UN Global Compact  |  CEO Water Mandate

Great Britain Colombia Brazil

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Area: 5888268 km2
Brazil; Peru; Suriname; France; Colombia; Guyana; Bolivia; Venezuela; Ecuador
Santa Cruz; Manaus; La Paz
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7195 Locations  -  1632 Organizations  -  2175 Projects  -  210 Resources  -  58 Lessons

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The project will provide equitable and sustainable access to improved water and sanitation services and will motivate households to practice improved improved sanitation and hygiene behavior: 50000 people (55% female) in 66 communities, in 5 underserved counties with particularly high … Learn More

The Three Star Approach to WASH in Schools is designed to improve the effectiveness of WASH - particularly hygiene behavior change - programmes in schools. The approach ensures that healthy habits are taught, practiced, and integrated into daily school routines … Learn More

Water Resources Assessment and Management: This will include Water resources assessment studies, hydro-geological studies, water quality studies, design and construction of small water supply systems, groundwater monitoring and data analysis, water and sanitation studies. This will be in Uganda, specifically … Learn More

The WAI stands for a shift from the dominant hardware-construction approach, often used by others, towards WASH sector development by working on three pillars: establishing a functioning market, strengthening the public sector, and empowering & organising citizens. Our innovative approach … Learn More

The Lake Naivasha Basin hosts sections of KenyaÕs five water towers, the Aberdares and Mau Forest Complex. In addition to being a fundamental water source, the basin also host Lake Naivasha that supports a flourishing business in the horticulture industry. … Learn More

Union Carbide Corporation of Dow Chemical Company redeveloped a 47 acre parcel of land that had been used for industrial purposes with sustainable landscaping, including planting native grasses and shrubs, to redevelop the area as a greenbelt to meet all … Learn More

Coca-Cola worked with partners Comision Nacional Forestal (CONAFOR), Pronatura México, A.C., and Natural Protected Areas National Commission (CONANP) to restore 60,900 hectares of lands across Mexico with the goal of sustaining water supplies and priority ecosystems. The project planted more … Learn More

This project comprised digging 162,500 infiltration trenches on 250 hectares by hand to maintain ground humidity, reduce ground erosion, and increase infiltration in deforested areas. Learn More

This project revegetated the Tancat de la Pipa constructed wetland with aquatic plants and improved water management. The project also initiated water quality and biodiversity monitoring. Learn More

Coca-Cola and WWF are working along the Big Bend area of the Rio Grand/Bravo to restore the river. The project seeks to broaden the channel to increase active floodplain surface areas and improve replenishment. The project addressed non-native species through … Learn More