UN Global Compact  |  CEO Water Mandate

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Area: 5888268 km2
Brazil; Peru; Suriname; France; Colombia; Guyana; Bolivia; Venezuela; Ecuador
Santa Cruz; Manaus; La Paz
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7195 Locations  -  1632 Organizations  -  2175 Projects  -  210 Resources  -  58 Lessons

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The Appalachian forests of the eastern United States support some of the greatest biological diversity in the worldÕs temperate region, but extraction of abundant coal reserves has damaged the landscape. Since 1977, nearly 600,000 ha of forest have been destroyed … Learn More

Panama's Azuero peninsula is a degraded agricultural landscape that is only 7% forested. Globally, less than 2% of dry forest remains. Extreme forest fragmentation endangers our endemic wildlife through habitat loss & reduces the productivity of local farmland. Climate change … Learn More

For over four years, FBC and its allies have been building capacity and supporting the local fishermen community of Barbacoas with a tree nursery and forest restoration. The aim is to provide a source of income through nature conservation to … Learn More

Plant-for-the-Planet plants one tree every 15 seconds. When the children and youth initiative first took over the area, it was a sad sight: vast areas had either been entirely deforest or were severely degraded through the logging of economically valuable … Learn More

The first urban floodplain in Spain has been recognized by the #PorElClima Community as a pioneering nature-based solution to solve flood problems in large cities SUEZ in Spain has presented, within the framework of the COP25 that will be held … Learn More

In South Korea, SUEZ is installing a zero-liquid-discharge system at one of the countryÕs biggest power plants. The solution will enable the plant to reuse 100% of its wastewater, eliminating discharge into the natural environment and protecting the sensitive coastal … Learn More

The Nature Conservancy (TNC) is constructing and restoring wetlands in agricultural watersheds of the Mississippi River. A primary objective is to reduce pollutants including nitrate-nitrogen in leachate and runoff to local waterways while increasing water storage. A larger goal is … Learn More

Cities were designed to treat rainwater as a problemÑto move it away from people and property as quickly as possible. These design choices have damaged our water supplies. Because of massive trends towards urbanization globally, stormwater (i.e., untreated rainwater) is … Learn More

California is facing a water crisis. The state has one of the most engineered and over-subscribed water systems in the world, meaning significantly more water is promised to users than is actually available. And climate change is making the swings … Learn More

The Western Nebraska Irrigation Project (WNIP) was developed to provide tools to help farmers maximize yields while minimizing water use and associated input costs. The farmers enrolled in the program use center pivot irrigation systems. WNIP promotes the use of … Learn More