UN Global Compact  |  CEO Water Mandate

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Area: 5888268 km2
Brazil; Peru; Suriname; France; Colombia; Guyana; Bolivia; Venezuela; Ecuador
Santa Cruz; Manaus; La Paz
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7195 Locations  -  1632 Organizations  -  2175 Projects  -  210 Resources  -  58 Lessons

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Ghana faces problems with sanitation, solid waste, soil fertility and power supply. We provide sanitation/waste collection services, incl production of bio-fertiliser and power for the community of Ashaiman, 15 km east of Accra, Ghana. The project is done in cooperation … Learn More

The project discribes the linkage between waste managemt with Urban agriculture in different forms focussing in Dire Dawa city in order to make the city a centre for learning for East Hararghe project woredas and it involves action research, Learning … Learn More

The project will take two years and 9 months, within these years all the planned activities should be done. We intend to have drilled all the three boreholes, put all the infrastructure in place, for instance, we should have done … Learn More

The BHP Billiton WASH project is a one year effort designed to support the government of Liberia in making significant progress towards rolling out it Poverty Reduction Strategy and achieving the Millennium Development Goals. This project also intends to improve … Learn More

This project intends to improve the health of un-served and rural communities people through community mobilization and by constructing/rehabilitating wells.The BHP Billiton WASH project is a one year effort designed to support the government of Liberia in making significant progress … Learn More

This project intends to improve the health of un-served and rural communities people through community mobilization and by constructing/rehabilitating wells.The BHP Billiton WASH project is a one year effort designed to support the government of Liberia in making significant progress … Learn More

The Dhofar Region hosts Oman’s first major Wind Farm with a capacity of 50 MW. Alongside this large scale renewable energy production project and to support the local sustainable development, a Community Project for the local Fathkait community was implemented. … Learn More

Pemba is the second-largest island in the Zanzibar archipelago, which lies in the Indian Ocean just off mainland Tanzania in East Africa. There are three large islands in the archipelago and many smaller ones. The largest and best-known island is … Learn More

Las aguas de producción de los yacimientos petroleros de la Orinoquia tienen un contenido relativamente bajo de sales y sólidos disueltos, y no poseen elementos radioactivos. Esta condición permite que, una vez que sean tratadas, puedan reusarse en actividades productivas, … Learn More

The project aimed at developing the capacity of the national environmental authorities and local farmers in the Amazonian regions of Peru and Colombia to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and advance efforts to adapt to the impacts of climate change. To … Learn More