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Campaign for Human Rights and Development Sierra Leone

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Campaign for Human Rights and Development Sierra Leone

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Area: 5888268 km2
Brazil; Peru; Suriname; France; Colombia; Guyana; Bolivia; Venezuela; Ecuador
Santa Cruz; Manaus; La Paz
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Countries: --
Basins: North Atlantic (116) (Senegal)
Organization SDGs:
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Increase Access to Water, Sanitation, Hygiene (SDG 6.1 & 6.2)
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Services Offered: No services needed/offered
Org. Type: NGO / Civil Society
Org. Size: Small (10 - 99 Employees)
Language: English
Org. Website: www.chrdsierraleone.org
Org. Source: User
Profile Completion: 85%
Coalition: No

Organization Overview

Campaign for Human Rights & Development Sierra Leone (CHRDSL) is a Human Rights Organization based in Sierra Leone with the object of helping Sierra Leoneans to stand up for their basic human rights. The CHRDSL pursues its objectives through engagement of business leaders, policy makers, ordinary citizens in matters related to the implementation of economic, social development programs and human rights Policies. Also, CHRDSL vision, goals and organizational values, as st…

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Campaign for Human Rights & Development Sierra Leone (CHRDSL) is a Human Rights Organization based in Sierra Leone with the object of helping Sierra Leoneans to stand up for their basic human rights. The CHRDSL pursues its objectives through engagement of business leaders, policy makers, ordinary citizens in matters related to the implementation of economic, social development programs and human rights Policies. Also, CHRDSL vision, goals and organizational values, as stated in its manual of policy and procedures (MOPP), reflect a belief in the crucial role of knowledge in understanding and improving the human condition. CHRDSL empowers people through financial support and specific hands-on projects. Ultimately, CHRDSL seeks to expand opportunities for the poor and the most vulnerable groups to development opportunities through Public Education and Rights-based Advocacy. MISSION STATEMENT Campaign for Human Rights and Development Sierra Leone(CHRDSL) is a non-profit whose mission is to seek, to advocate , support and conduct non-partisan research , education, and informational activities to increase public awareness on right to development, in order to build a better nation. VISION The nation will have a well-informed and empowered population participating in a strong and vibrant development forum, to the benefit of poor and vulnerable people in Sierra Leone. CHRDSL as a Human Rights Organization, was established for the purpose of promoting the rights of Sierra Leonean, in that regards one of CHRDSL key areas of intervention is Environmental Justice with specific reference to Sustainable Sanitation. The organization works in partnership with other like- minded organizations working on Environmental Protection and Sustainable Sanitation in Sierra Leone. Sierra Leone is country that is faced with huge environmental and sanitation challenges. These challenges are more prominent in urban cities especially the capital city Freetown. Over the years there have being an increase in the urban population especially after the decade long civil war. This has increased the number of slum dwellers living under deplorable and very poor sanitation conditions. Poor sanitation is affecting almost all Sierra Leone because of the weak waste management laws, policies and systems. The streets and major dwelling areas are characterized by huge piles of garbage and stench everywhere this have increase also the prevalence of malaria, typhoid, cholera outbreaks, diarrhoea, dysentery and another water borne diseases that claims the life’s of many especially during each rainy season. Environmental degradation is as its highest peck because forested areas on the hills overlooking Freetown have being converted to settlements as the city expands. These have resulted in flooding, erosion and changes in the climatic conditions. Also with the proliferation of mining companies, there have been massive deforestation and degradation within the country and several host communities are complaining of the adverse effects of mining on their environment. The Ministry of Health and Sanitation have made several strides in ensuring that there is sustainable sanitation but this still remains a huge problem in Sierra Leone. It is against this backdrop that CHRDSL works specifically with these communities in urban and rural areas, who suffer most from poor sanitation and environmental hazards, to ensure that their voices are heard and they have access to clean and healthy environment. CHRDSL sensitizes communities suffering from poor sanitation on the dangers these posses to their health and well being; also communities are mobilized to take up initiatives that promote sustainable sanitation and a healthy environment, CHRDSL builds their capacity on how to effectively engage their policy makers and duty bearers on the sanitation and environmental issues affecting them and how to seek redress. The organization also embark s on advocacy and lobbying with the government through the Ministry of Health and Sanitation and other key stakeholders to ensure that environmental laws and policies are enforced and the waste management systems are properly coordinated and very effective in the country . CHRDSL also have established Community Environment and Sanitation Watch Groups in these communities so that they can sensitize and educate people on the need for Sustainable Sanitation. CHRDSL also embarks research and the findings are shared with key stakeholders so that they can help provide solutions that challenge inequalities and provide resources that create healthy urban environment

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Abdul Fatoma
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