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Handeni Trunk Main (H.T.M.) Project

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Handeni Trunk Main (H.T.M.) Project

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Area: 5888268 km2
Brazil; Peru; Suriname; France; Colombia; Guyana; Bolivia; Venezuela; Ecuador
Santa Cruz; Manaus; La Paz
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Quick Info

Countries: United Republic of Tanzania
Basins: Indian Ocean (189) (Tana)
Project SDGs:
Includes Sustainable Development Goals from the project and its locations.
Increase Access to Water, Sanitation, Hygiene (SDG 6.1 & 6.2)
Project Tags:
Includes tags from the project and its locations.
Leaving No One Behind
Progress to Date: 0 NA
Services Needed: Financial support
Project management
Technical assistance
Desired Partners: Business
Social Enterprise
Financial Institution
Language: English
Start & End Dates: Aug. 01, 1986  »  Ongoing
Project Website: maji.go.tz/pages/national-projects
Contextual Condition(s): Other
Project Source: User
Profile Completion: 72%

Project Overview

HTM Water Supply Scheme is situated in north-eastern Tanzania and supplies roughly 300,000 beneficiaries (2016) in the mainly rural districts of Handeni and Korogwe. HTM’s longterm target is to meet the Sustainable Development Goals to increase the number of people with sustainable access to water. HTM was constructed between 1974 and 1985 with German Government financial assistance through the Kreditanstalt fuer Wiederaufbau (KfW). Since 1985 there have been little preventi…

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HTM Water Supply Scheme is situated in north-eastern Tanzania and supplies roughly 300,000 beneficiaries (2016) in the mainly rural districts of Handeni and Korogwe. HTM’s longterm target is to meet the Sustainable Development Goals to increase the number of people with sustainable access to water. HTM was constructed between 1974 and 1985 with German Government financial assistance through the Kreditanstalt fuer Wiederaufbau (KfW). Since 1985 there have been little preventive maintenance, upgrade or system expansions and investments. The age of the scheme and excess water demand of three times above the design capacity, call for an overhaul of the current water supply network. The existing system is now totally inadequate to meet the present day demand; it was designed to serve 180,000 people whereas the population has risen to over 300,000.

Currently only 40% of the population has intermittent access to untreated water. The HTM project will provide an additional 140,000 inhabitants with water and 300,000 inhabitants with treated water; removing the occurrence of several water-based illnesses, such as cholera. The Handeni Trunk Main Water Supply Scheme is an extremely important project for Tanzania and the Tanzanian Government. It will improve the health of many people as well as increase opportunities for livelihood. HTM lacks the commercial viability to get the funding required for the urgent full rehabilitation of the HMT water supply system.

The water supply scheme spans of an effective service area of 2,400 km2, with 316km of truck mains, 100km branch mains, 6 pumping stations, 56 water reservoirs, 137 Water Kiosks, and 1,350 private connections, 90 institutional and 30 commercial customers. The HTM water supply presently relies on surface water from 2 intakes at the Pangani River: From Mandera the raw water is conveyed by a gravity main (DN 400) to Treatment Works at Tabora (slow sand filter). At present the treatment works are not operational and water flows past the components. The intake at Segera has a pumping main (DN 150), however, the pumping system is not reliable with frequent pump and starter breakdowns. From the reservoir, the water is fed directly to the network without any treatment. While presently only about 5,560 m3/day is being abstracted, the combined capacity of the Mandera and Segera intakes is about 12,000 m3/day (2016).

Project Results

The target of this project is to:

1) Meet Sustainable Development Goals by providing an additional 140,000 inhabitants with water and 300,000 inhabitants with treated water, and target the future 600,000 inhabitants (2035) within the HTM service area,

2) Provide a sustainable financing regime to cover future operation and maintenance costs that will ensure proper servicing of the infrastructure over its full life time, and

3) Strengthen the managerial, technical and administrative capacity of HTM-WSSA to ensure improved quality of services and enhanced operation efficiency.

The 2016 Feasibility Study for the Rehabilitation and Extension of the HTM National Project includes:

A redesign of the existing pipework and network extension to Korogwe, including identification of priority works,

A financial analysis of the impact of the proposed priority measures to the operation of HTM-WSSA, and

A summary of the economic impacts of the proposed measures.

Basin and/or Contextual Conditions: Other

Partner Organizations

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH is a federally owned organisation. We work worldwide in the field of international cooperation for sustainable development. Our mandate is to support the German Government in achieving its development objectives. We provide viable, … Learn More

Michelle Bachir
Mai-Lan Ha
Jonas Kertscher
Primary Contact  
Alex Wald

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