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Flat Creek Instream Flows Project

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Flat Creek Instream Flows Project

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Area: 5888268 km2
Brazil; Peru; Suriname; France; Colombia; Guyana; Bolivia; Venezuela; Ecuador
Santa Cruz; Manaus; La Paz
HydroBasin Level:
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Quick Info

Countries: United States of America
Basins: --
Project SDGs:
Includes Sustainable Development Goals from the project and its locations.
Water Quality (SDG 6.3)
Integrated Water Resource Management (SDG 6.5)
Protect and Restore Ecosystems (SDG 6.6)
Project Tags:
Includes tags from the project and its locations.
Sustainable Withdrawals
Progress to Date: NA Improve supply of water to wetlands
Services Needed: No services needed/offered
Desired Partner: Other
Language: English
Start & End Dates: Jan. 01, 2017  »  Ongoing
Contextual Condition(s): Other
Additional Benefits: Raised awareness of challenges among water users, Raised awareness of challenges among local authorities, Other
Beneficiaries: Ecosystems
Planning & Implementation Time: More than 3 years
Financial Resources: Between $50,000 - $100,000 USD
Primary Funding Source: pool
Project Challenges: PROCESS: Insufficient stakeholder engagement, Other
Project Source: Other
Profile Completion: 77%

Project Overview

Flat Creek is located in Fayette County Georgia, and it is a tributary to the upper Flint River located in the Atlanta suburbs near Peachtree City. Reservoir operations on Flat Creek historically restricted river flows during critical dry periods of the year—especially during drought periods when flows in Flat Creek were often entirely or severely depleted. American Rivers is working with project partners on Flat Creek to identify changes to reservoir management that could b…

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Flat Creek is located in Fayette County Georgia, and it is a tributary to the upper Flint River located in the Atlanta suburbs near Peachtree City. Reservoir operations on Flat Creek historically restricted river flows during critical dry periods of the year—especially during drought periods when flows in Flat Creek were often entirely or severely depleted. American Rivers is working with project partners on Flat Creek to identify changes to reservoir management that could be codified and used to significantly enhance Environmental Flows during critical low flow periods and provide ecological benefits in Flat Creek.

Project Results

The project is slated to a) increase instream habitat during low water periods of the year; b) restore natural hydrologic processes; c) improve supply of water to wetlands; d) improve water quality; and e) benefit populations of native species of interest such as the following mussel species: shinyrayed pocketbook, Gulf moccasinshell, oval pigtoe and purple bankclimber. The final project is expected to ensure that future dam release operations will continue to meet community needs while sustaining healthy streamflow conditions, stream and floodplain habitat and species of concern during critical low flow periods.

Basin and/or Contextual Conditions: Other
Project Benefits: Raised awareness of challenges among water users, Raised awareness of challenges among local authorities, Other
Indirect or Direct Beneficiaries: Ecosystems
Months & Implementing: More than 3 years
Financial Resources: Between $50,000 - $100,000 USD
Primary Funding Source: Pool funding (i.e., joint funding of several partners)
Challenges: PROCESS: Insufficient stakeholder engagement, Other

Partner Organizations

None found.

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