UN Global Compact  |  CEO Water Mandate

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Area: 5888268 km2
Brazil; Peru; Suriname; France; Colombia; Guyana; Bolivia; Venezuela; Ecuador
Santa Cruz; Manaus; La Paz
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7195 Locations  -  1632 Organizations  -  2175 Projects  -  210 Resources  -  58 Lessons

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"To help the textile industry develop clothing that doesn�t emit microplastics, we�re part of the MinShed project led by the Swedish research group RISE." MinShed: The goal is to create knowledge and guidelines that will help the textile industry to … Learn More

In the Taihu basin of the lower Yangtze River in China, WWF and H&M group launched the first Water Stewardship Industrial Park project, where more than 20 factories collaborated to improve water management. The partnership developed an Industrial Park Guideline … Learn More

With support from H&M group, WWF completed two key research reports, exploring the political and economic challenges and opportunities around water within Bangladesh. Leveraging these findings, the partnership actively engaged policymakers for more sustainable water management in Bangladesh, with a … Learn More

Building on the success of previous partnerships activities in China and Bangladesh, our work in Turkey focused on improving water management methods and policies in the B�y�k Menderes river basin. The river runs from central Turkey to the Aegean Sea … Learn More

WaterAid�s sustainable water, sanitation and hygiene programme, or SusWASH, is a five-year initiative aimed at addressing the long-term challenges of service sustainability and behaviour sustainability, as well as ensuring WASH services can be provided to all groups in society. The … Learn More

Este proyecto tiene como finalidad dar un tratamiento diferenciado al agua residual industrial y dar un alcance al tema del reuso de esta agua tratada en uno de los procesos que se lleva a cabo en nuestra Fábrica de Cajas, … Learn More

We're working in community where community people have to walk half a mile get unsafe drinking water. Our plan is to collaborate with stockholders, ordinary community people and seeking out for partner to provide safe and accessable drinking water to … Learn More

The goal of this project is to increase agricultural water use efficiency and productivity, to reduce water demand, and protect mainly groundwater in the Yucatan Basin of Mexico. A farmers retention plan centered on adopting and renewing irrigation management practices … Learn More

This collective action project convened by WRAP and located in the UK is delivered by Norfolk Rivers Trust in partnership with a range of food & agricultural businesses. These catchments are situated in the centre of the Anglian River Basin … Learn More

The multi-faceted project aimed at providing safe drinking water, conducting medical outreaches, and ensuring access to medications for deprived communities emerges as a comprehensive initiative with a powerful mission. Rooted in a deep-seated motivation to alleviate suffering and enhance the … Learn More