of granulated ceramics, coated with a small amount of silver, will be appropriate for filter systems of large scale in any size. While systems of TAM's granulated filter media are genuinely sustainable for achievement of … Learn More

Wastewater treatment and reuse is the primary mission of Tankerwala. Apart from in-site recycling, transporting the treated water from water reclamation plants to construction sites and parks for irrigation on water trucks is the moat of the company. Learn More

Our mission is to promote an enlightened and responsible Kenyan citizenry committed towards democratic principles and actively engaged in the practice of democracy and sustainable development. Learn More

The innovative model of the Upper Tana-Nairobi Water Fund is the first of its kind on the African continent. TNC is engaging watershed stakeholders from all sectors of society to undertake projects that benefit the small-holder farmers living in the … Learn More

The Toilet Board Coalition (TBC) is a business platform enabling private sector engagement; connecting large and small companies; and ensuring close collaboration between private, public and non-profit sectors with the common goal to accelerate the business of sanitation for all. … Learn More

Tosheka Products is a social impact business in Kenya. I am interested in engaging with your organization to respond to the global problem of women and children having access to Life’s most precious necessity water without the strain of caring … Learn More

Building a better future for Africa. Learn More

To provide safe and clean water to the marginalized community in the northern Kenya. Learn More

University of Eldoret (UoE) is a public university located in Eldoret town in Uasin Gishu County of Kenya. It had been a constituent college of Moi University (Kenya) from 1984 to 2013 before it was chartered to full university status. … Learn More

To provide clean accessible water in Arid and semi Aride Areas Learn More

To inform, empower and transform communities towards self-reliance. Learn More

WaterStep responds to critical needs for safe water by evaluating and implementing solutions and teaching people to use those tools. WaterStep saves lives with safe water by empowering communities to take care of their own long-term water needs. We believe … Learn More

To efficiently and effectively empower rural communities in fighting poverty, disease and defending the rights of young and old people through information accessibility and training services provision Learn More

Provide sustainable and community led solutions to improve the health of the people Learn More

To ensure sustainable solutions for water resources availability as a mitigation to non adherance to taking drugs for TB and HIV. To assist our community in climate change adaptation. Conserve the environment, riparian protection and sustainable livelihoods that are not … Learn More

To improve the incomes, food security and livelihoods of the resource poor and vulnerable households in Yikitaa, Kibwezi East Constituency, Makueni County (Kenya), through the application of sustainable conservation agriculture technologies and natural resource management. Learn More

To ensure safe water and sanition to every household Learn More

Projects in Kenya

Deployment of representative in East Africa to increase efficiency in project planning and cooperation with partners, and to increase familiarity with the East African water management sector Learn More

Since 2016 the Toilet Board Coalition’s accelerator program has been supporting entrepreneurs with bespoke mentorship, partnership and the visibility to scale their sanitation economy businesses. More than toilets alone, we look for commercially viable businesses across the sanitation economies – … Learn More

The AquaBot provides push button operation, easily dispensing an accurate amount of water to each user at an affordable rate which benefits the community and sustains the operation of the system for many years into the future. Each AquaBot is … Learn More

Inspired by personal experience growing up in communities, where school-going children walk long distances to secure water for their families before/ after going to school causing absenteeism resulting to school drop-outs. In 2013 we worked on research project about sustainable … Learn More

In an effort to improve the operational performance of Water Service Providers (WSPs) in Kenya, VEI, Vewin, SNV Kenya, KEWI, GIZ and WASREB have teamed up with the Water Services Provider Association (WASPA) to develop and support a utility-led benchmarking … Learn More

Reducing or avoiding climate change impacts through ecosystem-based adaptation for vulnerable coastal populations. The western Indian Ocean region is undergoing rapid climate change. Mozambique was hit by two major cyclones in 2019, while the other regional countries are facing similarly … Learn More

Access to safe water is the foundation to the development of all communities. Safe and reliable water restores hope and unlocks potential and opportunity. As the water crisis has grown to a global level leaving in its path a plethora … Learn More

The project proposes development of an integrated water supply project to serve about 5000 people affected by walk long distances of more than 1.5 kilometers to reach the nearest water stream and water related diseases in Rongo pala Sub location … Learn More

DryDev's Kenya project provides relevant and contextually appropriate support to smallholder farmers residing in semi-arid dryland areas. The project aims to help households in such areas transition from subsistence farming and emergency aid to sustainable rural development. It aims to … Learn More

The project will take two years and 9 months, within these years all the planned activities should be done. We intend to have drilled all the three boreholes, put all the infrastructure in place, for instance, we should have done … Learn More

More than 80% of Kenyan households rely on biomass (e.g. wood & charcoal) for energy; it is mainly used for cooking and occasionally for space and water heating. Wood and charcoal are obtained almost exclusively from the forest (90%), which … Learn More

The Annual Water Sector Review Report (February 2011) underlines the fact that ‘data situation on water and sanitation coverage in the rural areas is difficult to ascertain as no baseline survey has been undertaken. This information gap continues to make … Learn More

An initiative to spread awareness and raise money to help women and young girls managing their personal hygiene while finding like-minded support and assistance. This project is representative of 4 different initiatives. The link above is to the donation website. … Learn More

The COVID-19 outbreak led to an increased demand for safe water due to frequent handwashing and people staying at home. But water and sanitation micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) are struggling to survive, as they face revenue loss and … Learn More

Integrated Water Resource Action Plan programme (IWRAP), public and private partners from Kenya and the Netherlands are working together on sustainable land and water management for people, businesses and nature in the Lake Naivasha Basin. It creates enabling environment for … Learn More

An integrated approach to water resource management that aims to improve governance, monitoring, management and coordination around water resources, whilst supporting sustainable development in the Lake Naivasha Basin. Learn More

The International Water Stewardship Programme (IWaSP) seeks to initiate multi-stakeholder partnerships with the private sector, the public sector and the civil society in order to formulate and implement measures to improve water security for all parties. In Kenya, the International … Learn More

The International Water Stewardship Programme (IWaSP) seeks to initiate multi-stakeholder partnerships with the private sector, the public sector and the civil society in order to formulate and implement measures to improve water security for all parties. The Naivasha Lake and … Learn More

This project aims to reduce the incidence of WASH related diseases (such as diarrhea) among the school children of Itumbu primary of Lugari District of Kakamega county. This shall be achieved through provision of safe water by construction of a … Learn More

1. Foods and NutritionFood is any substance, liquid or solid which ids eaten to provide the body with nutrients for growth, repair, energy and protection. While nutrition is the art of feeding on foods that contain body building, energy giving … Learn More

Public health is defined as the art or science of preventing and controlling diseases to promote health and prolong life. Availability of water resources affects public health in the following ways.-Good health-when water is safe adequate and wholesome.-Poor health-due to … Learn More

Under the SDG6 IWRM Support Programme (under the guidance of UNEP and coordinated by GWP in collaboration with UNEP-DHI Centre and UNDP Cap-Net), Kenya developed an IWRM Action Plan in 2019 including six priority actions. One of them focused on … Learn More

With Carbon Footprint you can support local communities in the Great Rift Valley, Kenya. Through our tree planting programme you can help:Offset CO2 emissions*Reduce povertyProvide wildlife habitatsCreate a brighter future for project team members including orphans and people living with … Learn More

We are forming a coalition in Kibera in cooperation with the Governor of Nairobi--Evans Kidero- and the staff of Nairobi City-County, owners of Nairobi City Water and Sewerage Company, to design clean water distribution, sewage and waste treatment, and flood … Learn More

Public health is defined as the art or science of preventing and controlling diseases to promote health and prolong life. Availability of water resources affects public health in the following ways.-Good health-when water is safe adequate and wholesome.-Poor health-due to … Learn More

This program is to let the community know how water occurs in various forms in space and time.Activities Undertaken: Seeds distribution and fertilizers, Community training, latrines construction, tree planting, environmental protection1) Objectives� identify various/different forms of water� understand different sources … Learn More

The Lake Naivasha Basin hosts sections of KenyaÕs five water towers, the Aberdares and Mau Forest Complex. In addition to being a fundamental water source, the basin also host Lake Naivasha that supports a flourishing business in the horticulture industry. … Learn More

EA SusWatch implemented the LVEMP II Civil Society Watch Project that sought to lobby and advocate for realization of results-based performance from the Lake Victoria Environmental Management Project (LVEMP II) and implementation of the East African Climate Change Policy (EACCP, … Learn More

Public health is defined as the art or science of preventing and controlling diseases to promote health and prolong life. Availability of water resources affects public health in the following ways.-Good health-when water is safe adequate and wholesome.-Poor health-due to … Learn More

1. Improved Water Management Infrastructure. 2. Effective Water Management Partnerships. 3. Commercialization of Agriculture. Learn More

The aim of this activity is to monitor a select number of WRM-WASH related (election) promises that have been made by government leaders at national level and county level. Learn More

Additionally we have focused on the need for collective action to address the water crisis and as such have established the Nairobi Water Roundtable, a group of key stakeholders in the area, including local government, NGOs and other industries, to … Learn More

By 2030 Nazava Water Filters aims to be the number one water filter for the Base of the income pyramid (BOP) impacting 10 million people with dafe affodable water. Project Results People with improved heath: 10 million Accumalative cost savings: … Learn More

Foods and NutritionFood is any substance, liquid or solid which ids eaten to provide the body with nutrients for growth, repair, energy and protection. While nutrition is the art of feeding on foods that contain body building, energy giving and … Learn More

Public health is defined as the art or science of preventing and controlling diseases to promote health and prolong life. Availability of water resources affects public health in the following ways.-Good health-when water is safe adequate and wholesome.-Poor health-due to … Learn More

This project delivers reliable, low-cost water treatment technologies to public and private schools in developing countries and finances its operation through carbon emission reductions resulting from the displacement of boiling water. Our partner Impact Water is a global social enterprise … Learn More

Project WET is currently active in more than 75 countries around the world through a network of partner organizations that range from small NGOs to major international corporations and organizations. We only go where we’re invited! We work with our … Learn More

The primary source of water for the city of Bucaramanga, Colombia, is the Surata River, which originates in the Santurban High Andean Wetland. Approximately two million people depend on this fragile ecosystem, which is being affected by agricultural practices, formal … Learn More

The Horn of Africa is facing it's worst draught since the last four decade. The looming catastrophy to human and livestock alike, is the increasing daily dehydration to death around communities like Danane in Ethiopia, Jilib in Somalia, and Kalokol … Learn More

Tosheka’s Rolling Springs is a patented system that makes it easy for anyone to transport quickly one or three containers of water over long distances. Tosheka's Rolling Springs eases the transport of water containers by encapsulating them in a structure … Learn More

Community development entrepreneurs were trained to construct high quality Rainwater Harvesting systems at the school and the surrounding community. Project Results545 school children and people now have access to water and sanitation Learn More

Diageo has pledged 2 million liters of Grain Neutral Spirit, a 96% strength ethyl alcohol used to produce vodka and gin, to its manufacturing partners to produce over 8 million 250 ml bottles of hand sanitizer for frontline healthcare workers. … Learn More

As a representative of Aqua for All, Tabitha Gerrets will act as the linking pin between Aqua for All (and field partners) and the Millennium Water Alliance in Nairobi, Kenya. She will actively search for and try to create possibilities … Learn More

Aqua Clara will partner with the school and install three bio-sand filters, start a Water & Hygiene club and construct a high quality rain water harvesting system at the school. While training two individuals from the community to assist with … Learn More

16 new schools will receive the following: Rain Water Harvesting Units Biosand Filters, Hand washing Stations, Safe water storage containers and Health and Hygiene clubs 16 new Biosand filer businesses will be launched and trainingProject Results8,160 People Impacted 160 People … Learn More

Connect International and ACK will create the Aqua Clara H2OPE (Water Products and Expertise) Accelerator to provide long-term WASH related training, control, support and advisory services which will support an increase in the number, scope and quality of WASH initiatives … Learn More

Over a four year period, the Kenya Smart Water for Agriculture Programme (SWA) will promote market-led water management solutions to support 20,000 farmers in five counties to increase their yields without increasing their costs. By using less water and energy … Learn More

Starbucks and Conservation International began an assessment of the water component of the Coffee and Farmer Equity (C.A.F.E.) Practices program in 2008, focused on 2 stages in the coffee value chain: cultivating, growing and harvesting coffee using methods that avoid … Learn More

Project Maji received funding from Aqua for All to introduce a new model to build a business case for safe water economics in rural, underserved communities in Sub-Saharan Africa. The three-year programme in Kenya aims to accelerate service delivery to … Learn More

This proposed project is to safeguard the gains made in previous projects in preparation for acceleration for enhanced results and increased coverage for the period 2017-2020. The proposed project will also enhance access to safe drinking water by rehabilitating Kerema … Learn More

Water Resources-This program is to let the community know how water occurs in various forms in space and time.Actions undertaken: -Earth dam construction -cattle troughs -VIP latrines -seeds distribution, training/capacity building -goats for milk production1) Objectives� identify various/different forms of … Learn More

Safe water facilities effectively used and maintained by schools and households, behavioral change recorded in schools and the wider community with regard to WASH awareness/ practice and management, construction of school and household sanitation facilities, reduced abseentism/dropout of children from … Learn More

The County Government of Kiambu County wanted to address the protection of water and environment in the County and sought support from IWaSP to facilitate interaction between the private sector and the Water Resources User Associations (WRUAs). The leadership capacity … Learn More

This project aims to contribute towards reduced poverty, improved health, environmental and economic conditions by empowering people and creating an enabling environment thus achieving increased sustainable access to & use of safe water, improved sanitation and improved hygiene practices for … Learn More

The WAI stands for a shift from the dominant hardware-construction approach, often used by others, towards WASH sector development by working on three pillars: establishing a functioning market, strengthening the public sector, and empowering & organising citizens. Our innovative approach … Learn More

WaterAid is an international NGO focused exclusively on ensuring equitable access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene education (WASH) for the world’s poorest communities. Formed in 1981 we have been working in water, sanitation and hygiene for over 30 years. … Learn More

Our response strategy at this site has been to implement an overall water stewardship programme that includes targets specific to water stressed sites. The timeframe for this response strategy is the period of 2007 through 2020 - specifically the site … Learn More

Nairobi, Meru, Kiambu, Kajiado, Machakos, Murang’a, Nakuru, Nyeri, Makueni, Kilifi, Mombasa, Kisii, Kitui, Kisumu, Kirinyaga, Narok, Embu, Nandi, Uasin Gishu, Taita Taveta, Siaya, Kwale, Kericho, Laikipia, Bungoma, Kakamega. Reach up to 1 million people per year with lasting access to … Learn More

By means of decentralized water stations, Siemens Stiftung aims to cultivate a sustainable water supply in remote regions of Kenya. The Safe Water Enterprises are implemented in cooperation with SkyJuice Foundation and further partners. What the projects have in common … Learn More

ITF was formed in Kenya in 1922 when Richard St Barbe Baker and Chief Josiah Njonjo formed ÔWatu wa MitiÕ Ð the People of the Trees. This became the society of the Men of the Trees, a worldwide organisation that … Learn More

Whilst some progress has been made in introducing WSPs to the African region, there is still some way to go in achieving impact at scale. Establishing drivers – through distilling, synthesizing and disseminating key benefits – and nurturing a critical … Learn More

Bangladesh is experiencing one of the worst humanitarian crises in history. Since August 2017, Bangladesh has seen an unprecedented influx of Rohingya refugees fleeing violence in MyanmarÕs Rakhine State. Among the nearly 1 million Rohingya refugees now residing in the … Learn More

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moses dike
Faith Langat
Caleb Letair
John Mlamba
Micah Opondo
Atieno Rakwach

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