UN Global Compact  |  CEO Water Mandate

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Area: 5888268 km2
Brazil; Peru; Suriname; France; Colombia; Guyana; Bolivia; Venezuela; Ecuador
Santa Cruz; Manaus; La Paz
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7195 Locations  -  1632 Organizations  -  2175 Projects  -  210 Resources  -  58 Lessons

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The Curry’s Fork Watershed Plan addresses water quality impairments and restores streams in the 4 sub-watersheds within the Curry’s Fork watershed: Curry’s Fork [Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC) 05140102180140 and 05140102180120], North Curry’s Fork (HUC 05140102180100), South Curry’s Fork (HUC 05140102180110), … Learn More

At GSK we aim to reduce environmental impacts across our value chain while extending access to our products for the people who need them – by minimising our carbon footprint, reducing local water impacts and cutting operational waste. We have … Learn More

El sistema de tratamiento de aguas residuales domesticas (PTAR), está compuesto por las siguientes unidades: pozo de bombeo No.1, pretratamiento (desarenadores y trampa de grasas), tratamiento (tanque de aireación, tanque de sedimentación, cámara de otantes y/o espumas y cámara de … Learn More

La planta de tratamiento de aguas residuales, con remoción de color y recirculación, cuenta con tecnología moderna y modular. La planta tiene una capacidad para tratar y recircular 50.000 metros cúbicos al mes de aguas provenientes de los procesos de … Learn More

Disponer de una nueva fuente de agua para el desarrollo de la comunidad Estación Polpaico. Biotreat® es un sistema pasivo de tratamiento de aguas residuales, el cual consiste en un humedal artificial que combina procesos de tipo físico y biológico … Learn More

Our sustainable agriculture program, Kellogg’s OriginsTM, puts a particular emphasis on connecting growers with other agricultural experts to help improve soil health and nutrient efficiency, and on using practices that help support the environment and biodiversity.Project ResultsImproved soil health and … Learn More

SAVEh (Water Efficiency Self-Assessment System), in which we share our knowledge in water management and efficiency to encourage Ambev S.A.'s value chain and small and medium sized companies to reduce their water consumption. Project Results Learn More

The three-year Madhu Shree initiative was conceptualised and designed by the three parties with three core objectives: Enhancing farm productivity by adopting a sustainable package of best agronomy practices, promoting water-use efficiency in sugarcane cultivation, promoting the rural economy The … Learn More

Anglo Americano Platinum's Twickenham mine has worked with the community and local authorities to ensure that the communities around Twickenham Platinum Mine have access to water. Since the protests, shaft dewatering has led to a reduction in water yield from … Learn More

This project restores flow to the dewatered river reach that is immediately adjacent to the Wild and Scenic River section of the Verde River. As a result, the project extends viable habitat for several at risk and endangered fish species … Learn More