UN Global Compact  |  CEO Water Mandate

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Area: 5888268 km2
Brazil; Peru; Suriname; France; Colombia; Guyana; Bolivia; Venezuela; Ecuador
Santa Cruz; Manaus; La Paz
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7195 Locations  -  1632 Organizations  -  2175 Projects  -  210 Resources  -  58 Lessons

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Cornrad Global Connect Ltd. is dedicated to sustainable food production, specializing in large-scale sugarcane, maize, and tomatoes farming with a strong commitment to organic practices. Our mission is to ensure environmental sustainability and deliver high-quality produce through innovative agricultural technology … Learn More

In 2011 SABI and Sasol - in recognition of the serious and escalating water issues in the Upper Vaal Catchment in South Africa - introduced initiatives aimed at positively influencing water users' behaviour in key water management areas. This web … Learn More

Working for Wetlands uses wetland rehabilitation as a vehicle for both poverty alleviation and the wise use of wetlands. It follows an approach that centres on cooperative government and the creation of partnerships between landowners, communities, civil society and the … Learn More

This project will contribute to reducing poverty and enhancing food, health and nutritional security in the Limpopo River Basin by analysing the status of agricultural water use, access and productivity, and identifying opportunities for improved agricultural water management. Project Results … Learn More

The project aimed to build awareness and capacity for environmental flows assessment in the basin and identify institutional and legal mechanisms for mainstreaming environmental flows. Interest in environmental flows in the region had been promoted by the South African Water … Learn More

Johnson & Johnson has developed a Global Aquatic Ingredient AssessmentTM (GAIA) protocol to better understand how its products interact with water environments. GAIA analyzes the impact an ingredient might have on an aquatic environment and the fish and plant life … Learn More

We have invested in building dams (rainwater catchments) in Tanzania and Malawi to help communities better adapt to climate change and provide water for longer periods during the dry season. Project Results (Incomplete) Learn More

Burberry has implemented a programme working closely with the Natural Resource Defense Council's Clean By Design programme to reduce water and energy consumption at key supply chain partner facilities.This programme assesses site level water and energy efficiency and identifies opportunities … Learn More

Agreement between Anglo American Platinum and the Rustenburg Water Services Trust to use 15 Ml/d of treated sewerage effluent from its sewage treatment plant at a cost of R2.1million per month. This amount will increase to 25 Ml/d when the … Learn More

A plan of action was made to help reduce the water usage and create more awareness among the students about the importance of clean water and improved economic usage. Employees installed special valves at the 210 taps, repaired leaking water … Learn More