UN Global Compact  |  CEO Water Mandate

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Area: 5888268 km2
Brazil; Peru; Suriname; France; Colombia; Guyana; Bolivia; Venezuela; Ecuador
Santa Cruz; Manaus; La Paz
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7195 Locations  -  1632 Organizations  -  2175 Projects  -  210 Resources  -  58 Lessons

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The Oxapampa Ash‡ninka Yaneshas (RBOAY) Biosphere Reserve is threatened by deforestation due to agrigulture, coca cultivation, timber, and cattle grazing. This negatively impacts the ecosystem, the capacity of the water systems, and rural populations. The project seeks to contribute to … Learn More

The Natural Infrastructure for Water Security (NIWS) project enables the Government of Peru to improve its management of their natural resources to increase water security and provide a sustainable economic future for its citizens, while alo reducing migration and the … Learn More

Since its establishment in 2012, Forest Trends has partnered with the Ministry of Environment (MINAM) on the Incubator for Ecosystem Services Mechanisms, through our key regional partnership with EcoDecision and with the local technical support and coordination of CONDESAN. The … Learn More

As outlined in its Country Strategic Plan (2011-2015), Plan Liberia’s work is aimed at contributing to the process of post-conflict peace building by undertaking projects that will improve child rights and provide an enabling environment for them to access education, … Learn More

The NWSHPC as part of its mandate to assist in the Capacity Growth of the Liberia WASH Sector, and in order to have an identified module of Data collection and in keeping with a uniform style of Reporting, has commenced … Learn More

This project is implemented by the Water Of Life Liberia, funded by the Last Well and Brook woods Church USA to increase sustainable access to safe drinking water and hygiene practices across Liberia. Our WASH interventions is also intended to … Learn More

The World Vision Midline Evaluation is meant to assess World Vision programme with respect to the utilization of WaSH resources, the effectiveness of programming, and the success of WaSH interventions in achieving World Visions Child Wellbeing Targets (CWBTs) in Mozambique. … Learn More

VEI in collaboration with the Dutch consortium WWn / SNV / BopInc, supports asset manager AIAS in improving access to water and sanitation services in small towns of Mozambique. The project consists of four work packages: Organizational development AIAS, Operator … Learn More

CPIC’s Green Infrastructure for Watershed Management Working Group develops financial structure blueprints for projects and companies that involve or restore green infrastructure. The Group's goal is to develop financial vehicles to attract private capital to projects and companies that contribute … Learn More

The Beverage Industry Environmental Roundtable (BIER) is proud to have been profiled in “Exploring the Case for Corporate Context-Based Water Targets.” This collaborative discussion paper details a new approach for setting corporate water metrics and targets. The paper was jointly … Learn More