UN Global Compact  |  CEO Water Mandate

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Bonneville Environmental Foundation

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Bonneville Environmental Foundation

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Area: 5888268 km2
Brazil; Peru; Suriname; France; Colombia; Guyana; Bolivia; Venezuela; Ecuador
Santa Cruz; Manaus; La Paz
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Organization Overview

BEF scopes, develops, supports, and designs environmental water programs and projects across the U.S. The organization has been instrumental in building an NGO-led environmental water stewardship movement around Western Water issues and volumetric flow solutions. BEF collaborated in the creation of the nation’s only program (Change the Course) that provides businesses the opportunity to balance their water footprint by supporting projects that restore environmental flows, an…

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BEF scopes, develops, supports, and designs environmental water programs and projects across the U.S. The organization has been instrumental in building an NGO-led environmental water stewardship movement around Western Water issues and volumetric flow solutions. BEF collaborated in the creation of the nation’s only program (Change the Course) that provides businesses the opportunity to balance their water footprint by supporting projects that restore environmental flows, and has created criteria and program strategies to guide corporate, agency, and NGO work to restore, monitor, and track environmental and volumetric water benefits. In addition to working in the environmental water stewardship space, BEF has deep experience working in partnership with businesses to develop and support net zero implementation strategies and implement programs and projects to achieve corporate water stewardship, restoration or replenishment objectives. BEF currently participates in extensive relationships with funders, agencies, and NGOs designing and implementing environmental water stewardship projects. BEF has reviewed, supported, and tracked projects with a broad portfolio of NGOs and BEF has extensive knowledge of current project development opportunities across the U.S. Our projects can be found here: https://businessforwater.org/projects

Partner Organizations

ALUS is an innovative community-developed and farmer-delivered program that produces, enhances and maintains ecosystem services on agricultural lands. Projects such as wetland restoration and enhancement, riparian buffers, shelterbelts, afforestation and native prairie grass restoration provide cleaner water and air, habitat, … Learn More

The Texas Water Action Collaborative (TxWAC) matches companies and funders with conservation projects to positively benefit Texas’ water resources. Launched in 2021 in the Trinity River Basin, TxWAC is facilitated by Texan by Nature. TxWAC is expanding statewide in 2023. … Learn More

The Water Resilience Coalition, founded in 2020, is an industry-driven, CEO-led coalition of the UN Global Compact's CEO Water Mandate that aims to elevate global water stress to the top of the corporate agenda and preserve the world's freshwater resources … Learn More

Partner Projects

Expanding urban development and periodic droughts have increased the need for water conservation and groundwater recharge. Climate change has further elevated current drought conditions in California bringing record high temperatures (2014) and our lowest annual rainfall on record (2013). California’s … Learn More

River Partners will restore 25-acres of land along the Sacramento River back to native habitat by planting 9,300 native trees, shrubs, grasses and other small plants. Once established, the habitat is expected to thrive in the natural climate and benefit … Learn More

Water supply reliability. Also includes: Gila River Water Storage Learn More

Sustainable Conservation and its partners have developed and demonstrated an innovative drip irrigation system that reduces water use, nutrient use, and GHG emissions while growing quality feed crops for dairy cows. Manure (nutrients) is collected from the cow barn into … Learn More

Chalk Creek is one of the largest networks of intact habitat for the at-risk Bonneville Cutthroat trout. It suffers from habitat fragmentation, stream dewatering, and habitat alteration caused by agricultural land use. An irrigation diversion in the South Fork of … Learn More

Nonprofit organization BEF and food and beverage company Danone North America have a unique legacy of partnership on water spanning over 15 years. In 2009, the company was one of the earliest supporters of BEF’s Water Restoration Certificates program, purchasing … Learn More

This project with the Colorado River Indian Tribes (CRIT) and the Arizona Department of Water Resources represents the largest collaborative funding effort of its kind and will help to directly shore up declining water levels in Lake Mead. 150,000 AF … Learn More

In an innovative and groundbreaking effort, in 2019 the Colorado Water Trust (“CWT”), the Grand Valley Water Users Association (“Association”), and the Orchard Mesa Irrigation District (“District”) struck a deal designed to improve the habitat of the Colorado River’s endangered … Learn More

Also includes BlueCommons, City of Phoenix . Learn More

The Colorado River Indian Tribes (CRIT) established in 1865, is an Indian Reservation set aside for indigenous residents of the Colorado River and its tributaries. Today, the Reservation includes approximately 300,000 acres of lands and is primarily home to four … Learn More

Established in 1865, the Colorado River Indian Reservation was set aside for indigenous residents of the Colorado River and its tributaries. Today, the Reservation includes approximately 300,000 acres of lands and is primarily home to four distinct tribes – the … Learn More

The Great Basin Institute, along with several other project partners, have been working to restore 7,300 acres of the Eldorado National Forest in northeastern California as part of the Crystal Basin Ecological Restoration Project. P&G is supporting the restoration of … Learn More

The Colorado Water Trust is envisioning a river-wide diversion coordination effort, in partnership with agricultural producers, that will help keep the Crystal flowing during drier years. In early 2018, the Water Trust signed its first agreement of the project with … Learn More

Dairy manure is a valuable by-product that producers traditionally use to fertilize the crops they grow to keep their cows happy and healthy. However, with few export options and limited on-farm management strategies for this “black gold,” farmers end up … Learn More

The Sacramento Valley Water Resilience InitiativeÕs inaugural project at Davis Ranches will provide drought resilience and protect groundwater-dependent ecosystems in CaliforniaÕs water-stressed Central Valley. The Freshwater Trust and Davis Ranches are offering an investment opportunity for private companies to meet … Learn More

Successful survival and recruitment of salmonids require freshwater migration corridors that function sufficiently to provide adequate passage. For this reason, freshwater migration corridors are considered to have high conservation value and are of utmost priority for restoration in Mill and … Learn More

Also includes Gila River Indian Community . Learn More

Currently, the East Sand Side Channel runs dry along part of the Sacramento River for much of the year. This project will allow for water to flow along the channel for more days of the year, which creates suitable habitat … Learn More

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Microsoft has identified the San Antonio region as a priority region for our replenishment/water positive commitment. The primary focus in on maintaining/protecting aquifer recharge in order to protect a major source aquifer in the San Antonio region of Texas, which … Learn More

With funding provided by BEF’s Water Restoration Certificate® program and other partners, the Colorado Water Trust initiated a water leasing agreement to help boost local stream flows in St. Louis Creek and the Fraser River at a time when a … Learn More

This first-of-its-kind pilot project in New Mexico will restore water to a chronically depleted section of the upper Gila River during low flow periods. The project sets an important policy precedent by utilizing New Mexico’s Water Conservation Program to demonstrate … Learn More

The Green River Demand Management and Resilience Project is part of a large-scale pilot effort to develop projects and strategies that can free up additional water for federal reservoirs, shore up water supply for Arizona and Nevada, and simultaneously implement … Learn More

Also includes Sensor Industries, Pacific Institute, local housing authorities. Learn More

Roaring Creek: water supply reliability and aquatic habitat restoration; Beaver Dam Analogs (BDA): aquatic habitat restoration; Pear Orchard Fruit Quality: water supply reliability. Also includes: Cascade Conservation District, Trout Unlimited Learn More

Intel was the first large technology corporation to adopt a comprehensive water stewardship strategy and associated targets Their three pronged approach includes: Conservation of water in operations: To reduce water used in manufacturing, Intel is investing in water efficiency and … Learn More

Also includes BlueCommons, Restauremos El Colorado. Learn More

The Project will pursue short-term land and water fallowing activities within the Mexicali Valley during 2022 – 2023 to reduce Colorado River water use and enable reduced delivery of water from Lake Mead as a first objective in an overall … Learn More

Oak Creek is one of the last constantly flowing streams in northern Arizona. It not only supports a vibrant ecosystem, it also supplies irrigation water to residents along the creek through irrigation ditches. The Nature Conservancy will work to pipe … Learn More

In January 2014, Colorado Water Trust purchased a portion (5.8 cfs) of the McKinley Ditch to help restore late summer flows to the Little Cimarron. Project goals include keeping agricultural lands irrigated, keeping water flowing through a three mile segment … Learn More

City streets now are recognized as important public spaces that must meet the needs of pedestrians, bicyclists and motorists, as well as achieve specific stormwater standards while mitigating the impacts of climate change. The City of South El Monte, a … Learn More

Today, almost 95% of wetland habitat has been lost in California's Central Valley. To address this issue, The Nature Conservancy will facilitate water transactions that will allow water to be available to wetland habitats during critical times and in strategic … Learn More

Water supply reliability. Also includes: Colorado River Indian Tribes, Arizona Department of Water Resources (ADWR) Learn More

The Industrial Conservation Revolving Fund (Fund), operated by BlueCommons, Inc. (a nonprofit conservation “bank”), is targeting an initial capitalization of $2 million over three years to provide low-interest financing to upgrade outdated, high-water use, and lower-efficiency wet cooling systems connected … Learn More

This project sought to restore streamflows to Prickly Pear Creek. Around two miles of the creek that were previously dry were re-watered, which reconnected habitat along the riparian area. Learn More

Also includes Fundación Global Nature (FGN). Learn More

Building off existing programs for households, in this project the Regional Water Authority will focus on upgrading landscape areas of commercial, industrial, institutional (CII) properties in Sacramento, CA, USA to reduce demand on the urban water supply for irrigation. They … Learn More

The Sacramento Valley has exceptional agricultural and environmental resources. One of the most productive agricultural areas in the nation, it has almost two million acres of irrigated farmland growing rice, citrus, nuts, and other crops. It sustains a population of … Learn More

In 2015 BEF’s Water Restoration Program provided critical funding to restore water and habitat in the depleted Colorado River delta. BEF’s support for the project will result in nearly one billion gallons of restored water and will provide both base … Learn More

Read the latest blog post here: Saving Water, Time, and Money by Fixing Leaks in Affordable Housing As drought – and longer term drying trends – worsen across the arid southwestern US, it is becoming increasingly clear that we have … Learn More

Over the past two hundred years, 90% of native wetland habitat has been lost in California. Audubon California will work to create seasonal wetland habitat in the Sacramento Valley to sustain healthy migratory shorebird populations. They do this by ensuring … Learn More

Companies increasingly seek to identify and support scalable, collective-impact water stewardship projects that will catalyze large-scale water supply and resilience outcomes with statewide benefit. Blue Forest, World Resources Institute, and BEF have identified this project as a unique opportunity to … Learn More

Davis Ranches plans to be farming in the year 2100 and remains committed to sustainable farm practices, resource management, and conservation. Their groundwater recharge project continues to build on past years of success and research developed to identify areas of … Learn More

In this project, the Plumas Corporation will work to restore the degraded 47-acre Thompson Meadow. Work by project partners will help to prevent further degradation of the stream and meadow system in order to improve flow conditions, meadow productivity, vegetative … Learn More

Since 1956, the coal-fired Carbon Power Plant diverted water for evaporative cooling, fully consuming the volume withdrawn. A portion of the power plant’s water right is now available from the Carbon Canal Company, which currently holds the water right. This … Learn More

Also includes Colorado River Indian Tribes (CRIT) . Learn More

This project restores flow to the dewatered river reach that is immediately adjacent to the Wild and Scenic River section of the Verde River. As a result, the project extends viable habitat for several at risk and endangered fish species … Learn More

The Willow Creek project represents the very first use of a new Colorado law that allows water rights holders to enter into a long-term water conservation program and use their water to benefit rivers during times of critical low flow—without … Learn More

The Windy Gap River Connectivity Channel Project creates an enhancement of a new river channel bypassing Windy Gap reservoir that will directly address one of the highest priority river restoration issues in Colorado. The primary objective of this project is … Learn More

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Val Fishman
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Todd Reeve

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