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Anillo Verde de Granada - Phase I

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Anillo Verde de Granada - Phase I

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Area: 5888268 km2
Brazil; Peru; Suriname; France; Colombia; Guyana; Bolivia; Venezuela; Ecuador
Santa Cruz; Manaus; La Paz
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Quick Info

Countries: Honduras
Basins: --
Project SDGs:
Includes Sustainable Development Goals from the project and its locations.
Protect and Restore Ecosystems (SDG 6.6)
Project Tags:
Includes tags from the project and its locations.
Nature-Based Solutions
Progress to Date: 5632 Tress Planted
Services Needed: Stakeholder engagement & facilitation
Desired Partner: Other
Language: English
Start & End Dates: Jan. 01, 2019  »  Dec. 31, 2025
Project Website: www1.plant-for-the-planet.org/reunion-anillo-verde-de-granad...
Contextual Condition(s): PHYSICAL: Insufficient municipal water supply
Additional Benefits: Raised awareness of challenges among water users
Beneficiaries: Other utilities
Planning & Implementation Time: More than 3 years
Financial Resources: Less than $1,000 USD
Primary Funding Source: pool
Project Challenges: RESOURCES: Not enough participants
Project Source: Admin
Profile Completion: 92%

Project Overview

Spanish Description below - - - At present, Granada is the fourth most polluted city in Spain. The establishment of a green belt around the city of Granada, through the restoration of forests and other landscapes, will create new green areas of enjoyment and leisure for the citizens of Granada. In addition, the multiple and imminent threats that the climate crisis poses to the region will be partially mitigated through the restoration of these green areas and forests. The Gr…

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Spanish Description below - - - At present, Granada is the fourth most polluted city in Spain. The establishment of a green belt around the city of Granada, through the restoration of forests and other landscapes, will create new green areas of enjoyment and leisure for the citizens of Granada. In addition, the multiple and imminent threats that the climate crisis poses to the region will be partially mitigated through the restoration of these green areas and forests. The Green Belt therefore aims to contribute to the well-being and livelihood of current and future generations in the Granada region. Granada Reforestation is part of the project ãOne Million Trees for Andalusia. One Billion Trees for the PlanetÒ. Further your contributions in our project in Granada also support the empowerment of children, the development of the App and our worldwide campaign Stop talking. Start planting. - - - En la actualidad Granada es la cuarta ciudad con mayor contaminaci—n del aire en Espa–a. El establecimiento de un anillo verde que rodee la ciudad de Granada, mediante la restauraci—n de bosques y otros paisajes, crear‡ nuevas ‡reas verdes de disfrute y ocio para los ciudadanos de Granada. Adem‡s las mœltiples e inminentes amenazas que la crisis clim‡tica supone para la regi—n se mitigar‡n parcialmente mediante la restauraci—n de estas zonas verdes y bosques. El Anillo Verde tiene, por lo tanto, el objetivo de contribuir al bienestar y a los medios de vida de las generaciones actuales y futuras en la regi—n de Granada. La reforestaci—n de Granada es parte del proyecto "Un mill—n de ‡rboles para Andaluc’a". Un millardo de ‡rboles para el planeta". Adem‡s sus contribuciones en nuestro proyecto en Granada tambiŽn apoyan el empoderamiento de los ni–os, el desarrollo de la aplicaci—n y nuestra campa–a mundial Stop talking.
Basin and/or Contextual Conditions: PHYSICAL: Insufficient municipal water supply
Project Benefits: Raised awareness of challenges among water users
Indirect or Direct Beneficiaries: Other utilities
Months & Implementing: More than 3 years
Financial Resources: Less than $1,000 USD
Primary Funding Source: Pool funding (i.e., joint funding of several partners)
Challenges: RESOURCES: Not enough participants

Partner Organizations

At 9 years old, Felix Finkbeiner launched the youth initiative Plant-for-the-Planet in 2007. So far, more than 91,000 youth in 75 countries have been trained as Climate Justice Ambassadors that give speeches to their peers and adults, and fight for … Learn More

Sina Koepke
Primary Contact  

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