UN Global Compact  |  CEO Water Mandate

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Area: 5888268 km2
Brazil; Peru; Suriname; France; Colombia; Guyana; Bolivia; Venezuela; Ecuador
Santa Cruz; Manaus; La Paz
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Quick Info

2.51 out of 5
WWF Country Risk Score
130 out of 248 Countries
WWF Country Rank
Total Organizations: 41
Total Projects: 1
Priority SDGs: Sustainable Agriculture (SDG 2.4)
Increase Access to Water, Sanitation, Hygiene (SDG 6.1 & 6.2)
Water Quality (SDG 6.3)
Water Use Efficiency (SDG 6.4)
Integrated Water Resource Management (SDG 6.5)
Protect and Restore Ecosystems (SDG 6.6)
International Cooperation and Capacity Building (SDG 6.a)
Stakeholder Participation (SDG 6.b)
Water-Related Disaster Management (SDG 11.5)
Sustainable Production (SDG 12.4)
Climate Resilience and Adaptation (SDG 13.1)
Priority Regions: Danube
Priority Industries: Biotech, health care & pharma
Food, beverage & agriculture
Power generation
Organization Types:
NGO / Civil Society
Utility / Water Service Provider
Bilateral and / or Intergovernmental Agency
Profile Completion: 73%

Water-Related Challenge Costs

Total annual estimated cost to address all water-related challenges: $1,222,742,807.00

Share of total annual estimated cost to address each individual challenge (2015 $USD):

  • Access to Drinking Water: $88,960,526.00 - [7%]
  • Access to Sanitation: $67,721,064.00 - [6%]
  • Industrial Pollution: $801,455,334.00 - [66%]
  • Agricultural Pollution: $60,815,416.00 - [5%]
  • Water Scarcity: --
  • Water Management: $203,790,468.00 - [17%]

For more about this data, see information on WRI’s Achieving Abundance dataset here.

Water Challenges

As reported by organizations on the Hub.

Physical water supply
Access to Water Supply and Water Services
Compliance with Local Regulations and Widely-Accepted Standards
Upstream Water Issues
Water Pricing
Land Use Issues
Local Water Resource Governance
Socioeconomic and Reputation

Country Overview

1.1.1.WATER RESOURCES Lake Balaton is the largest and warmest freshwater lake of Central Europe. The two most important rivers, the Danube (its length in Hungary is 417km) and the Tisza (597km), cross the country from north to south. Flooding can endanger 52 per cent of the country. The renewable water resources total 120 billion m3 annually, which is mainly provided by the Danube river (the amount of inflowing water per capita in Hungary is the highest in the world). About three quarters of the country's groundwater resources (shallow groundwater and bankfiltered and karstic water) is vulnerable. Half of the population is supplied with drinking water from bank-filtered wells, located along the Danube and other rivers of excellent quality. The country is rich in thermal waters.

1.1.2.WATER USE The vast majority of Hungary’s waterworks are reliant on groundwater: more than 90 per cent of the population is supplied in this way. Water utilities supply 560 million m3 of drinking water per year and a further 240 million m3 of water for other public uses. Annual industrial and agricultural abstraction accounts for almost 5,000 million m3 and 680 million m3 respectively. Power generation accounts for 95.48 per cent of industrial use; 68 per cent of agricultural use is for fishponds, and 27 per cent for irrigation. Major rivers are important for transportation, and Hungary contains 1600km of navigable waterways. The Danube and Tisza are key international routes, while the Dráva is used for internal transport. Cargo transport is very small (currently around 8-10 per cent on the Danube and only 1- 2 per cent on the Tisza) and potential is limited by the lack of a connection between the two rivers. The water regime is highly dependent on the flow regime, which has a major impact on the efficiency of shipping transport. Hungary’s rivers also play a vital role in disposing of effluent, being the major recipients of both municipal and industrial wastewater. There is little potential for hydroelectric power (around 1 per cent of energy production is generated by hydropower). As 21,712km2 of Hungary is below river flood level, flood control is a key consideration. Crucially, this area includes 10,000m2 arable land, 32 per cent of the rail network, 15 per cent of roads and more than 2,000 industrial plants. The highest flood discharge in the Danube is 20 times low flow; flooding on the major rivers can last several months. In smaller rivers, e.g. the Körös system, the ratio is several hundred to one and floods can develop in a few hours. Devastating, fast-rising icejam floods are especially dangerous. Flood control over past centuries has resulted in the construction of 4,181km of defences (mainly earthen embankments). Ten emergency lowland flood reservoirs (with a total volume of 360 million m3) provide protection for 97 per cent of the floodplain area.

1.2.WATER QUALITY, ECOSYSTEMS AND HUMAN HEALTH The upgrading of Hungary's standards in waste management, energy efficiency, and air, soil, and water pollution to meet EU requirements will require large investments. Of 876 natural and 150 artificial water bodies identified in Hungary, 579 freshwater surface bodies have been classified as being “at risk” from organic, nutrient or priority hazardous substances (according to EU Water Framework Directive definitions). Approximately 70 per cent of artificial lakes (mainly fishponds) are “at risk” from organic and nutrient loads. Organic and nutrient loads from point/diffuse sources are as follows (in 1,000 t/year): total nitrogen 24.8/20.0; total phosphorus 3.9/3.0; BOD5 (Biochemical Oxygen Demand) 60.0/3.2; COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) 12.3/20.5. Point source load is mainly from urban discharges (80-95 per cent, depending on pollutant). None of the 108 groundwater bodies identified is considered to be “at risk” due to human intervention, but 46 sites are listed as “possibly at risk” (mostly from nitrate pollution from diffuse sources). Pollution has made phreatic groundwater near the surface unfit for drinking water. 349 water bodies have been identified as “at risk” and 234 “possibly at risk” from hydromorphological alterations. These represent 42 per cent and 25 per cent of the total length of Hungarian water bodies respectively. In the case of lakes, 47 water bodies are “possibly at risk”, including Lake Balaton.

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Organizations in Hungary

Alegria activity S.L. produces special purpose mobile units. These mobile units are special purpose vehicles used to deploy any kind of service directly and easily to any location and social community in order to conduct turn-key campaigns in HEALTH, EDUCATION, … Learn More

The Alliance for Water Stewardship (AWS) (www.a4ws.org) is a global membership-based network of businesses, civil society organisations and the public sector dedicated to promoting the responsible use of freshwater. AWS Members contribute to the sustainability of shared water resources through … Learn More

The company was founded for this moment, on a combined conviction in the power of human ingenuity and the potential of practical action to solve the problems of the decisive decade, and make sustainability happen. We believe that productivity and … Learn More

A Tanzania consulting firm on development issues including water, sanitation, energy and climate change. Learn More

Production of chemicals and equipment for potable water treatment and industrial water preparing. Learn More

ASMAN Software Solutions Private Limited is a provider of cutting edge software consultancy, design and development services with headquarters in Hyderabad, India. The company made its inception into the IT arena in 2011 and offers a comprehensive range of Software … Learn More

A Hungarian R&amp;D organisation currently engaged in developing integrated infrastructure for high density urban areas. Instead of looking at the components urban eco-system in isolation we tend to combine them such that waste water treatment, waste processing or in general … Learn More

El grupo Biosfera, es un think tank en investigacion de futuros sustentables. (BIOSFERA, INVESTIGACIÓN DE FUTUROS) es un equipo de análisis cuyo core business es la investigación prospectiva para la construcción de futuros deseables (futurables), asociados a la sustentabilidad (planeamiento … Learn More

The Centre for Advanced Research &amp; Development (CARD) is a non-government agency established, in India, with its Head quarters in Bhopal in Madhya Pradesh established in 1992. The CARD has been established to promote advanced research and to apply its … Learn More

The Climate Connected Benefit Society is an industrial and provident society for the benefit of the community – a very simple funding vehicle, which allows ordinary, socially aware investors in the UK to put their capital to work in a … Learn More

Regional Water and sewage utilities provider in Mures County, Romania. Learn More

Ingenieria y Consultoría Ambiental. Learn More

The Corporate Eco Forum (CEF) is an invitation-only membership organization for large companies that demonstrate a serious commitment to environment as a business strategy issue. CEF’s mission is to help accelerate sustainable business innovation by creating the best neutral space … Learn More

Main focus is SUDS retrofit to tackle flooding and water quality problems in the City of Coventry, UK, and to provide biodiversity and amenity benefits to wildlife and citizens. Coventry has Living Lab Status and the group includes Coventry University … Learn More

“IC Medicals” and “ The Emission” are two genetically integrated global internet projects about informational copies of substances and biological objects. DST Foundation initiated the integration of these phenomenal projects in August 2009 as they both are based on usage … Learn More

Deltares is an independent, institute for applied research in the field of water, subsurface and infrastructure. Throughout the world, we work on smart solutions, innovations and applications for people, environment and society. Our main focus is on deltas, coastal regions … Learn More

Developing European Environmental Policy The European Commission develops and implements EU policies by proposing laws to the European Parliament and Council of the European Union helping EU countries implement EU legislation managing the EU's budget and allocating funding ensuring that … Learn More

The European Water Partnership (EWP) is an independent value based non-profit organization structured as an open and inclusive member association. The EWP harnesses European capacity, helps to coordinate initiatives and activities in international water issues and undertakes worldwide promotion of … Learn More

First Climate is a globally leading provider of water project development and carbon offset services. We help our corporate clients across Europe, Asia-Pacific and the US to get engaged in water stewardship activities and manage and compensate their carbon emissions. … Learn More

Somos una organización social, ONGs, Fundación Privada, especializada en realización, diseño, planificación, ejecución, puesta en marcha y control de Proyectos Multivariable, Proyectos de Producción e Inversión social en las áreas de agro-desarrollos y comercialización de alimentos, trabajando esforzadamente para la … Learn More

Future 500 is a non-profit consultancy that builds trust between companies, advocates, investors, and philanthropists to advance business as a force for good. Our organization formed in 1995 as a venue for corporations and environmental NGOs to debate the systemic … Learn More

GSK is a science-led global healthcare company – with three world-leading businesses – that researches, develops and manufactures innovative pharmaceutical medicines, vaccines and consumer healthcare products. Fresh water is critical to achieving universal health coverage, to providing sanitation facilities, and … Learn More

Global Compact Local Network Learn More

The International Water Association (IWA) is an organisation that brings together people from across the water profession to deliver equitable and sustainable water solutions for our world. As a global network of water professionals, we seek to engage and partner … Learn More

BETTER public private partnership, with partner company John Todd Ecological Design, involved in sustainable water and wastewater and waste to food design and project development worldwide. See www.betterp3.com and www.toddecological.com Learn More

As we share our water with the entire planet, we feel that it is a precious resource. We monitor how we use water at our factories and are constantly working on ways to reduce our consumption of fresh water resources. … Learn More

A world leader in building materials, Lafarge employs 65,000 people in 64 countries, and posted sales of €15.8 billion in 2012. As a top-ranking player in its Cement, Aggregates and Concrete businesses, it contributes to the construction of cities around … Learn More

Smarter Technology For All. We develop world-changing technology solutions to create a more inclusive, trustworthy and sustainable digital society. Learn More

NAQWA is a Russian company that develops and makes nano drinking water recoverers. Our product NAQWA SPRING Drinking Water Recoverer (NAQWA SWR, www.naqwa.com ) created and manufactured in Russia is intended to provide sustainable drinking water solutions first of all … Learn More

Sunass regulates water and sewage companies, oversees quality of service standards, settles customer complaints and sets regulated prices. Learn More

Nowadays, knowledge workers deal with huge amounts of information. Their daily business is to analyse documents and data records, extract essential parts from them to mash and interlink this with other information pieces. Carrying out this challenging job by means … Learn More

The Sindh Irrigation and Drainage Authority (SIDA) is an autonomous organization, taking over the Sindh irrigation and drainage system from the Sindh Irrigation and Power Department. It was established in 1997, an innovative act to devolve power in the water … Learn More

Christopher Gleadle brings Sustainability, and the Green Economy• to life and shows you how to capture, create and deliver more value: serve customers better, reduce costs and mitigate conspiring environmental and social risk to see opportunity for greater profit. His … Learn More

Trucost provides data and insight to help its clients understand the economic consequences of natural capital dependency. Our clients include companies and their advisors, the investment community, governments, academics and thought leaders. Learn More

Research Learn More

Wastewater Exchange is the designer and the implementer of the Ethical Water Exchange (all rights reserved) transforming wastewater into commoditised treated wastewater for the good sake of our health, planet, economy &amp; water resources as common good. Learn More

Water Canada is an influencer, a networker, and a newsmaker. Our editors and researchers know the industry and the people implementing plans and projects on the frontlines. Thousands of readers turn to us for exclusive, insightful content that speaks to … Learn More

Water Technologies International (GR8 Water) is engaged in the manufacture and distribution of technologically advanced Atmospheric Water Generators (AWG). These unique devices utilize a patent pending air purification input system to produce clean, great-tasting, safe water from the humidity in … Learn More

Wello is a social venture with a bold mission: to deliver clean water to a thirsty world. By reframing the water crisis as an opportunity, Wello has reinvented the wheel and developed an innovative and sustainable business model. THE WATERWHEEL … Learn More

Promoting the use of innovative water-from-air tech for evaporation and condensate recapture &amp; reuse by communities and businesses resiliently adapting to global warming and responding to disasters. In arid and drying regions lacking or losing surface and groundwaters, atmospheric (clean) … Learn More

ÁLON connects people and resources to raise awareness, converge best practice and collaboration, to support the transition of industries, leaders &amp; lifestyles dependent on water – towards minimizing our water footprints. “We aim to shape consensus among pioneering Water Ambassadors … Learn More

Projects in Hungary

Reconnecting floodplains to restore ecosystem services and re-establish biodiversity, this project focuses on restoring the cut-off floodplains to the Danube for the benefit of people, habitats and species. The project focuses on improving knowledge on habitat locations and conditions, helping … Learn More

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