UN Global Compact  |  CEO Water Mandate

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Area: 5888268 km2
Brazil; Peru; Suriname; France; Colombia; Guyana; Bolivia; Venezuela; Ecuador
Santa Cruz; Manaus; La Paz
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7195 Locations  -  1632 Organizations  -  2175 Projects  -  210 Resources  -  58 Lessons

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A água mineral AMA, da Ambev, é um produto social cujo modelo de negócios foi desenvolvido para reverter 100% do lucro em projetos de acesso à água potável em comunidades do semiárido brasileiro. A Fundación Avina é parceira da Ambev … Learn More

Using Project Kilimanjaro’s model of ethical program intervention, we aim to supplant menstrual hygiene kits with accurate menstrual health cycle management information that allows young women to manage their menstrual cycles with dignity. Project Kilimanjaro has created MHM separate curriculums … Learn More

Created in 2013, this project aims at the following objectives: Improve cultivation conditions, in particular water management, for the production of sugarcane, which is very water-consuming. Provide shade and wind protection to banana plantations. Strengthen local nutrition systems, and diversify … Learn More

OBJECTIVES The Qinglong project aims at planting fruit trees (apple, pear, chestnut, walnut...) using agroforestry techniques to enrich soils, prevent further erosion and ensure optimized conditions for fruit production. Farmers are trained on fruit production, organic farming and sales development … Learn More

In partnership with Lisu communities, this project is helping replant traditional Chinese herbal plants and developing agroforestry gardens in order to preserve China's natural and cultural heritage that is traditional Medicine as well as restoring the ecosystems upon which these … Learn More

This project aims to create “lifeguarding forests that function as seawalls” along the northeastern coast of Japan affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011. OBJECTIVE The Morino project is an effort to protect lives from futures tsunamis by … Learn More

GIE Femmes du Rif is a Moroccan women cooperative that produces olive oil in the Rif region. Since 2011 they are planting olive and fruit trees to strengthen and diversify their production as well as offer an alternative to illicit … Learn More

This reforestation project is conducted in collaboration with the NGO Greening Australia and local farmers in 4 biodiversity hotspots in Australia, internationally renowned for their flora and fauna diversity and richness. The project aims at preserving biodiversity and strengthening vegetal … Learn More

We develop, build, own, operate and maintain utility-scale grid-connected renewable farm projects and generate revenue through the sale of electricity to Central and state government entities and government-backed corporations. For wind project development, we continuously evaluate various regions of the … Learn More

The LNG terminal of Mejillones , located in a very arid zone, is producing is own water for domestic consumption. They donÕt need to buy any drinking water from the network. Indeed the fresh water is produced by the heating … Learn More