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Mihai Eminescu Trust

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Mihai Eminescu Trust

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Area: 5888268 km2
Brazil; Peru; Suriname; France; Colombia; Guyana; Bolivia; Venezuela; Ecuador
Santa Cruz; Manaus; La Paz
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Quick Info

Countries: Romania
Basins: Danube
Project SDGs:
Includes Sustainable Development Goals from the project and its locations.
Protect and Restore Ecosystems (SDG 6.6)
Project Tags:
Includes tags from the project and its locations.
Conservation Agriculture/Agronomy
Nature-Based Solutions
Progress to Date: 2,346,280 Trees planted
Services Needed: No services needed/offered
Desired Partner: NGO / Civil Society
Language: English
Start & End Dates: Apr. 01, 2009  »  Ongoing
Project Website: www.purprojet.com/project/mihai-eminescu-trust
Contextual Condition(s): PHYSICAL: Ecosystem vulnerability or degradation
Additional Benefits: Raised awareness of challenges among water users
Beneficiaries: Ecosystems
Planning & Implementation Time: More than 3 years
Primary Funding Source: ngo
Project Source: User
Profile Completion: 90%

Project Overview

Created in 2009 this projects aims at:

  • Regenerating Transylvania’s forest ecosystems by planting native tree species in carefully selected locations,
  • Promoting environmental awareness among school students by involving them in the planting of the trees and the maintenance of orchards in their schoolyards,
  • Creating a momentum around reforestation by bringing together various stakeholders.


After years of deforestation under the communist regime, the Romanian rural la…

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Created in 2009 this projects aims at:

  • Regenerating Transylvania’s forest ecosystems by planting native tree species in carefully selected locations,
  • Promoting environmental awareness among school students by involving them in the planting of the trees and the maintenance of orchards in their schoolyards,
  • Creating a momentum around reforestation by bringing together various stakeholders.


After years of deforestation under the communist regime, the Romanian rural landscapes are either subject to erosion with deforested areas or more likely to be affected by calamities such as storms and bark beetles’ invasion due to mono species reforestation.

The lands in the project region are frequently abandoned, as traditional practices have also been abandoned. As a consequence, soil erosion and degradation are current phenomena. Natural regeneration cannot ensure the needed number of saplings per hectare as planned in the management plant of the Forestry Authorities.

Basin and/or Contextual Conditions: PHYSICAL: Ecosystem vulnerability or degradation
Project Benefits: Raised awareness of challenges among water users
Indirect or Direct Beneficiaries: Ecosystems
Months & Implementing: More than 3 years
Primary Funding Source: NGO / Civil society

Project Narrative

BENEFITS The project provides trees to landowners’ association with parcels affected by calamities to ensure the land is replanted and not abandoned as it can sometimes be the case. For the majority of the reforested parcels, a local school takes part in the first three days of the planting activities.Approximately 30 children participate per day with a different group each day. With this day spent in the forest, the pupils learn about the importance of trees within their ecosystem. The project raises awareness and fosters ecological responsibility within the local communities.As part of the objective to raise awareness among pupils on the place of trees in the local ecosystems, the project includes the implementation of at least one orchard in a local school per year. The orchard, located in the school compound following the old Saxion tradition, is planted and cared by the pupils and the education staff. The trees are native traditional fruit species to preserve the natural heritage of the region. LOCAL PARTNER: Mihai Eminescu Trust

Partner Organizations

We develop agroforestry projects within the supply chains of companies (Insetting) and value water benefits, among others. We develop as well a Trees4Water valuation tool that we would like to share with your platform. WE REGENERATE ECOSYSTEMS TO IMPROVE LIVELIHOODS … Learn More

Tristan Lecomte
Primary Contact  

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