UN Global Compact  |  CEO Water Mandate

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Water Education in Schools, South Africa

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Water Education in Schools, South Africa

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Area: 5888268 km2
Brazil; Peru; Suriname; France; Colombia; Guyana; Bolivia; Venezuela; Ecuador
Santa Cruz; Manaus; La Paz
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Countries: Republic of Korea
Basins: Yellow Sea & East China Sea (Ziya He, Interior)
Project SDGs:
Includes Sustainable Development Goals from the project and its locations.
Sustainable Production (SDG 12.4)
Project Tags:
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Sustainable Withdrawals
Progress to Date: NA Reduction in water usage
Services Needed: Stakeholder engagement & facilitation
Desired Partner: Business
Language: English
Start & End Dates: Jan. 01, 2015  »  Ongoing
Project Website: s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/ungc-production/attachments/cop_2...
Contextual Condition(s): PHYSICAL: Water scarcity or drought
Additional Benefits: Raised awareness of challenges among water users
Beneficiaries: Local communities / domestic users
Planning & Implementation Time: More than 3 years
Financial Resources: Between $10,000 - $50,000 USD
Primary Funding Source: corporate
Project Challenges: Other
Project Source: CEO Water Mandate
Profile Completion: 90%

Project Overview

It has also become apparent that in the Ceres region, coupled with recurrent drought, issues of groundwater are increasingly becoming a problem for the farmers. Groundwater is usually used for emergency water but in Ceres particularly, farmers are very dependent on groundwater for irrigation throughout the year. Many farmers throughout the Ceres area installed boreholes, which meant that groundwater was being depleted at an unknown rate. As a result, Woolworths, together wit…

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It has also become apparent that in the Ceres region, coupled with recurrent drought, issues of groundwater are increasingly becoming a problem for the farmers. Groundwater is usually used for emergency water but in Ceres particularly, farmers are very dependent on groundwater for irrigation throughout the year. Many farmers throughout the Ceres area installed boreholes, which meant that groundwater was being depleted at an unknown rate. As a result, Woolworths, together with the Titus Irrigation Board, the Breede-Gouritz Catchment Management Agency (BGCMA), LandCare and WWF-SA commissioned a study to understand groundwater at the Breede river source. Using data loggers (electronic devices used to store data over time), we will further unpack the long-term and short-term groundwater level trends to understand the aquiferÕs sustainable use levels. This project was expected to be concluded late in 2020 but had to be Woolworths partners with My School My Village MyPlanet and various schools through the Department of Basic Education, to bring water-themed lessons to schools. Aligned to the curriculum, this is mainly to bring awareness and educate children on topics such as why water is important, why it is a scarce resource and what risks threaten water security as well as what can be done to conserve water. Over the years, these lessons have been presented to over 300 000 learners in close to 600 primary schools across the country. Water month is also used annually to amplify the importance of water conservation at schools. This year, we presented 730 water-themed lessons at 42 schools.
Basin and/or Contextual Conditions: PHYSICAL: Water scarcity or drought
Project Benefits: Raised awareness of challenges among water users
Indirect or Direct Beneficiaries: Local communities / domestic users
Months & Implementing: More than 3 years
Financial Resources: Between $10,000 - $50,000 USD
Primary Funding Source: Corporate funding
Challenges: Other

Project Narrative

Coway promotes three promises of water air and people as major social contribution areas to improve the quality of life by improving access to clean water and air to all communities and providing a sanitary environment As a result we provide water purifiers and air purifiers to the vulnerable groups at home and abroad as a key initiative to share the value of cleanliness while supporting youth entrepreneurs in the lifestyle sector to create youth jobs and innovate industries

Partner Organizations

Woolworths Holdings Limited is an investment holding company, listed on the JSE Limited since 1997. It operates mainly through two subsidiaries, Woolworths (Proprietary) Limited and Country Road Limited and through a joint venture, Woolworths Financial Services (Proprietary) Limited. Caring for … Learn More

Justin Smith
Primary Contact  

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