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Improvement of the Fire Supression Testing Procedure at the Polyols Plant in Cartagena (Project)
The fire suppression system used to be tested on a weekly basis for 30 minutes using monitors at 350 GPM, which implied 1,872 m3 of water used per year approx. Now, weekly tests are conducted during the same time frame, … Learn More
Mejoramiento del Procedimiento de Pruebas Contraincendio en Planta de Polioles DOW (Project)
Anteriormente, las pruebas semanales del sistema contra incendios se realizaban durante 30 min usando monitores a 350 GPM, generando un uso total de 1’872 m3 anuales aprox. Actualmente, las pruebas semanales se realizan durante el mismo margen de tiempo, con … Learn More
Implementación de un sistema de medición ultrasónico para evidenciar las ineficiencias de consumo de agua en la planta de cemento de Toluviejo. Este sistema permite medir en tiempo real los consumos de agua, de tal forma que se puedan tomar … Learn More
Improvement of Sanitary Infrastructure in a Health Center (Project)
Install water and sewer connections to public services at the Nuevo Chao Health Center. Avoid wasting water. Replacement of toilets in poor condition and faucets that leak. Create awareness about the importance of having hygienic services in good condition, make … Learn More
Mejora de la Infraestructura Sanitaria en el Centro de Salud (Project)
Instalar las conexiones de agua y alcantarillado público en el Centro de Salud de Nuevo Chao, evitar el desperdicio de agua, reemplazar inodoros en mal estado y grifos que presentan fugas, crear conciencia acerca de la importancia de tener SSHH … Learn More
MingAgua: Collective Water Project in Municipalities of Boyacá (Project)
Promote collective actions for the integral and sustainable management of water in the communities within the area of influence of Holcim (Colombia), executed in its first phase in Boyacá. Focus A - Restoration and Conservation of Water Recharge Areas in … Learn More
Treatment for Reuse of Domestic Water and Vermicompost from Sludge AUTONOMA DE OCCIDENTE UNIVERSITY (Project)
Economic saving in the reuse of treated water for irrigation of University gardens and courts. The domestic wastewater treatment system (WWTP) is composed of the following units: pumping well No.1, pretreatment (sand trap and grease trap), treatment (aeration tank, sedimentation … Learn More
Development of an ecological corridor composed of Dry Tropical Forest and Cloud Forest, and support in the establishment of ecologically sustainable and profitable agricultural production with vulnerable communities with the purpose of protecting water resources at the basins of the … Learn More
Steam Condensate Recovery System - Acid Refinery INGREDION (Project)
Recovery of condensate water generated in the acid refinery and use it to replace 12% of the water obtained from reverse osmosis required in the polyol production process with the purpose of avoiding the discharge of demineralized water into the … Learn More
Recovery of Residual Heat from the Cooling Tank of the Enzyme Refinery INGREDION (Project)
An atmospheric cooling ash tank is used during the liquefaction process to lower the temperature of the syrup from 107°C to 93°C, which generates a continuous emission of steam. Through the implementation of the "Pitch Technology" methodology, which consists of … Learn More