UN Global Compact  |  CEO Water Mandate

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Area: 5888268 km2
Brazil; Peru; Suriname; France; Colombia; Guyana; Bolivia; Venezuela; Ecuador
Santa Cruz; Manaus; La Paz
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7195 Locations  -  1632 Organizations  -  2175 Projects  -  210 Resources  -  58 Lessons

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The project will work to improve the organisational capacity of local organisations and local government agriculture and water bureaus to ensure efficient expansion of and continued delivery of quality Rainwater harvesting and WASH projects. Then project will strengthen partners through … Learn More

The work of WE Consult contributes to: Sustainable Water Supply Sustainable Groundwater Management Social Programmes and Environmental Protection Improved Access to Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Promotion The Dutch Young Expert will be involved in all stages of the different projects. Learn More

Isuku Iwacu will improve access to and encourage correct, consistent use of household sanitation and hygiene facilities in order to decrease childhood stunting, with an emphasis on reaching the lowest poverty quintile and complementing the activities undertaken by Gikuriro and … Learn More

Contributing to improved access to and use of safe water and improved hygiene practices of pastoralist and agro pastoralist communities of Dugda Dawa Woreda. A combination of facility support through construction of water systems and sanitation facilities is only ideal … Learn More

Local young water expert Mukrab kassahun, I have been working in MS Consultancy with joint venture of Acacia Water B.V as Hydrogelogist for PPP in Harer and Water supply project of Heineken Brewery project in Ethiopia. I am responsible for … Learn More

The AFSRT integrated WASH to FSNL project is being implemented in Alebtong District and is playing a major role in the post-conflict transition. It gives the rural communities an opportunity to analyze their changing situation in the areas of water, … Learn More

Disaster outbreak which is associated with poor clean water, in research areas of Rafin Duma village, Dukamaje village respectively in Gada Local Government area Sokoto State. This project can assist the woman and children's survival in the study area Learn More

The Elmer Avenue Neighborhood Retrofit Project, located in Sun Valley, CA, was created to improve water quality, and reduce flood risk, increase watershed awareness through community engagement, enhance aesthetics, and increase wildlife habitats. The stormwater BMPs included in this phase … Learn More

In our country, Safe Water Consumers' Associations are playing great job in human right to water and sanitation sector. But they dont benefit from any support from government and several of them are stopping to work Since 2012, our organization, … Learn More

Beheira Water and Drainage Company, Egyptian Government, GIZ (DeutscheGesellschaftfürInternationaleZusammenarbeit) Learn More