UN Global Compact  |  CEO Water Mandate

Great Britain Colombia Brazil


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Area: 5888268 km2
Brazil; Peru; Suriname; France; Colombia; Guyana; Bolivia; Venezuela; Ecuador
Santa Cruz; Manaus; La Paz
HydroBasin Level:
Baseline Water Stress:
Water Quality Stress:
Sanitation Access Stress:
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Quick Info

Total Organizations: 1
Total Projects: 5
Priority SDGs: --
Priority Industries: --
Profile Completion: 50%

Water Challenges

As reported by organizations on the Hub.

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Region Overview


Organizations in Tsiribihina

Our Vision is widespread implementation of sustainable chemistry, driving innovations and best practices in textile, apparel and footwear industries to protect consumers, workers and the environment. Our Mission is to enable brands and retailers in the textile, apparel, and footwear … Learn More

Projects in Tsiribihina

WaterAid staff are travelling to remote communities and villages of Madagascar to ensure that as many people as possible are informed about COVID-19 and best prevention methods. Learn More

Protecting and restoring the natural ecosystems of IndiaÕs coastal zone to strengthen the climate resilience of coastal communities. IndiaÕs coastline is expected to be among the most affected by climate change. Climate change impacts such as extreme weather events and … Learn More

Safe and clean energy instead of electricity importsWith a constantly increasing demand for electricity, energy coverage is one of the main challenges to be faced by Madagascar. According to the Rural Electrification Agency, there are only four small hydropower plants … Learn More

A small water treatment facility is implemented and entrusted to a local operator trained to become a true entrepreneur. The water is sold at an affordable price, guaranteeing access to safe water for the villagers and the sustainability of the … Learn More

Bangladesh is experiencing one of the worst humanitarian crises in history. Since August 2017, Bangladesh has seen an unprecedented influx of Rohingya refugees fleeing violence in MyanmarÕs Rakhine State. Among the nearly 1 million Rohingya refugees now residing in the … Learn More

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