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Research Forest PlanBe

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Research Forest PlanBe

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Area: 5888268 km2
Brazil; Peru; Suriname; France; Colombia; Guyana; Bolivia; Venezuela; Ecuador
Santa Cruz; Manaus; La Paz
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Quick Info

Countries: Italy
Basins: Adriatic Sea (652) (Gravina di Picciano)
Project SDGs:
Includes Sustainable Development Goals from the project and its locations.
Protect and Restore Ecosystems (SDG 6.6)
Project Tags:
Includes tags from the project and its locations.
Nature-Based Solutions
Progress to Date: 16000 Tress Planted
Services Needed: Information technology (IT) support
Desired Partner: Other
Language: English
Start & End Dates: Jan. 01, 2018  »  Ongoing
Project Website: www1.plant-for-the-planet.org/science-forest-planbe
Contextual Condition(s): PHYSICAL: Dependence on water-intensive energy sources
Additional Benefits: Other
Beneficiaries: Local communities / domestic users
Planning & Implementation Time: More than 3 years
Financial Resources: Less than $1,000 USD
Primary Funding Source: corporate
Project Challenges: RESOURCES: Lack of technical resources
Project Source: Admin
Profile Completion: 95%

Project Overview

This new planting area, newly established in 2020, is not only intended to mitigate the effects of the climate crisis. Plant-for-the-Planet also offers this area to research institutions for field trials. Scientific projects dedicated to the reforestation of tropical forests and related topics are invited to apply. A first scientific study was already started in January by the @CrowtherLab at ETH Zurich. A further study for Imperial College London will follow in summer 2020 …

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This new planting area, newly established in 2020, is not only intended to mitigate the effects of the climate crisis. Plant-for-the-Planet also offers this area to research institutions for field trials. Scientific projects dedicated to the reforestation of tropical forests and related topics are invited to apply. A first scientific study was already started in January by the @CrowtherLab at ETH Zurich. A further study for Imperial College London will follow in summer 2020 and build on this first study. Located near a passable road, this area is very suitable for visits as well! Soon a visitor forest will lead you through the research area(s) and let you experience science "firsthand". Furthermore, a tree nursery and a visitor center are planned for this site. For special requests please contact info@plant-for-the-planet.org. Field experiment @CrowtherLab/ETH ZŸrich, started in 01/2020. The experiments described here below have the potential to inform reforestation efforts globally as a proof-of-concept for the efficacy and potential impact of soil microbiome restoration. Plant-for-the-Planet Yucatan Reforestation project will be the first to implement the strategy at scale. Description Global forest ecosystems absorb and offset nearly 30 percent of anthropogenic CO2 emissions storing carbon in living plant biomass and soil. By this they have the potential to offset approximately half of all accumulated human CO2 emissions, making global reforestation one of our most promising negative emissions technologies to date. Soil inoculation with native microbial communities increases seedling growth and survival as shown in greenhouse experiments as well as field trials in grassland ecosystems. However, to date, there is no reforestation field trial that actively manipulates the forest microbiome. As a result, whether or not we can restore the forest soil microbiome under realistic field conditions, and in turn improve forest restoration outcomes and C-sequestration rates, remains unknown. In Yucat‡n we have created a field experiment to directly test the impact of soil microbiome restoration on tree growth, survival and ecosystem carbon sequestration rates. We planted native tree species mixes with and without soil microbiome inoculation (the complex community of soil bacteria and fungi) from multiple environments. We measure tree growth, survival and carbon sequestration. By comparing inoculated and un-inoculated treatments we will be able to directly measure the impact of soil microbiome on restoration outcomes. We will test the efficacy of soil microbiome restoration for improving forest restoration outcomes and carbon sequestration rates. Experimental Design Implemented within a randomised block design we applied 17 treatments across 10 experimental blocks. Each experimental plot is 900 m2 in area, for a total experimental area of 15.8 hectares. 100 trees were planted in each subplot (except for the natural regeneration control plot). 16,000 trees were planted across the entire experiment. The experimental site was a cattle ranch right up to the onset of planting. In inoculation plots, 500 ml of soil were added to each planting hole. The soil was sourced from a ca 30 year old nearby forest (18.524040, -89.748748) of the same soil type at up to 20 cm depth. Measuring outcomes - soil properties (%C, %N, texture, pH, micronutrients) before and after planting, at 2 and 5 years. - soil microbiome immediately at planting, 6 months later and then annually for ten years. - tree diameter growth, height and survival rates annually. - foliar chemistry, wood density annually. - leaf level physiology during growing season. - root properties of saplings going out (which mycorrhizas are present on roots). - Re-measure root mycorrhizas when re-sampling.
Basin and/or Contextual Conditions: PHYSICAL: Dependence on water-intensive energy sources
Project Benefits: Other
Indirect or Direct Beneficiaries: Local communities / domestic users
Months & Implementing: More than 3 years
Financial Resources: Less than $1,000 USD
Primary Funding Source: Corporate funding
Challenges: RESOURCES: Lack of technical resources

Project Narrative

In 2019, the Hera Group invested about Euro 78 million (+25% compared to 2018) in innovation and digitalisation, a figure that is part of the total investments aimed at creating shared value (see the section on Shared Value in the "Sustainability, Strategy and Shared Value" chapter), Euro 78 million was invested by the Group for innovation. Specifically, in order of size, the Group invested approximately Euro 39.0 million for Utility 4.0 projects. Euro 33.7 million in smart city initiatives (including investments for the installation of electronic gas meters); Euro 4.7 million in innovative circular economy initiatives, and Euro 0.6 million in projects aimed at improving the customer experience.

Partner Organizations

At 9 years old, Felix Finkbeiner launched the youth initiative Plant-for-the-Planet in 2007. So far, more than 91,000 youth in 75 countries have been trained as Climate Justice Ambassadors that give speeches to their peers and adults, and fight for … Learn More

Sina Koepke
Primary Contact  

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