UN Global Compact  |  CEO Water Mandate

Great Britain Colombia Brazil

Mexico City Water Fund

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Area: 5888268 km2
Brazil; Peru; Suriname; France; Colombia; Guyana; Bolivia; Venezuela; Ecuador
Santa Cruz; Manaus; La Paz
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Quick Info

Countries: Mexico
Basins: Gulf of Mexico (458) (Rio Verde)
Project SDGs:
Includes Sustainable Development Goals from the project and its locations.
Protect and Restore Ecosystems (SDG 6.6)
Project Tags:
Includes tags from the project and its locations.
Water Recycling and Reuse
Progress to Date: 850 People with increased access to water
Services Needed: No services needed/offered
Desired Partner: Business
Language: English
Start & End Dates: Jan. 01, 2020  »  Dec. 31, 2021
Project Website: ungc-production.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/attachments/cop_2...
Contextual Condition(s): None
Additional Benefits: None
Beneficiaries: None
Planning & Implementation Time: 1-3 years
Primary Funding Source: Corporate funding
Project Source: CEO Water Mandate
Profile Completion: 82%

Project Overview

In 2020, Orbia continued it support to Agua Capital, Mexico City�s Water Fund, through its board membership chaired by Juan Pablo del Valle, with the aim of promoting water security in the region. During the year, and with the support of key partners, the Water Fund: � Installed handwashing stations and provided water supply in strategic areas of Mexico City to help face the COVID-19 pandemic, benefiting 775 people per day; � Installed rainwater harvesting stations and…

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In 2020, Orbia continued it support to Agua Capital, Mexico City�s Water Fund, through its board membership chaired by Juan Pablo del Valle, with the aim of promoting water security in the region. During the year, and with the support of key partners, the Water Fund: � Installed handwashing stations and provided water supply in strategic areas of Mexico City to help face the COVID-19 pandemic, benefiting 775 people per day; � Installed rainwater harvesting stations and handwashing facilities in schools, benefiting 850 students; � Completed the first phases of the Water District project in Mexico City, which was selected to participate in World Water Week, and; � Developed the first phase of a hydrogeological analysis of priority areas for infiltration and recharge of aquifers in the Metropolitan Area of Mexico City, with the support of the Inter-American Development Bank and the Latin American Alliance of Water Funds.
Basin and/or Contextual Conditions: None
Project Benefits: None
Indirect or Direct Beneficiaries: None
Months & Implementing: 1-3 years
Primary Funding Source: Corporate funding

Partner Organizations

Orbia is a company driven by a shared purpose: to advance life around the world. Orbia operates in the Polymer Solutions (Vestolit and Alphagary), Building and Infrastructure (Wavin), Precision Agriculture (Netafim), Connectivity Solutions (Dura-Line) and Fluor &amp; Energy Materials (Koura) … Learn More

Justin Smith
Primary Contact  

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