UN Global Compact  |  CEO Water Mandate

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Area: 5888268 km2
Brazil; Peru; Suriname; France; Colombia; Guyana; Bolivia; Venezuela; Ecuador
Santa Cruz; Manaus; La Paz
HydroBasin Level:
Baseline Water Stress:
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Quick Info

Total Organizations: 2
Total Projects: 9
Priority SDGs: --
Priority Industries: --
Profile Completion: 50%

Water Challenges

As reported by organizations on the Hub.

Socioeconomic and Reputation

Region Overview


Organizations in Balsas

Como asociación civil de los productores y empacadores de aguacate en México. Nuestra misión es ser los promotores de las buenas practicas sostenibles en la cadena de producción de aguacate de México. Learn More

Our mission and vision is the total recovery of ecosystems in Mexico through restoration and reforestation with native species and, in turn, recover the fauna and flora of each environment, bringing environmental justice to indigenous communities. Learn More

Projects in Balsas

Mexichem Resinas Vinílicas, conocida como Vestolit, es una empresa a nivel mundial que pertenece al grupo empresarial Orbia. Cuenta con plantas de producción en Alemania, USA, Colombia y México. Produce y comercializa resinas de PVC (Policloruro de Vinilo). Una de … Learn More

Ecosystem restoration on volcanic slopes of the valley by planting native trees. The project also added compost to the soil to support tree establishment, and constructed pits and earthen dams to retain water for the trees as they were establishing … Learn More

SK Los Reyes operates its own wastewater treatment plant on site. This way the mill can impact its water recirculation and reuse better, manage the quality of water discharge from the site and this way both build buffers for water … Learn More

Coca-Cola worked with partners Comision Nacional Forestal (CONAFOR), Pronatura México, A.C., and Natural Protected Areas National Commission (CONANP) to restore 60,900 hectares of lands across Mexico with the goal of sustaining water supplies and priority ecosystems. The project planted more … Learn More

We establish preventive actions to start minimizing the potential risks. Site-specific targets will support these actions and ensure that we reach our goals. Increased investment in new technology and infrastructure as follows:- usage of washing water for the air conditioning … Learn More

In Los Lagos, Chile, in the Mapuche community of Mapu PilmaiquŽn, a project was started to return approximately 6 hectares of indigenous land near the PilmaiquŽn hydroelectric power station. Today, the community manages this territory with a sustainable tourism project, … Learn More

The state of water and sanitation in MexicoT • Half of Mexico's 120 million people do not have reliable access to safely managed drinking water or sanitation. • Even for households that do have existing piped services, water quality remains … Learn More

We try to establish preventive actions to start minimizing the potential risks now. Site-specific targets will support these actions and ensure that we reach our goals. Increased investment in new technology and infrastructure as follows: usage of washing water for … Learn More

Nuevo Leon, Zacatecas, Aguascalientes, San Luis Potosi, Jalisco, Guanajuato, Querétaro, Hidalgo, Michoacán, Estado de México, Morelos, Tlaxcala, Puebla, Veracruz, Guerrero, Oaxaca, Chiapas, Tabasco, Campeche, Yucatán. Reach up to 500,000 people per year with lasting access to safe water and sanitation, … Learn More

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