UN Global Compact  |  CEO Water Mandate

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Area: 5888268 km2
Brazil; Peru; Suriname; France; Colombia; Guyana; Bolivia; Venezuela; Ecuador
Santa Cruz; Manaus; La Paz
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7195 Locations  -  1632 Organizations  -  2175 Projects  -  210 Resources  -  58 Lessons

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The California Roundtable on Water and Food Supply (CRWFS) is a multi-sector forum of experts and leaders convened by Ag Innovations since 2010 to identify obstacles, develop solutions, and take action to enhance water security for agriculture, the public, and … Learn More

Increasing demand for the maritime transport, which currently constitutes 80% of the world trade volume, gives Poland an opportunity for development, thanks to its favorable location at the Baltic Sea. The Baltic is one of the most heavily loaded sea … Learn More

River transport is ecological, cheap, and safe. The total external costs generated by river shipping is estimated 7 times lower than in the case of car transport. Unfortunately, the inland waterways transport has represented as little as 0.6 to 0.7% … Learn More

The project was deployed in a Government Higher Secondary School near Vellore, a couple of hours from Chennai, India. The project was a collaboration between Planet Water Foundation and Cole Haan as well as Cole Haan's local supplier companies. Before … Learn More

Every year, 6.5 billion cubic metres of water are wasted in the urban distribution systems in Brazil. That represents approximately 39% of all the water treated for consumption in the country. To reverse this situation, the Less Loss, More Water … Learn More

Promover acciones colectivas para la gestión integral del agua sostenible en las comunidades del área de influencia de HOLCIM (Colombia) A nivel general las comunidades apoyadas son población rural campesina que viven principalmente de actividades agropecuarias asocia-das con cultivo de … Learn More

La producción de leche en polvo requiere la extracción del agua de la leche líquida fresca. A partir del análisis de eficiencia hídrica efectuado, se desarrolló el proyecto de recuperación y reúso del agua extraída de la leche, llamada “Agua … Learn More

A new Ambev product launched in the beginning of 2017. This is a mineral water that we might describe as 200%: 100% of the nutrients are for the consumer and 100% of the profit goes to projects providing access to … Learn More

JBS promotes good practices for a sustainable agricultural and livestock for farmers, through the New Field Program (Programa Novo Campo), aiming to increase farmers production through the conservation of soil and water. The associated risk with grain purchase (animal feed … Learn More

IWaSP partnership efforts in South Africa indirectly improved water security for 300,000 people in 2015. Over EUR250,000 was leveraged for partnerships from the private sector and over EUR500,000 from government departments. WaSP South Africa was the lead organiser of the … Learn More