UN Global Compact  |  CEO Water Mandate

Great Britain Colombia Brazil

Quick Info

Organizations Involved WWF
Language English
Industry Sectors: Apparel
Biotech, health care & pharma
Food, beverage & agriculture
Fossil fuels
Mineral extraction
Power generation
Resource Topics / SDGs::
Includes Topics/Sustainable Development Goals from the resource and its locations.
Increase Access to Water, Sanitation, Hygiene (SDG 6.1 & 6.2)
Water Quality (SDG 6.3)
Water Use Efficiency (SDG 6.4)
Integrated Water Resource Management (SDG 6.5)
Protect and Restore Ecosystems (SDG 6.6)
International Cooperation and Capacity Building (SDG 6.a)
Stakeholder Participation (SDG 6.b)
Resource Topics:
Includes topics from the resource and its locations.
Industrial Wastewater
Water Recycling and Reuse
Resource URL https://www.worldwildlife.org/publications/water-balance-targets
Year 2016

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Resource Overview

Companies are increasingly setting and pursing ‘water balance targets’ as part of their water stewardship strategies. The seeming simplicity of balance goals can be attractive – “we will restore a volume of water equal to the amount our business consumes.” However, the implementation is anything but simple, requiring the development of new quantification methodologies, corporate system guidelines and parameters, and verification and reporting processes. This paper explores the history, challenges and opportunities of water balance targets, and how important it is for such goals to be grounded in the realities of each unique watershed.
