UN Global Compact  |  CEO Water Mandate

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Area: 5888268 km2
Brazil; Peru; Suriname; France; Colombia; Guyana; Bolivia; Venezuela; Ecuador
Santa Cruz; Manaus; La Paz
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7174 Locations  -  1617 Organizations  -  2174 Projects  -  210 Resources  -  58 Lessons

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In 2016, the Deca division kicked off a pilot project, done in conjunction with GVCes (Fundação Getulio Vargas Center for Sustainability Studies), to study the water and carbon footprint of the Aspen faucet, one of the company’s bestselling models in … Learn More

Electrolux has a process in place, through the Blue Risk Management for all facilities to estimate potential financial impacts in case of disruption of production. If a relative important site in the US, in a risk area, must stop production … Learn More

Seasonal variations of temperature and river flow rate could potentially limit water intake needed by the Limerick plant. To address these limitations, Exelon collaborated with numerous regulatory agencies and environmental stakeholders to develop a flow augmentation alternative that allows mine … Learn More

The Drought Task Force recommends regulatory, operational, and technical solutions, and points out other regions of concern and potential impacts. In order to address changing waterbody conditions due to climate change challenges, Exelon has installed monitoring systems in river bodies … Learn More

Water efficiency targets implemented at the Business Units; Water intensity measures used to measure targets; Dry processing technology and processes fitted into new plants and retro fitted where possible on existing plants. Recycling of water increases by installation of filter … Learn More

Fortescue’s Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) scheme allows for an efficient and resilient groundwater supply without significantly impacting the quantity of water present in natural aquifers. The cost of developing groundwater reinjection technology and infrastructure has been significant for Fortescue. However, … Learn More

In order to use a large amount of water, we will further improve the recycling rate of water from the current 80%. For this purpose, we will implement the current water treatment facility (approx. 100 million yen) to increase the … Learn More

The team formed to identify and execute water-saving themes. This would help us cater to our need for water for our operations. Cost of these methods - Call for additional capital investment but on the other end would lead to … Learn More

We are participating in the Race to the Top partnership in Vietnam between other apparel brands, ILO/Better Work and the Vietnamese, Danish and Dutch governments. Race to The Top aims to build a sustainable garment industry in Vietnam through a … Learn More

Gold Fields’ South Deep mine spent a total of US $3.6 million on water management and projects during 2016. Water projects include ARD management. South Deep implements a range of measures to prevent or contain Acid Rock Drainage (ARD) and … Learn More