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Next Child Africa (NCA)

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Next Child Africa (NCA)

Quick Info

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Water Quality (SDG 6.3)
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Safe, Affordable Water
Progress to Date: 1000 gallons of water served Repaired 4 wells & built 2 new ones
Services Needed: Other
Desired Partner: NGO / Civil Society
Language: English
Start & End Dates: Dec. 01, 2021  »  Ongoing
Project Website: www.nextchildafrica.com
Contextual Condition(s): PHYSICAL: Insufficient municipal water supply, PHYSICAL: Inadequate access to drinking water services
Additional Benefits: Heightened agreement on priority basin water challenges, Long-term partnership(s) created
Beneficiaries: Environmental users (e.g., fishers, recreational users)
Planning & Implementation Time: 1 - 3 years
Project Challenges: RESOURCES: Lack of financial resources
Project Source: User
Profile Completion: 74%

Project Overview

Vision: We envision creating safe water affordable and reachable for people where water is none also promoting equal learning opportunities for youth and children in Liberia.

Established in 2018-2019, to carry out awareness for people and communities where water is none, as well as equal learning advocacy for youth and children (Boys /Girls) across the post-war country, Liberia.

NCA works go across two distinct pillars, Pillar one and pillar two. Pillar one is safe water for…

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Vision: We envision creating safe water affordable and reachable for people where water is none also promoting equal learning opportunities for youth and children in Liberia.

Established in 2018-2019, to carry out awareness for people and communities where water is none, as well as equal learning advocacy for youth and children (Boys /Girls) across the post-war country, Liberia.

NCA works go across two distinct pillars, Pillar one and pillar two. Pillar one is safe water for all without discrimination. Pillar two addresses the disclosure of marginalization, abuse, and neglects against youth and children in Liberia. Youth and children who are deprived of the opportunity to learn. Pillar one emphasizes the need for safe water reaching all without anyone leaving behind. As we all know, water is essential for growth, cleanliness, and good health. Since water supports good health and every essential thing, it importance can never be underestimated. Next Child Africa believed that efforts should be combined to make safe water reach all.


Post-war nation Liberia is one of the oldest countries on the continent of Africa with a population estimated around 4-5 million. The nation is faced with numerous economic and social crises, as a result of Ebola. Covid pandemic, poverty, unemployment, food, education, health care, and the lack of safe water drinking.

85% of rural communities do not have access to safe or clean water. The water crisis is challenging for the majority population. The selling of water per gallon is a lucrative business venture for private entities. Private suppliers use tanker trucks to transport and sell water to people and communities that can afford to buy either per bucket or per gallon, especially, to those who are able to. The worse affected are the people and communities who cannot afford the cost of water and a daily basis. People, who cannot afford to buy, travel on distances, especially women and children risk their lives on distances to fetch water for their families. Many people have lost their lives to animals and evildoers as a result. Most rural community’s people use any available water if even it is highly contaminated. Regularly, you will be surprised to know that both human beings and animals drink from the same water sources. Consequently, it is this section of the population that is most often hit by water-related diseases such as cholera, diarrhea. The lack of safe water is one of the causes of suffering for the rural population in post-war nation, Liberia.

Releasing such needs, NEXT CHILD AFRICA (NCA) steps up to provide advocacy roles in creating awareness for people and communities where lack of safe water is a serious crisis. NCA is in constant engagements with government and other national and international partners to make the general plights of people and their communities known for redress. Through some of our services, we help to repair existing old wells and the digging of new ones for communities where water is not as a way of making water equally accessible for all.

Pillar two, equal learning (education) Pillar

Next Child Africa believes that when educated, the youth and children will overcome electricity barriers and understand the existing circumstances which introduce poverty upon their family line. Achieving education will help to destroy the inherited poverty. Together, we promote Arts, Sports, and music as extra learning activities. All aim at preparing youth and children for success. We advocate for scholarships for primary, junior, and senior high school for them until the youth or child reaches vocational level.


NCA believes when the child or youth is given the chance to play sport, it will help them to be happy get better through social skills, develop good health, and get rid of the inner feeling of abandonment. Through sport, the child or youth develop into exposed marketable individuals and eventually into expressive adults.

Music and Arts

Next Child Africa knows that through music and Arts the child or youth's social and intellectual strength are developed. The child learns to work as a team and gains control over stress and emotions. Youth or the child learn to create the sense of being responsible and creative, this is an aspect of adding value to their livelihood that enables the person to become self-reliant and self-employed.

Our education team is responsible for pillar two, and it is responsible to identify marginalized, abused, and neglected youth and children for scholarships. We speak to others about the categories of youth and children for possible intervention.

Next child Africa has official, active staff and volunteers, we also operate through committees, the NEXT’s Water committee, and the NEXT’s equal education committee. We have a total of thirteen (13) members.

Our staffs responsible for communication are as follow:

1. Peter M. Denkar

Executive Director/Fonder

Next Child Africa (NCA)

Water/Education committee member

2. Francis Waygbeh

Project Director/Water Committee member

3. Mr. John Seiwon

Coordinator/Educational Committee

Address: Head Office, Pagos Island Community

Congo Town, 1000 Monrovia, 10 Liberia

Tel: +231 776 465 594/+231 886 73 60 44

Email: nextchil2018@gmail.com/pdmsn2017@gmail.com

Facebook: Developing page: NCA

Note: Our lock box in process

We are Registered, Not-for-profit organization.

Logo is attached here: ________________

Other Staff Members

1. Edrick Gbowee

2. Jacqueline Johnson

3. Cyrus A, Denkar

4. Abigail Freeman

5. Grace Denkar

Project Photos

Basin and/or Contextual Conditions: PHYSICAL: Insufficient municipal water supply, PHYSICAL: Inadequate access to drinking water services
Project Benefits: Heightened agreement on priority basin water challenges, Long-term partnership(s) created
Indirect or Direct Beneficiaries: Environmental users (e.g., fishers, recreational users)
Months & Implementing: 1 - 3 years
Challenges: RESOURCES: Lack of financial resources

Partner Organizations

Mission: Our mission is to create equal access to clean and safe water for all. Vision: We envision creating safe drinking water for communities across Liberia where lack of clean water is an extremely difficult issue for people. Also, we … Learn More

Peter Denkar
Primary Contact  

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