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Organic cotton pilot project in Canton de Goubi

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Organic cotton pilot project in Canton de Goubi

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Area: 5888268 km2
Brazil; Peru; Suriname; France; Colombia; Guyana; Bolivia; Venezuela; Ecuador
Santa Cruz; Manaus; La Paz
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Quick Info

Countries: Togo
Basins: --
Project SDGs:
Includes Sustainable Development Goals from the project and its locations.
Sustainable Agriculture (SDG 2.4)
Project Tags:
Includes tags from the project and its locations.
Soil Erosion and Health
Pesticide and Fertilizer Management
Services Needed: Communications & outreach
Financial support
Monitoring & evaluation
Research & analysis
Technical assistance
Desired Partners: Academic Institution
Business Association
NGO / Civil Society
UN Entity
Social Enterprise
Financial Institution
Language: English
Start & End Dates: Aug. 01, 2015  »  Jul. 31, 2018
Project Website: www.ancetogo.org
Project Source: User
Profile Completion: 69%

Project Overview

This program intends to promote sustainable methods of production in Togo and in particular organic cotton. The cotton will be produced without the use of synthetic insecticides or fertilizers. Soil fertility management is then based on crop rotation system (mulch, oil palm nut processing residues and animal manure. When clearing fields, weeds and crop residues are recycled rather than burnt. Organic pest management relies primarily on the use of health- and environmentally-…

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This program intends to promote sustainable methods of production in Togo and in particular organic cotton. The cotton will be produced without the use of synthetic insecticides or fertilizers. Soil fertility management is then based on crop rotation system (mulch, oil palm nut processing residues and animal manure. When clearing fields, weeds and crop residues are recycled rather than burnt. Organic pest management relies primarily on the use of health- and environmentally-friendly, home-made), botanical insecticides: neem (Azadirachta Indica), Lannea microcarpagarlic, chilli pepper, paw, etc.) and on the improved management of cotton crop residues to break the life-cycles of common cotton pests. Objectives: 1) To promote organic farming and organic products in Togo by using international (ECOCERT, the EU standards, etc.) and to support the marketing of organic cotton and other organic products; 2) To enhance capacities of 3000 local farmers and other stakeholders in the commodity chain of organic cotton; 3) To develop and disseminate an adapted technology for organic cotton production 4) To establish and operationalize 40 farmers organizations in support of the production and marketing of organic products

Project Results

Beneficiaries: - 1500 farmers women, - 1500 farmers men - 40 farmers organizations; - Population of 15 villages have benefit from this project through exchange programs; - About 5000 families and 1200 children Contributions to Sustainable Development: Agriculture occupies more than 70% of the population of Togo. Among the principal cultivated products cotton makes live more than 1.5 million producers in Togo. Since 2003 the Togolese Company of Cotton (SOTOCO) created by the State which works in the field of conventional cotton has serious problems due to the international dumping of cotton and the decrease of the price which follows. Cotton farmers have not received yet the price of their harvest. The annual production of cotton is strongly decreased (186. 589 tons in 1998 -2001 and 168. 323 tons 2002-2003). The majority of producers gave up this culture whereas it makes live thousands of producers in Togo. Generalized poverty indeed touches 72.1 % of the population including 57.6 % in extreme poverty. Furthermore, cotton production is also associated with socio-economic, health and environmental problems. Most problems are caused by the use of synthetic pesticides and fertilisers. Among synthetic pesticides used in cotton, one notes Endosulfan which is a chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticide and acaricide of the cyclodiene subgroup acting as a poison to a wide variety of insects and mites and presenting several toxicological effects on human, animals and environment. Several intoxications cases were signalled during the use of this pesticide by farmers and according to the Directorate of Toxicology of the Public Hospital of Lomé, more than 327 cases of intoxications related to Endosulfan per year is noted. In the same time, farmers and workers are not adequately organized and government policies are not adequately framed or implemented resulting in a situation that through cheaper labour and exploitation the produce can be made cheaper. Often, the farmers and workers in the cotton supply chain are under paid or exploit the labour by employing child labour or denying the social security benefits, health and education they rightfully deserve. If we want to change this, we need to create awareness among all the stakeholders on these issues and intervene in the entire supply chain stimulating efficiency and implementation of social accountability and environmental standards. The implementation of organic cotton can be a solution to these problems. This program will promote sustainable methods of production in Togo and in particular organic cotton. The cotton will be produced without the use of synthetic insecticides or fertilizers. Soil fertility management is then based on Crop rotation system, Botanical insecticides and crops rotation. The project will reduce impact of hazardous chemicals of climate change and promote health.

Partner Organizations

The Alliance Nationale des Consommateurs et de l'Environnement (ANCE-Togo) was created on August 21, 1999, by the initiative of some organizations concerned about the damages caused to the economy, environment, society and the desire to promote sustainable development in Togo. … Learn More

Kodjo Fabrice EBEH
Primary Contact  

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