UN Global Compact  |  CEO Water Mandate

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Area: 5888268 km2
Brazil; Peru; Suriname; France; Colombia; Guyana; Bolivia; Venezuela; Ecuador
Santa Cruz; Manaus; La Paz
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7195 Locations  -  1632 Organizations  -  2175 Projects  -  210 Resources  -  58 Lessons

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A warmer and more variable climate, combined with continued population and economic growth, threaten water supply reliability for Bay Area communities. In addition, floods, wildfires, and other natural hazards pose a growing risk for water systems. There is growing interest … Learn More

The objective of the project was to promote water efficient production and consumption best practices in Pakistan’s major industrial city Lahore, contributing to improved environmental sustainability and poverty reduction within the context of sustainable development. The project was completed in … Learn More

This was a beverage production plant in Asia that is a subsidiary of a multinational beverage producer. The plant was commissioned in 2014 and treated effluent complied with permitted constraints. As production increased there was an unexpected rise in nitrates … Learn More

Waterhound Futures was asked by a global manufacturer to model an existing wastewater treatment system to identify opportunities to reuse water in a select reverse osmosis process within the larger facility. Leading into the project, Waterhound's 'software flagged discrepancies in … Learn More

Zanzibar is a small Island with huge climate change impacts that not much has been done so far to addap with. To solve the problems three piloted areas based on tourism, agriculture, fisheries, livestock and social issues criterias were used … Learn More

What is the Emerald Necklace? The Emerald Necklace is an interconnected loop of parks and greenways along our urban waterways. Nestled in the heart of the San Gabriel Valley and extending from the San Gabriel Mountains to the Angeles National … Learn More

Managing vegetation to enhance natural hydrologic function, restore or protect habitat and biodiversity on one of the best remaining floodplain sites in Riverside County. It’s the only stream restoration project on the floodplain in the urban environment which also has … Learn More

WaterNow partnered with the Madison Water Utility (Madison, WI) to update Madison Water Utility's Water Conservation and Sustainability Plan using research and public polling. The goal of the public polling was to help Madison better understand which conservation programs would … Learn More

Riverside County Regional Park & Open-Space District and HANA Resources Inc. are seeking funding for the Hidden Valley Wildlife Area Restoration Project in Riverside, California. The project will enhance 130 acres of riparian habitat and manage invasive plants on 1,198 … Learn More

Quinta das Abelhas (ÔA farm for the BeesÕ) is a learning and research project to develop, test, and study complex Agroforestry systems in the Portuguese Alentejo, with the focus on techniques taught by renegade farmer Ernst Gštsch (Syntropic Farming). This … Learn More